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Top 10 Examples of "next-server in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'next-server' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

process.env.NODE_ENV = process.env.NODE_ENV || "production";


process.on("unhandledRejection", err => {
  throw err;

const { appDir } = require("soya-next-server/paths");
const build = require("next/dist/build").default;
const buildSoya = require("./utils/build-soya");
const { PHASE_PRODUCTION_BUILD } = require("next/constants");
const loadConfig = require("next-server/dist/server/config").default;

const defaultConf = require("../next.config");
const userConf = loadConfig(PHASE_PRODUCTION_BUILD, appDir);
const conf = defaultConf(userConf);

build(appDir, conf)
    () => buildSoya(),
    err => {
      if (err.code !== "MODULE_NOT_FOUND") {
        throw err;
  .catch(err => {
    // eslint-disable-next-line no-console
compilation.moduleTemplates.javascript.hooks.render.tap('PagesPluginRenderPageRegister', (moduleSourcePostModule, module, options) => {
        const {chunk} = options

        // check if the current module is the entry module, we only want to wrap the topmost module
        if (chunk.entryModule !== module) {
          return moduleSourcePostModule

        // Check if the chunk is a page
        if (!IS_BUNDLED_PAGE_REGEX.test( {
          return moduleSourcePostModule

        // Match the route the chunk belongs to
        let routeName = ROUTE_NAME_REGEX.exec([1]

        // We need to convert \ into / when we are in windows
        // to get the proper route name
        // Here we need to do windows check because it's possible
        // to have "\" in the filename in unix.
        // Anyway if someone did that, he'll be having issues here.
        // But that's something we cannot avoid.
        if (/^win/.test(process.platform)) {
          routeName = routeName.replace(/\\/g, '/')

        routeName = `/${routeName.replace(/(^|\/)index$/, '')}`

        const source = new ConcatSource(
          `(window.__NEXT_P=window.__NEXT_P||[]).push(['${routeName}', function() {\n`,
if (IS_BUNDLED_PAGE_REGEX.test( return true

        // No dependencies means this is a top level page.
        // So this is a failed page.
        return e.module.dependencies.length === 0
      .map(e => e.module.chunks)
      .reduce((a, b) => [...a, ...b], [])
      .map(c => {
        const pageName = ROUTE_NAME_REGEX.exec([1]
        return normalizePage(`/${pageName}`)

    // compilation.entrypoints is a Map object, so iterating over it 0 is the key and 1 is the value
    for (const [, entrypoint] of compilation.entrypoints.entries()) {
      const result = ROUTE_NAME_REGEX.exec(
      if (!result) {

      const pagePath = result[1]

      if (!pagePath) {

      const page = normalizePage('/' + pagePath)

      const entry = entries[page]
      if (!entry) {
async addExportPathMapRoutes () {
    // Makes `next export` exportPathMap work in development mode.
    // So that the user doesn't have to define a custom server reading the exportPathMap
    if (this.nextConfig.exportPathMap) {
      console.log('Defining routes from exportPathMap')
      const exportPathMap = await this.nextConfig.exportPathMap({}, {dev: true, dir: this.dir, outDir: null, distDir: this.distDir, buildId: this.buildId}) // In development we can't give a default path mapping
      for (const path in exportPathMap) {
        const {page, query = {}} = exportPathMap[path]

        // We use unshift so that we're sure the routes is defined before Next's default routes
          match: route(path),
          fn: async (req, res, params, parsedUrl) => {
            const { query: urlQuery } = parsedUrl

              .filter(key => query[key] === undefined)
              .forEach(key => console.warn(`Url defines a query parameter '${key}' that is missing in exportPathMap`))

            const mergedQuery = {...urlQuery, ...query}

            await this.render(req, res, page, mergedQuery, parsedUrl)
compilation.moduleTemplates.javascript.hooks.render.tap('PagesPluginRenderPageRegister', (moduleSourcePostModule, module, options) => {
        const {chunk} = options

        // check if the current module is the entry module, we only want to wrap the topmost module
        if (chunk.entryModule !== module) {
          return moduleSourcePostModule

        // Check if the chunk is a page
        if (!IS_BUNDLED_PAGE_REGEX.test( {
          return moduleSourcePostModule

