Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'nexus-prisma' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.
import { stringArg } from 'nexus'
import { prismaObjectType } from 'nexus-prisma'
export const Query = prismaObjectType({
name: 'Query',
definition(t) {
* - use `t.prismaFields(['*'])` to expose all the underlying object type fields
* - use `t.primaFields(['fieldName', ...])` to pick and/or customize specific fields
* - use `t.prismaFields({ filter: ['fieldName', ...] })` to filter and/or customize specific fields
// An empty array removes all fields from the underlying object type
t.list.field('feed', {
type: 'Post',
resolve: (parent, args, ctx) => {
return ctx.prisma.posts({
where: { published: true },
import { prisma } from "../../database/generated/client";
import datamodelInfo from "../../database/generated/nexus-prisma";
import { prismaObjectType, makePrismaSchema } from "nexus-prisma";
const path = require("path");
// @ts-ignore
const User = prismaObjectType({
name: "User",
definition(t) {
t.prismaFields(["name", "id", "avatarUrl"]);
const Query = prismaObjectType({
name: "Query",
definition(t) {
name: "user",
args: ["where"]
t.field("viewer", {
import { GraphQLServer } from 'graphql-yoga'
import { prisma } from './generated/prisma-client'
import resolvers from './resolvers'
import { PubSub } from 'graphql-subscriptions'
import { makePrismaSchema } from 'nexus-prisma'
import datamodelInfo from './generated/nexus-prisma'
import * as path from 'path'
import { IncomingMessage } from 'http'
const pubsub = new PubSub()
const schema = makePrismaSchema({
// Provide all the GraphQL types we've implemented
types: resolvers,
// Configure the interface to Prisma
prisma: {
client: prisma
// Specify where Nexus should put the generated files
outputs: {
schema: path.join(__dirname, './generated/schema.graphql'),
typegen: path.join(__dirname, './generated/nexus.ts')
// Configure nullability of input arguments: All arguments are non-nullable by default
const Query = prismaObjectType({
name: 'Query',
definition(t) {
const Mutation = prismaObjectType({
name: 'Mutation',
definition(t) {
const schema = makePrismaSchema({
// Provide all the GraphQL types we've implemented
types: [Query, Mutation, User, Post],
// Configure the interface to Prisma
prisma: {
client: prisma,
// Specify where Nexus should put the generated files
outputs: {
schema: path.join(__dirname, './generated/schema.graphql'),
typegen: path.join(__dirname, './generated/nexus.ts'),
// Configure nullability of input arguments: All arguments are non-nullable by default
import { GraphQLSchema } from 'graphql';
import datamodelInfo from './generated/nexus-prisma';
import { permissions } from './permissions';
import * as allTypes from './resolvers';
import { Prisma, prisma } from './generated/prisma-client';
import { Ctx } from './types';
const prismaInstance = (): Prisma =>
new Prisma({
endpoint: process.env.PRISMA_ENDPOINT,
debug: process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production', // log all GraphQL queries & mutations sent to the Prisma API
secret: process.env.PRISMA_SECRET, // only needed if specified in `database/prisma.yml` (value set in `.env`)
const schema: GraphQLSchema = applyMiddleware(
// Provide all the GraphQL types we've implemented
types: allTypes,
// Configure the interface to Prisma
prisma: {
client: prisma,
// Specify where Nexus should put the generated files
outputs: {
schema: path.resolve('./src/generated/schema.graphql'),
typegen: path.resolve('./src/generated/nexus.ts'),
// Configure nullability of input arguments: All arguments are non-nullable by default
import { prismaObjectType } from 'nexus-prisma'
export const Image = prismaObjectType('Image')
import { prismaObjectType } from 'nexus-prisma'
export const Option = prismaObjectType('Option')