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Top 10 Examples of "pinkie in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'pinkie' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

private _sendSyncMessage (win: Window, cmd: string, cookies): Promise {
        const id     = this._messageIdGenerator.increment();
        let attempts = 0;

        return new Promise((resolve: Function) => {
            let timeoutId: number | null = null;

            const resolveWrapper = () => {
      , timeoutId as number);

            const sendMsg = () => {
                // NOTE: The window was removed if the parent property is null.
                if (attempts++ < SYNC_MESSAGE_ATTEMPT_COUNT || !win.parent) {
                    this._messageSandbox.sendServiceMsg({ id, cmd, cookies }, win);
                    timeoutId =, sendMsg, SYNC_MESSAGE_TIMEOUT * attempts);
} from '../../test-run/commands/actions';

import {
} from '../../test-run/commands/browser-manipulation';

import { WaitCommand, DebugCommand } from '../../test-run/commands/observation';
import assertRequestHookType from '../request-hooks/assert-type';
import { createExecutionContext as createContext } from './execution-context';

const originalThen = Promise.resolve().then;

export default class TestController {
    constructor (testRun) {
        this._executionContext = null;

        this.testRun               = testRun;
        this.executionChain        = Promise.resolve();
        this.callsitesWithoutAwait = new Set();

    // NOTE: we track missing `awaits` by exposing a special custom Promise to user code.
    // Action or assertion is awaited if:
    // a)someone used `await` so Promise's `then` function executed
    // b)Promise chained by using one of the mixed-in controller methods
    // In both scenarios, we check that callsite that produced Promise is equal to the one
import BrowserProxy from './browser-proxy';
import isEnvVarTrue from './utils/is-env-var-true';


const isAutomateEnabled = () => isEnvVarTrue('BROWSERSTACK_USE_AUTOMATE');
const isLocalEnabled    = () => !isEnvVarTrue('BROWSERSTACK_NO_LOCAL');

export default {
    // Multiple browsers support
    isMultiBrowser: true,

    backend: null,

    connectorPromise:    Promise.resolve(null),
    browserProxyPromise: Promise.resolve(null),

    workers:       {},
    platformsInfo: [],
    browserNames:  [],

    _getConnector () {
        this.connectorPromise = this.connectorPromise
            .then(async connector => {
                if (!connector && isLocalEnabled()) {
                    connector = new BrowserstackConnector(process.env['BROWSERSTACK_ACCESS_KEY']);

                    await connector.create();

                return connector;
window.navigator.serviceWorker.register = (...args) => {
                const url = args[0];

                if (typeof url === 'string') {
                    if (WindowSandbox._isSecureOrigin(url)) {
                        // NOTE: We cannot create an instance of the DOMException in the Android 6.0 and in the Edge 17 browsers.
                        // The 'TypeError: Illegal constructor' error is raised if we try to call the constructor.
                        return Promise.reject(isAndroid || isMSEdge && browserVersion >= 17
                            ? new Error('Only secure origins are allowed.')
                            : new DOMException('Only secure origins are allowed.', 'SecurityError'));

                    args[0] = getProxyUrl(url, { resourceType: stringifyResourceType({ isScript: true }) });

                if (args[1] && typeof args[1].scope === 'string') {
                    args[1].scope = getProxyUrl(args[1].scope, {
                        resourceType: stringifyResourceType({ isScript: true })

                return nativeMethods.registerServiceWorker.apply(window.navigator.serviceWorker, args);
export default async function (optionsStr = '') {
    const splittedOptions = optionsStr.split(OPTIONS_SEPARATOR);

    if (!splittedOptions.length)
        return null;

    const parsedOptions = {};

    await Promise.all( item => {
        const keyValuePair = item.split(OPTION_KEY_VALUE_SEPARATOR);
        const key          = keyValuePair[0];
        let value          = keyValuePair[1];

        if (!key || !value)

        value = await ensureOptionValue(key, value);

        parsedOptions[key] = value;

    return parsedOptions;
asyncServiceMsg (msg): Promise {
        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            this._performRequest(msg, (err, data) => {
                if (!err)
                else if (msg.allowRejecting)
_startIpcServer () {
        return new Promise(resolve => {
            this.ipc.serve(() => resolve(this.ipc.server));

export function sendXHR (url, createXHR, { method = 'GET', data = null, parseResponse = true } = {}) {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        const xhr = createXHR();, url, true);

        if (isRetryingTestPagesEnabled()) {
            xhr.setRequestHeader(UNSTABLE_NETWORK_MODE_HEADER, 'true');
            xhr.setRequestHeader('accept', 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8');

        xhr.onreadystatechange = () => {
            if (xhr.readyState === 4) {
                if (xhr.status === 200) {
                    let responseText = xhr.responseText || '';

                    if (responseText && parseResponse)
                        responseText = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText); //eslint-disable-line no-restricted-globals
_connectToIpcServer () {
        return new Promise(resolve => {
            this.ipc.connectTo(this.serverId, resolve);
_getIpcSocket () {
        return new Promise(resolve => this.server.on('connect', resolve));

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