        // Match the route the chunk belongs to
        let routeName = ROUTE_NAME_REGEX.exec([1]

        // We need to convert \ into / when we are in windows
        // to get the proper route name
        // Here we need to do windows check because it's possible
        // to have "\" in the filename in unix.
        // Anyway if someone did that, he'll be having issues here.
        // But that's something we cannot avoid.
        if (/^win/.test(process.platform)) {
          routeName = routeName.replace(/\\/g, '/')
.filter(e => {
        // Make sure to only pick errors which marked with missing modules
        const hasNoModuleFoundError = /ENOENT/.test(e.message) || /Module not found/.test(e.message)
        if (!hasNoModuleFoundError) return false

        // The page itself is missing. So this is a failed page.
        if (IS_BUNDLED_PAGE_REGEX.test( return true

        // No dependencies means this is a top level page.
        // So this is a failed page.
        return e.module.dependencies.length === 0
      .map(e => e.module.chunks)
async ensurePage (page) {
      await this.waitUntilReloaded()
      let normalizedPagePath
      try {
        normalizedPagePath = normalizePagePath(page)
      } catch (err) {
        throw pageNotFoundError(normalizedPagePath)

      let pagePath = await findPageFile(pagesDir, normalizedPagePath, pageExtensions)

      // Default the /_error route to the Next.js provided default page
      if (page === '/_error' && pagePath === null) {
        pagePath = 'next/dist/pages/_error'

      if (pagePath === null) {
        throw pageNotFoundError(normalizedPagePath)
try {
        normalizedPagePath = normalizePagePath(page)
      } catch (err) {
        throw pageNotFoundError(normalizedPagePath)

      let pagePath = await findPageFile(pagesDir, normalizedPagePath, pageExtensions)

      // Default the /_error route to the Next.js provided default page
      if (page === '/_error' && pagePath === null) {
        pagePath = 'next/dist/pages/_error'

      if (pagePath === null) {
        throw pageNotFoundError(normalizedPagePath)

      let pageUrl = `/${pagePath.replace(new RegExp(`\\.+(?:${pageExtensions.join('|')})$`), '').replace(/\\/g, '/')}`.replace(/\/index$/, '')
      pageUrl = pageUrl === '' ? '/' : pageUrl
      const bundleFile = pageUrl === '/' ? '/index.js' : `${pageUrl}.js`
      const name = join('static', buildId, 'pages', bundleFile)
      const absolutePagePath = pagePath.startsWith('next/dist/pages') ? require.resolve(pagePath) : join(pagesDir, pagePath)

      page = posix.normalize(pageUrl)

      return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        // Makes sure the page that is being kept in on-demand-entries matches the webpack output
        const normalizedPage = normalizePage(page)
        const entryInfo = entries[normalizedPage]

        if (entryInfo) {
module.exports = async function build({dir, conf, entrypoint, buildid: passedBuildId}) {
  const config = loadConfig(PHASE_PRODUCTION_BUILD, dir, conf)
  const buildId = passedBuildId || await config.generateBuildId().trim() // defaults to a uuid
  const distDir = path.join(dir, config.distDir)

  try {
    await access(dir, (fs.constants || fs).W_OK)
  } catch (err) {
    console.error(`> Failed, build directory is not writeable.`)
    throw err

  const Bundle = require('parcel/src/Bundle')
  rewriteFileName(Bundle, buildId)

  const Bundler = require('parcel');

  await serverBundler({Bundler, dir, buildId, config, entrypoint})
export function makePublicRouterInstance (router) {
  const instance = {}

  for (const property of urlPropertyFields) {
    if (typeof router[property] === 'object') {
      instance[property] = {...router[property]} // makes sure query is not stateful

    instance[property] = router[property]

  // Events is a static property on the router, the router doesn't have to be initialized to use it =

  propertyFields.forEach((field) => {
    // Here we need to use Object.defineProperty because, we need to return
    // the property assigned to the actual router
    // The value might get changed as we change routes and this is the
    // proper way to access it
    Object.defineProperty(instance, field, {
      get () {
        return router[field]

  coreMethodFields.forEach((field) => {
    instance[field] = (...args) => {
      return router[field](...args)

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