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Top 10 Examples of "md5-file in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'md5-file' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

const files = await fs.readdir(downloadsDir)
      let feedVersionDownloadFile = ''
      // assume that this file will be the only one matching the feed source ID
      for (const file of files) {
        if (file.indexOf(feedSourceId.replace(/:/g, '')) > -1) {
          feedVersionDownloadFile = file
      if (!feedVersionDownloadFile) {
        throw new Error('Feed Version gtfs file not found in Downloads folder!')

      // verify that file has same hash as gtfs file that was uploaded
      const filePath = path.join(downloadsDir, feedVersionDownloadFile)
      expect(await md5File(filePath)).toEqual(await md5File(gtfsUploadFile))

      // delete file
      await fs.remove(filePath)
    }, defaultTestTimeout)
import * as md5 from "md5-file";
import * as md5Promise from "md5-file/promise";

// $ExpectType void
md5("test.txt", (err, hash) => {

// $ExpectType string

// $ExpectType Promise

// $ExpectType string
const uploadDataPath = `${PATH_UPLOADDATA}/${dataUid}`;
      const options = {
        port : port,
        path : `${PATH_UPLOADDATA}/${dataUid}${creds}`,
        method : 'POST',
        protocol : 'https:',
        rejectUnauthorized: false
      console.log(`uploadData(${dataUid}) : ${options.hostname}:${options.port}${options.path}`);

      const stats = fs.statSync(dataPath);
//      console.log(stats);
      const dataSize = stats['size'];

      const dataMD5 = md5File.sync(dataPath);

//      console.log('uploadData DATAUID ', dataUid);
//      console.log('uploadData DATAMD5SUM ', dataMD5);
//      console.log('uploadData DATASIZE ', dataSize);
//      console.log('uploadData DATAFILE ', dataPath);

      const dataForm = new FormData();
      dataForm.append('DATAUID', dataUid);
      dataForm.append('DATAMD5SUM', dataMD5);
      dataForm.append('DATASIZE', dataSize);
      dataForm.append('DATAFILE', fs.createReadStream(dataPath));
      dataForm.submit(options, function(err, res) {
    	if (err) {
           reject('uploadData error ' + err);
reporter.linkWarning(href, file.path, 'Potentially broken image link detected.');
      return href;

    reporter.brokenLink(href, file.path);
    throw new Error('Broken link detected. Stopping build.')

  // If we're dealing with an asset, give it a name that won't collide, and copy
  // it to a central directory.
  // TODO(shyndman): This feels out of place here. These methods are about
  // rewriting links, not copying assets.
  if (patterns.newAssetPathPattern().test(srcLocalUrl.pathname)) {
    const destLocalPath = path.join(
        md5File.sync(srcLocalUrl.pathname) +
    const destAssetHref = path.join(site.siteRoot || '/', destLocalPath);
    fs.copySync(srcLocalUrl.pathname, path.join(BuildDir.STAGE, destLocalPath));
    return destAssetHref;

  const pathWithReadme = path.join(srcLocalUrl.pathname, '');
  if (srcPathsToFiles.has(pathWithReadme)) {
    srcLocalUrl.pathname = pathWithReadme;

  // If the specified path has an associated markdown file in the site, rewrite
  // the link to point to it, including the search and hash.
  if (srcPathsToFiles.has(srcLocalUrl.pathname)) {
    const destFile = srcPathsToFiles.get(srcLocalUrl.pathname);
    const destLocalUrl = url.parse(
gulp.task('html', () => {
    const roslynVersion = getRoslynVersion();
    const faviconSvg = fs.readFileSync('favicon.svg', 'utf8');
    const faviconSvgUrlSafe = faviconSvg
        .replace(/"/g, '\'')
        .replace(/%/g, '%25')
        .replace(/#/g, '%23')
        .replace(/{/g, '%7B')
        .replace(/}/g, '%7D')
        .replace(//g, '%3E')
        .replace(/\s+/g,' ');
    const jsHash  = md5File.sync('wwwroot/app.min.js');
    const cssHash = md5File.sync('wwwroot/app.min.css');

