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Top 10 Examples of "postcss in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'postcss' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

export default function(t, name, opts, postcssOpts, warnings)
  opts = assign({ path: "test/fixtures/imports" }, opts)
  return postcss(atImport(opts))
    .process(read(name), postcssOpts || {})
    .then((result) => {
      var actual = result.css
      var expected = read(name + ".expected")

      // handy thing: checkout actual in the *.actual.css file
      fs.writeFile("test/fixtures/" + name + ".actual.css", actual, () => {, expected)

        if (!warnings)
          warnings = []

        result.warnings().forEach((warning, index) => {

function processLayoutConf(css, result, rule, decl, grids, layout) {
  // Look for layout prop in rule.
  if(decl.prop == 'layout') {
    var sels = [];
    layout.childrenRule = null;
    layout.pseudoRule = null;
    layout.values = decl.value.split(/\s*,\s*|\s/);
    layout.container = clone(defaults.container);
    layout.item = clone(defaults.item);
    layout.pseudo = clone(defaults.pseudo);
    for (var i = 0; i < rule.selectors.length; i++) {
      sels.push(rule.selectors[i] + ' > *');

    layout.childrenRule = postcss.rule({selector: sels.join(', '), source: decl.source});
    layout.item.selector = sels.join(', ');
    layout.item.source = decl.source;
    sels = [];

    for (var i = 0; i < rule.selectors.length; i++) {
      sels.push(rule.selectors[i] + ':after');

    layout.pseudoRule = postcss.rule({selector: sels.join(', '), source: decl.source});
    layout.pseudo.selector = sels.join(', ');
    layout.pseudo.source = decl.source;

    layout.isSet = true;
    layout.decl = decl;
  // Look for grid prop in rule.
export default (e, rootCss, opts) => {
  containers(e.containers, rootCss, opts);
  rows(e.rows, rootCss, opts);
  blocs(e.blocs, rootCss, opts);
  fractions(e.fractions, rootCss, opts);
  columns(e.columns, rootCss, opts);

  fractionsQuery(e.fractions[0], rootCss, opts);
  columnsQuery(e.columns, rootCss, opts, 0);
  rulesQuery(e.rules[0], rootCss);

  for (let breakpoint = 1; breakpoint <= opts.max; breakpoint += 1) {
    const queryWidth = breakpoint * opts.width - opts.gutter + 2 * opts.padding;
    const mediaQuery = postcss.atRule({
      name: 'media',
      params: `(min-width: ${queryWidth}rem)`,

    blocsQuery(e.blocs, mediaQuery, opts, breakpoint);

    if (breakpoint >= opts.min) {
      containersQuery(e.containers, mediaQuery, opts, breakpoint);
      fractionsQuery(e.fractions[breakpoint], mediaQuery, opts);
      columnsQuery(e.columns, mediaQuery, opts, breakpoint);
      rulesQuery(e.rules[breakpoint], mediaQuery);

    if (mediaQuery.nodes && mediaQuery.nodes.length) {
      // console.log('booo', util.inspect(mediaQuery.nodes.length, false, null))
rule.each(function (decl, i) {

      if (decl.type !== 'decl') { return; }

      var value = decl.value;

      if (value.indexOf('rem') !== -1) {

        var prop = vendor.unprefixed(decl.prop);
        // replace rems only if needed
        var isFontShorthand = (prop === 'font');
        var isSpecialCaseIE9_10 = (isIE9_10 && (isPseudoElement || isFontShorthand));
        var isUseless = (!isIE9_10 && !(_VALUES.test(value) || _PROPS.test(prop)));

        if ( isSpecialCaseIE9_10 || isUseless ) {

          value = value.replace(_remgex, function ($1) {
            // Round decimal pixels down to match webkit and opera behavior:
            return Math.floor(parseFloat($1) * toPx(_rootvalue)) + 'px';

          if (_options.replace) {
            decl.value = value;
          } else {

  if (prefixes.add.selectors.length > 0) {

  if (Object.keys(prefixes.add).length > 2) {
  /* istanbul ignore next */

  result.warn('Greetings, time traveller. ' + 'We are in the golden age of prefix-less CSS, ' + 'where Autoprefixer is no longer needed for your stylesheet.');

module.exports = postcss.plugin('autoprefixer', function () {
  for (var _len = arguments.length, reqs = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {
    reqs[_key] = arguments[_key];

  var options;

  if (reqs.length === 1 && isPlainObject(reqs[0])) {
    options = reqs[0];
    reqs = undefined;
  } else if (reqs.length === 0 || reqs.length === 1 && !reqs[0]) {
    reqs = undefined;
  } else if (reqs.length <= 2 && (reqs[0] instanceof Array || !reqs[0])) {
    options = reqs[1];
    reqs = reqs[0];
  } else if (typeof reqs[reqs.length - 1] === 'object') {
    options = reqs.pop();
var postcss = require('postcss')
var selectorParser = require('postcss-selector-parser')
var loaderUtils = require('loader-utils')

var addId = postcss.plugin('add-id', function (opts) {
  return function (root) {
    root.each(function rewriteSelector (node) {
      if (!node.selector) {
        // handle media queries
        if (node.type === 'atrule' && === 'media') {
      node.selector = selectorParser(function (selectors) {
        selectors.each(function (selector) {
          var node = null
          selector.each(function (n) {
            if (n.type !== 'pseudo') node = n
          selector.insertAfter(node, selectorParser.attribute({
      // minify
      cssnano({ discardUnused: { fontFace: false } })
    const { css: head } = await postcss(headPostcssPlugins).process(

    return { head, inline }


const postcssImportantEverything = postcss.plugin(
  () => css => {
    css.walkDecls(decl => {
      if ( !== 'font-face') {
        decl.important = true

const pseudoClasses = [':hover', ':visited', ':active', ':focus']
const isPseudoClass = selector =>
  pseudoClasses.some(pseudoClass => selector.includes(pseudoClass))

const postcssExtractHeadStyles = styles =>
  postcss.plugin('postcss-extract-media', () => css => {
// if no exact match exist we search for children nodes duplication
    if (!checkChildren) {
      const nodes = mqCache.get(atRuleId)
      node.nodes.forEach((n) => {
        const ruleId = n.toString().replace(/(\s{2,})|(\r)|(\n)/gm, ' ')
        if (nodes.has(ruleId)) {
        } else {

module.exports = postcss.plugin('postcss-discard-duplicates', () => discardDuplicates)
          if (!hasImport) {
            // save hash files to skip them next time
            if (!state.hashFiles[content]) state.hashFiles[content] = {}
            state.hashFiles[content][media] = true

        // recursion: import @import from imported file
        return parseStyles(result, styles, options, state, media)

module.exports = postcss.plugin("postcss-import", AtImport)
function cssnext (tagName, css) {
  // A small hack: it passes :scope as :root to PostCSS.
  // This make it easy to use css variables inside tags.
  css = css.replace(/:scope/g, ':root')
  css = postcss([postcssCssnext]).process(css).css
  css = css.replace(/:root/g, ':scope')
  return css

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