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Top 10 Examples of "onetime in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'onetime' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

import select from 'select-dom';
import onetime from 'onetime';
import {isRepo, isPR, isIssue} from './page-detect';

export const getUsername = onetime(() => select('meta[name="user-login"]')!.getAttribute('content')!);

export const getDiscussionNumber = (): string | undefined => {
	if (isPR() || isIssue()) {
		return getCleanPathname().split('/')[3];

	return undefined;

// Drops leading and trailing slash to avoid /\/?/ everywhere
export const getCleanPathname = (): string => location.pathname.replace(/^[/]|[/]$/g, '');

// Parses a repo's subpage, e.g.
// '/user/repo/issues/' -> 'issues'
// '/user/repo/' -> ''
// returns undefined if the path is not a repo
// @flow

import onetime from 'onetime'

// Some of this functions are borrowed from

// Drops leading and trailing slash to avoid /\/?/ everywhere
const getCleanPathname = () => location.pathname.replace(/^[/]|[/]$/g, '')

// '/user/repo/.../...' -> 'user/repo'
// eslint-disable-next-line no-warning-comments
// FIXME TODO: I noticed much later that maybe this could simply be:
// `JSON.parse(document.body.dataset.currentRepo).fullslug`
// Confirm, compare perf and replace in better.
export const getRepoURL = onetime(() =>
        .split('/', 2)

// Parses a repo's subpage, e.g.
// '/user/repo/pull-requests/' -> 'pull-requests'
// '/user/repo/' -> ''
// returns false if the path is not a repo
const getRepoPath = () => {
    const match = /^[^/]+[/][^/]+[/]?(.*)$/.exec(getCleanPathname())
    return (match && match[1]) || ''

export const isPullRequestList = () => getRepoPath() === 'pull-requests'
 * @copyright 2016-present, Sitegen team

import fs from 'fs';
import logUpdate from 'log-update';
import onetime from 'onetime';
import exitHook from 'exit-hook';

const NEWLINE = '\n';

let installExitHook = onetime(() =>
  exitHook(() => OutputRenderer.done()));

let OutputRenderer = {

  stdout: [],
  stderr: [],

  _stdoutWrite: process.stdout.write,
  _stderrWrite: process.stderr.write,
  _consoleLog: console.log, // eslint-disable-line no-console
  _consoleWarning: console.warning, // eslint-disable-line no-console
  _consoleError: console.error, // eslint-disable-line no-console
  _consoleDebug: console.debug, // eslint-disable-line no-console

  get hasBuffer() {
    return this.stdout.length || this.stderr.length;
async function init(): Promise {
	const icon = await fetchCIStatus();
	if (!icon) {
		return false;

	if (onetime.callCount(fetchCIStatus) > 1) { = 'none';

	// Append to title (aware of forks and private repos)
	appendBefore('.pagehead h1', '.fork-flag', icon);
async function init() {
	const icon = await fetchStatus();
	if (!icon) {
		return false;

	if (callCount(fetchStatus) > 1) { = 'none';

	// Append to title (aware of forks and private repos)
	appendBefore('.pagehead h1', '.fork-flag', icon);
import React from 'dom-chef';
import select from 'select-dom';
import onetime from 'onetime';
import elementReady from 'element-ready';
import features from '../libs/features';
import {isUserProfile, isOwnOrganizationProfile, isOrganizationProfile} from '../libs/page-detect';

const addNewProjectLink = onetime(() => {
	if (isUserProfile()) {
		// The link already exists on our profile,
		// and we can't create projects on others' profiles

	if (isOrganizationProfile() && !isOwnOrganizationProfile()) {
		// We can only add projects to our organizations

	// We can't detect whether we can create projects on a repo,
	// so we're just gonna show a potentially-404 link. 🤷

	// URLs patterns:
import features from '../libs/features';
import fetchDom from '../libs/fetch-dom';
import postForm from '../libs/post-form';
import {getDiscussionNumber, getRepoGQL, getRepoURL, getCurrentBranch} from '../libs/utils';

function showError(menuItem: HTMLButtonElement, error: string): void {
	menuItem.disabled = true; = 'none'; // Disables hover background color
	menuItem.textContent = error;

Get the current base commit of this PR. It should change after rebases and merges in this PR.
This value is not consistently available on the page (appears in `/files` but not when only 1 commit is selected)
const getBaseReference = onetime(async (): Promise => {
	const {repository} = await api.v4(`
		repository(${getRepoGQL()}) {
			pullRequest(number: ${getDiscussionNumber()!}) {
	return repository.pullRequest.baseRefOid;

async function getFile(menuItem: Element): Promise<{isTruncated: boolean; text: string} | null> {
	const filePath = menuItem.closest('[data-path]')!.dataset.path!;
	const {repository} = await api.v4(`
		repository(${getRepoGQL()}) {
			file: object(expression: "${await getBaseReference()}:${filePath}") {
				... on Blob {
import './wait-for-build.css';
import React from 'dom-chef';
import select from 'select-dom';
import onetime from 'onetime';
import infoIcon from 'octicon/info.svg';
import delegate, {DelegateEvent} from 'delegate-it';
import features from '../libs/features';
import * as prCiStatus from '../libs/pr-ci-status';
import onPrMergePanelOpen from '../libs/on-pr-merge-panel-open';

let waiting: symbol | undefined;

// Reuse the same checkbox to preserve its status
const generateCheckbox = onetime(() => (
		<input checked="" name="rgh-pr-check-waiter" type="checkbox">
		{' Wait for successful checks '}
		<a aria-label="This only works if you keep this tab open while waiting." href="">

function canMerge(): boolean {
	return select.exists('[data-details-container=".js-merge-pr"]:not(:disabled)');

function getCheckbox(): HTMLInputElement | null {
	return select('[name="rgh-pr-check-waiter"]');
// @flow

import onetime from 'onetime'

export const getApiToken: () =&gt; string = onetime(
    (): string =&gt; {
        const meta: HTMLMetaElement = (document.querySelector(
        ): any)
        const apiTokenContent = meta.content
        const parsedApiTokenContent = JSON.parse(apiTokenContent)
        return parsedApiTokenContent.token

export const getMainBranch: () =&gt; string = onetime(
    (): string =&gt;
        JSON.parse((document.body || {}).dataset.currentRepo)

export function getFirstFileContents(
    localUrls: string[],
    externalUrl: string
): Promise {
    const requests = =&gt;
        fetch(url, { credentials: 'include' })

    if (externalUrl) {
import { h } from 'dom-chef'
import onetime from 'onetime'

export const cleanDocumentBody = () =&gt; {
    while (document.body.hasChildNodes()) {

export const addApiTokenMetadata = onetime(() =&gt; {
    const meta = (

export const setUrlLocation = () =&gt; {
    global.location = new URL('')

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