    return gulp
        .pipe(g.htmlReplace({ js: 'app.min.js?' + jsHash, css: 'app.min.css?' + cssHash })) // eslint-disable-line prefer-template
        .pipe(g.replace('{build:favicon-svg}', faviconSvgUrlSafe))
        .pipe(g.replace('{build:roslyn-version}', roslynVersion))
function encrypt(passwd) {
  let cipher = crypto.createCipher(algor, passwd),
    decryptedFileLocation = findFileLocation(DECRYPTED_FILENAME),
    decryptedFileFullPath = decryptedFileLocation + DECRYPTED_FILENAME,
    encryptedFileFullPath = decryptedFileLocation + ENCRYPTED_FILENAME, // we write encrypted file at same location as where we found decrypted file
  if (!passwd) {
    throw new Error('encryption requires a password');
  encBuff = Buffer.concat([cipher.update(readFile(decryptedFileFullPath)),]);
  writeFile(encryptedFileFullPath, encBuff);
  return md5FileSync(encryptedFileFullPath);
const html = task('html', async () => {
    const iconDataUrl = await getIconDataUrl();
    const templates = await getCombinedTemplates();
    const [jsHash, cssHash] = await parallel(
    // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion
    let html = (await jetpack.readAsync(paths.from.html))!;
    html = html
        .replace('{build:js}', 'app.min.js?' + jsHash)
        .replace('{build:css}', 'app.min.css?' + cssHash)
        .replace('{build:templates}', templates)
        .replace('{build:favicon-svg}', iconDataUrl);
    html = htmlMinifier.minify(html, { collapseWhitespace: true });
    await jetpack.writeAsync(, html);
}, {
    watch: [
return DebugSupportInstallState.installed;

        // For clarity and consistency, the plugin is being renamed to end with Fallout4.dll
        // This handles the case where the old version is installed.
        const legacyInstalledPluginPath = await this.getPluginInstallPath(game, true);
        if (game === PapyrusGame.fallout4 && (await exists(legacyInstalledPluginPath))) {
            return DebugSupportInstallState.incorrectVersion;

        const installedPluginPath = await this.getPluginInstallPath(game, false);
        if (!(await exists(installedPluginPath))) {
            return DebugSupportInstallState.notInstalled;

        const installedHash = await md5File(installedPluginPath);
        const bundledHash = await md5File(this.getBundledPluginPath(game));

        if (installedHash !== bundledHash) {
            return DebugSupportInstallState.incorrectVersion;

        return DebugSupportInstallState.installed;
const html = task('html', async () => {
    const iconDataUrl = await getIconDataUrl();
    const templates = await getCombinedTemplates();
    const [jsHash, cssHash] = await parallel(
    // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion
    let html = (await jetpack.readAsync(paths.from.html))!;
    html = html
        .replace('{build:js}', 'app.min.js?' + jsHash)
        .replace('{build:css}', 'app.min.css?' + cssHash)
        .replace('{build:templates}', templates)
        .replace('{build:favicon-svg}', iconDataUrl);
    html = htmlMinifier.minify(html, { collapseWhitespace: true });
    await jetpack.writeAsync(, html);
}, {
    watch: [

        // For clarity and consistency, the plugin is being renamed to end with Fallout4.dll
        // This handles the case where the old version is installed.
        const legacyInstalledPluginPath = await this.getPluginInstallPath(game, true);
        if (game === PapyrusGame.fallout4 && (await exists(legacyInstalledPluginPath))) {
            return DebugSupportInstallState.incorrectVersion;

        const installedPluginPath = await this.getPluginInstallPath(game, false);
        if (!(await exists(installedPluginPath))) {
            return DebugSupportInstallState.notInstalled;

        const installedHash = await md5File(installedPluginPath);
        const bundledHash = await md5File(this.getBundledPluginPath(game));

        if (installedHash !== bundledHash) {
            return DebugSupportInstallState.incorrectVersion;

        return DebugSupportInstallState.installed;

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