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Top 10 Examples of "object-hash in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'object-hash' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

export function createTempFiles(files: { [file: string]: string }): string {
  // deterministic dirName [as this path used in test cases output (see generated snapshot)]
  const dir = path.join(TEST_TEMP_DIR, objectHash(files));
  Object.keys(files).forEach(file => {
    const content = files[file];
    fs.outputFileSync(path.join(dir, file), content);
  return dir;
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    const Query = {
      store: storeCode, // TODO: add grouped prodduct and bundled product support
      type: entityType,
      searchQuery: query,
      size: size,
      from: start,
      sort: sort

    if (excludeFields) Query._sourceExclude = excludeFields
    if (includeFields) Query._sourceInclude = includeFields
    const cache = global.$VS.db.elasticCacheCollection // switch to appcache?
    const cacheKey = hash(Query)
    let servedFromCache = false
    const benchmarkTime = new Date()
    cache.getItem(cacheKey, (err, res) => {
      if (err) {

      if (res !== null) {
        res.cache = true
        res.noresults = false
        res.offline = !isOnline() // TODO: refactor it to checking ES heartbit
        console.debug('Result from cache for ' + cacheKey + ' (' + entityType + '), ms=' + (new Date().getTime() - benchmarkTime.getTime()))
        servedFromCache = true
      } else {
        if (!isOnline()) {
function checkDemoAPI(toSend, backupUrl = null, backupPayload = null) {
    const hsh = hash.sha1(toSend);
    console.log("CHECKING DEMOAPI: " + hsh);
    if (DemoAPI.hasOwnProperty(hsh)) {
        // Relies on a symbolic link being present in the dist folder to the demo folder
        const path = './demo/' + DemoAPI[hsh]
        console.log("TRYING TO SENDING STATIC: ", path);
        const follow = (response) => responseJson(response, backupUrl, backupPayload)
        return fetch(path).then(follow)
    return d3.json(backupUrl, backupPayload)
track(options, inputsABI, gteBlockNum, networkId){
    const eventKey = 'logs-' + hash(Object.assign({networkId}, options || {}));
    const filterConditions = Object.assign({fromBlock: 0, toBlock: "latest"}, options || {});

    this.db.deleteNewestBlocks(eventKey, gteBlockNum);

    const eventSummary = this.db.getLastKnownEvent(eventKey);
    const sub = new ReplaySubject();
    const logObserver = fromEvent(, eventKey)

    logObserver.subscribe((e) => {
      if (!e) return;

      const id = hash({eventName: eventKey, blockNumber: e.blockNumber, transactionIndex: e.transactionIndex, logIndex: e.logIndex});

      // TODO: would be nice if this was smart enough to understand the type of returnValues and do the needed conversions
      const eventData = {
        id: hash({eventName: eventKey, blockNumber: e.blockNumber, transactionIndex: e.transactionIndex, logIndex: e.logIndex}),
request(service, method, params, options) {
    const that = this;
    const credentials = Object.assign({}, that.getCredentials());
    // Make sure options is an object (honors wrong calls of request)
    const requestOptions = _.isObject(options) ? options : {};
    const shouldCache = _.get(requestOptions, 'useCache', false);
    const paramsWithRegion = _.merge({}, params, {
      region: _.get(options, 'region'),
    const paramsHash = objectHash.sha1(paramsWithRegion);
    const MAX_TRIES = 4;
    const persistentRequest = f =>
      new BbPromise((resolve, reject) => {
        const doCall = numTry => {
            // We're resembling if/else logic, therefore single `then` instead of `then`/`catch` pair
            .then(resolve, e => {
              if (
                numTry < MAX_TRIES &&
                e.statusCode !== 403 && // Invalid credentials
                ((e.providerError && e.providerError.retryable) || e.statusCode === 429)
              ) {
                      `Recoverable error occurred (${e.message}), sleeping for 5 seconds.`,
                map.set(media, [...mediaRulesArr, ...newRules]);
            } else {
                // Fresh media rules can be created
                map.set(media, => {
                    const objHash = hash.MD5(mRule);
                    return {
                        hash: objHash,
                        rule: mRule
        } else {
            const ruleKey = Rule.generateRuleKey(ruleObj);
            const rulesArray = map.get(ruleKey);
            const objHash    = hash.MD5(ruleObj);

            if (rulesArray) {
                // If this rule object (hash) already exists in this ruleKey ignore else insert
                if (!rulesArray.some(ruleObj => ruleObj.hash === objHash)) {
                        hash: objHash,
                        rule: ruleObj
            } else {
                map.set(ruleKey, [
                        hash: objHash,
                        rule: ruleObj
process: function (req, res) {
    var tempObj = req.body;

    sails.log.debug("REQUEST ",req.body)
    // response type doesn't matter - we compute every time
    delete tempObj.response_type;
    var md5 = require('object-hash').MD5(tempObj);

    ProcData.findOneByHash(md5).then(function (json) {
      var obj_to_process = {};
      // json, corresponding to md5 hash of the request already
      // exists in a database, so there is no need to process it
      // again, just send back previous computational result
      if (json) {
        if (!json.parent) {
          delete json.parent;
        } = json.value;
        delete json.value;
        if (req.body.response_type === 'data_id') {
        delete json.hash;
function Aggregator (conn) {
  // make "new" optional
  if ( !(this instanceof Aggregator) ) {
    return new Aggregator(conn);

  conn.on('data', _.bind(onSocketData, this));
  conn.on('close', _.bind(onSocketClose, this));

  this.connection = conn;
  this.polledResources = new HashTable();
  this.bodyCache = {};

it('clears the stored state of the query request', () => {
        const storedStateOfQuery = new ImmutableMap({
          status: 'complete',
          data: { a: { b: 'hello' } },
        const originalState = new ImmutableMap({
          endpoints: new ImmutableMap({
            [endpointName]: new ImmutableMap({
              queries: new ImmutableMap({
                [hash(query)]: new ImmutableMap({
                  typenames: new ImmutableSet(['A']),
                  variables: new ImmutableMap({
                    [hash(null)]: storedStateOfQuery,

        const action = { type, query, endpointName };
        const newState = reducer(originalState, action);
        expect(newState.getIn(['endpoints', endpointName, 'queries', queryHash, 'variables', variableHash]))
const parseJson = require("json-parse-better-errors");
const hash = require("object-hash");
const fs = require("fs");
const getLogger = require("./dev-logger");
const INITIAL_EVENT = { type: "@@INIT" };
const initialChecksum = hash.MD5(INITIAL_EVENT);

exports.checksumFile = function checksumFile(filePath) {
  const logger = getLogger({ service: "queue", verbose: true });

  if (!fs.existsSync(filePath)) {"creating new data file");
    fs.writeFileSync(filePath, `### BEGIN checksum: ${initialChecksum} ###`);
    return [initialChecksum, initialChecksum, []];

  const data = String(fs.readFileSync(filePath));
  const rows = data.length ? data.split("\n") : [];
  const events = [];

  if (!rows[0] || !rows[0].length) {"data file is empty");

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