Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'nearley' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.
export function vbsToAst(vbs: string): Program {
const parser = new Parser(Grammar.fromCompiled(vbsGrammar));
parser.feed(vbs.trim() + '\n');
/* istanbul ignore if */
if (parser.results.length === 0) {
throw new Error('Parser returned no results.');
return parser.results[0] as Program;
compile() {
const source = this.cm.getValue()
// TODO cache compiled-ness
const model = this._model
const parser = new nearley.Parser(grammar)
try {
} catch (e) {
model.scripts = { error: e }
const results = parser.results
if (results.length > 1) throw new Error("Ambiguous!")
const scripts = []
const x = 10
var y = 10
for (let script of results[0]) {
scripts.push([x, y, script])
y += measure(script) + 10
import * as nearley from 'nearley/lib/nearley.js';
import * as grammar from './livelang.js';
import IRToJavascript from '../IR/IR.js'
var parserStartPoint;
let processor = nearley.Grammar.fromCompiled(grammar);
let parser = new nearley.Parser(processor);
parserStartPoint = parser.save();
console.log('Nearley parser loaded')
var ts = 0;
onmessage = (m) => {
// console.log(m.data);
if (m.data !== undefined) {
try {
// console.log(parser.results)
"treeTS": 1
let jscode = IRToJavascript.treeToCode(parser.results);
import * as nearley from 'nearley/lib/nearley.js';
import * as grammar from './livelang.js';
import IRToJavascript from '../IR/IR.js'
var parserStartPoint;
let processor = nearley.Grammar.fromCompiled(grammar);
let parser = new nearley.Parser(processor);
parserStartPoint = parser.save();
console.log('Nearley parser loaded')
var ts = 0;
onmessage = (m) => {
// console.log(m.data);
if (m.data !== undefined) {
try {
// console.log(parser.results)
"treeTS": 1
let jscode = IRToJavascript.treeToCode(parser.results);
jscode.paramMarkers = JSON.stringify(jscode.paramMarkers);
private parse(vbs: string): Program {
const parser = new Parser(Grammar.fromCompiled(vbsGrammar));
/* istanbul ignore if */
if (parser.results.length === 0) {
throw new Error('Parser returned no results.');
return parser.results[0];
static compileGrammar(sourceCode) {
try {
// Parse the grammar source into an AST
const grammarParser = new nearley.Parser(nearleyGrammar);
const grammarAst = grammarParser.results[0]; // TODO check for errors
// Compile the AST into a set of rules
const grammarInfoObject = compile(grammarAst, {});
// Generate JavaScript code from the rules
const grammarJs = generate(grammarInfoObject, 'grammar');
// Pretend this is a CommonJS environment to catch exports from the grammar.
const module = {
exports: {}
return module.exports;
} catch (err) {
function publish(input, shouldMinify, useFS, filePrefix) {
var parser = new nearley.Parser(grammar.ParserRules, grammar.ParserStart);
if(!filePrefix) filePrefix = "";
var cssFile = filePrefix + "common.css";
var themeFile = filePrefix + "themes/modern.dark.css";
var jsFile = filePrefix + "scripts.js";
if(useFS) {
fs = require("fs"); // intentional lack of var keyword
parser.current = 0;
var res = parser.results[0];
var code = "";
constructor(grammar) {
this.parser = new nearley.Parser(nearley.Grammar.fromCompiled(grammar))
this.initial_state = this.parser.save()
/* this.results = this.parser.results */
if (opts.alreadycompiled.indexOf(path) === -1) {
if (path === 'postprocessors.ne') {
var f = require('nearley/builtin/postprocessors.ne')
} else if (path === 'whitespace.ne') {
var f = require('nearley/builtin/whitespace.ne')
} else if (path === 'string.ne') {
var f = require('nearley/builtin/string.ne')
} else if (path === 'number.ne') {
var f = require('nearley/builtin/number.ne')
} else if (path === 'cow.ne') {
var f = require('nearley/builtin/cow.ne')
var parserGrammar = nearley.Grammar.fromCompiled(bootstraped)
var parser = new nearley.Parser(parserGrammar)
var c = Compile(parser.results[0], {
file: path,
__proto__: opts
result.rules = result.rules.concat(c.rules)
result.body = result.body.concat(c.body)
// result.customTokens = result.customTokens.concat(c.customTokens);
Object.keys(c.config).forEach(function(k) {
result.config[k] = c.config[k]
Object.keys(c.macros).forEach(function(k) {
result.macros[k] = c.macros[k]
throw new UnsupportedPropertyError(propertyName);
} else if (CSS_CONSTANTS.globalValues.includes(propertyValue)) {
return getShorthandComputedProperties(propertyName).reduce((propertyMap, computedPropertyName) => (
Object.assign({ [computedPropertyName]: propertyValue }, propertyMap)
), {});
// get the compiled grammar file for this property
const grammar = grammars[propertyName];
// remove any block style comments and extra whitespace
const formattedPropertyValue = propertyValue.replace(R_BLOCK_COMMENT, ' ').replace(/\s+/g, ' ').trim();
let parser;
// attempt to parse the css value, using the property specific parser
try {
parser = new nearley.Parser(nearley.Grammar.fromCompiled(grammar)).feed(formattedPropertyValue);
} catch (parseError) {
throw new ParseError(`Error parsing shorthand property ${propertyName}: ${propertyValue}. ${parseError.message}`);
// get the first parsing and use the formatter for the specific shorthand type for this property
const { shorthandType } = shorthandProperties[propertyName];
const [rootNode] = parser.results;
let propertyExpansion = shorthandPropertyTypeToActionDictionaryFactoryMap[shorthandType]
.format(propertyName, rootNode, formattedPropertyValue);
if (recursivelyResolve) {
Object.keys(propertyExpansion).forEach((prop) => {
if (shorthandProperties[prop]) {