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Top 10 Examples of "node-dir in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'node-dir' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

const extractResourcesToCorrespondingDirectoryStructure = (sourceRootPath, destinationRootPath)=> {
	console.log(`Extracting resources from: ${sourceRootPath}`);

	dir.subdirs(sourceRootPath, (err, sourceSubDirectoryPaths)=> {
		if (err) { throw err; }
		const sourceDirectoryPaths = [sourceRootPath].concat(sourceSubDirectoryPaths);

		mapLimit(sourceDirectoryPaths, 1,
			(sourceDirectoryPath, callback)=> {
				const sharedPath = path.relative(sourceRootPath, sourceDirectoryPath);
				const destinationDirectoryPath = path.join(destinationRootPath, sharedPath);
				resourcesExtract(sourceDirectoryPath, destinationDirectoryPath, (err)=> {
					if (err) { return callback(err); }
					fs.readdir(sourceDirectoryPath, (err, sourceFnames)=> {
						if (err) { return callback(err); }
						fs.readdir(destinationDirectoryPath, (err, destinationFnames)=> {
							if (err) { return callback(err); }
							// resultantResourceFnames = fnames;
							// may include directories; i'm assuming they won't match for now
resourceName = inputPath;
				inputPath = '';
		// console.log('argv.folder=' + argv.folder + ' inputPath=' + inputPath + ' resourceName=' + resourceName);
		var folderPath = !argv.folder || argv.folder === '/' || !inputPath ? [] : inputPath.split(path.sep);
		if (folderName) {
		console.log(' - target folder: ' + (resourceFolder ? (resourceLabel + ' > ' + resourceName) : 'Documents') + ' > ' + folderPath.join(' > '));

		var rootParentFolderLabel = resourceFolder ? resourceName : 'Home folder';

		// get all files to upload
		var folderContent = [];
		dir.paths(srcPath, function (err, paths) {
			if (err) {
				return reject();
			} else {
				// the top level folder
				if (folderName) {
						fileFolder: '',
						files: []
				// get all sub folders including empty ones
				var subdirs = paths.dirs;
				for (var i = 0; i < subdirs.length; i++) {
					var subdir = subdirs[i];
					subdir = subdir.substring(srcPath.length + 1);
function copyDirectory(sourceDir, destDir) {
    // gather all files in sourceDir
    dir.files(sourceDir, function(err, files) {
        if (err) {
            if (err.code === 'ENOENT' && err.path === sourceDir) {
                    'Specified directory "' +
                        sourceDir +
                        '" does not exist. \nPlease specify an existing directory relative to the root of the project.'

            console.error('Error reading file list', err);
            throw err;

        // Do not copy .DS_Store files
        files.filter(function(file) {
clientLibs( function( libs ){

                if( libs.length !== 0 ){
                    var clientlibsPath      = libs[0].path.split( "/" );
                    config.clientlib_root   = clientlibsPath
                                                .splice( 0, clientlibsPath.indexOf('clientlibs') + 2 )

                    fs.writeFileSync( '.ironrc' , JSON.stringify( config, null, 4 ));
                } else {
                    var nodeDir = require('node-dir');
                    nodeDir.subdirs(shell.pwd().stdout, function (err, subdirs) {
                        // Files is an array of filename

                        var index = subdirs.findIndex( function( filePath ){
                            var pathArray   = filePath.split('/');
                            var foundAt     = pathArray.indexOf("clientlibs");

                            return (foundAt !== -1);
                        } );

                        if( subdirs[index] === undefined ){

                            var etcIndex = subdirs.findIndex( function( filePath ){
                                var pathArray   = filePath.split('/');
                                var foundAt     = pathArray.indexOf("etc");
clientLibs(function (libs) {

                if (libs.length !== 0) {
                    var clientlibsPath = libs[0].path.split("/");
                    config.clientlib_root = clientlibsPath.splice(0, clientlibsPath.indexOf('clientlibs') + 2).join('/');

                    fs.writeFileSync('.ironrc', JSON.stringify(config, null, 4));
                } else {
                    var nodeDir = require('node-dir');
                    nodeDir.subdirs(shell.pwd().stdout, function (err, subdirs) {
                        // Files is an array of filename

                        var index = subdirs.findIndex(function (filePath) {
                            var pathArray = filePath.split('/');
                            var foundAt = pathArray.indexOf("clientlibs");

                            return foundAt !== -1;

                        if (subdirs[index] === undefined) {

                            var etcIndex = subdirs.findIndex(function (filePath) {
                                var pathArray = filePath.split('/');
                                var foundAt = pathArray.indexOf("etc");

                                return foundAt !== -1;
return new Promise((res, rej) => {
      { match: /\.json$/,
        recursive: false
      (err, stream, next) => {
        if (err) return rej(err);
        console.log('found file to process: %s', stream.path);
        const lineReader = readline.createInterface({
          input: stream,
          terminal: false

        .on('line', line => {
          let altered = alterTweet(line);
          if (altered) {
            // TODO: would be better to stream
return new Promise((res, rej) => {
      { match: /\.(jpg|jpeg|png)$/,
        recursive: false
      (err, stream, next) => {
        if (err) return rej(err);
        let f = stream.path,
          renamed = f;
        console.log('found image to featurize: %s', f);
        // mark complete
        if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') {
          renamed = path.join(processedImagesDir, path.basename(f));
          fs.renameSync(f, renamed);
        .then(key => queue.add(key))
        .then(() => next())
fs.exists(directory, function (exists) {
                if (!exists) {
                    return callback(null, []);

                dir.files(directory, function (err, files) {
                    if (err) { // TODO: error handling
                        throw err;

                    if (!options.basePath && !options.ext) {
                        return files;

                    for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
                        if (options.ext && path.extname(files[i]) !== options.ext) {
                        files[i] = options.basePath ? files[i].replace(options.basePath + '/', '') : files[i];
var getMovies = function(cb) {
        var videoList = [];

        //Recursively get all files in dir
        dirExp.files(movieDir, function(err,files) {
                return cb(videoList);

            // Get supported files with valid extensions (mp4, avi, etc...)
            var filteredVideos = files.filter(validExtensionsFilter);

            //Per video, construct a useful video object
                videoList.push(newVideo(val, movieDir));

var size;

		// check if the importation is finished
		 * Description
		 * @method checkIfDone
		 * @return 
		function checkIfDone(){
			if(inserted >= size)

		// get recursively all the files in the folder
		dir.files(, function(err, files) {
			if(err) return sails.log.warn(err);


				size = files.length;

			   	for(var i=0;i

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