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Top 10 Examples of "log in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'log' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

it('should listen to authenticated event from websocket', () => {
    // use stub to prevent actual call to websocket
    const robot = new Robot('token');
    const wsStartStub = sinon.stub(RtmClient.prototype, 'start');
    const wsMessageStub = sinon.stub(RtmClient.prototype, 'on');
    const loggerStub = sinon.stub(Log.prototype, 'info');

    // mock dataStore
    const botUserMock = {
      id: 5,
      name: 'slackbot'
    robot._rtm.activeUserId = 5;
    robot._rtm.dataStore = {
      getUserById: sinon.stub().withArgs(robot._rtm.activeUserId).returns(botUserMock)


    // start to listen
port = findFreePort(options.maxPort);
    endpoint = protocol + '://' + port;
  } else {
    endpoint = addArgs['server.endpoint'];
    port = endpoint.split(':').pop();

  let instanceInfo = {
  role, port, endpoint, rootDir};

  args['server.endpoint'] = endpoint;
  args[''] = dataDir;
  args['log.file'] = fs.join(rootDir, 'log');

  if (options.verbose) {
    args['log.level'] = 'info';
  } else {
    args['log.level'] = 'error';

  // flush log messages directly and not asynchronously
  // (helps debugging)  
  args['log.force-direct'] = 'true';

  if (protocol === 'ssl') {
    args['ssl.keyfile'] = fs.join('UnitTests', 'server.pem');

  args = Object.assign(args, options.extraArgs);

  if (addArgs !== undefined) {
    args = Object.assign(args, addArgs);
let port;

  if (!addArgs['server.endpoint']) {
    port = findFreePort(options.maxPort);
    endpoint = protocol + '://' + port;
  } else {
    endpoint = addArgs['server.endpoint'];
    port = endpoint.split(':').pop();

  let instanceInfo = {
  role, port, endpoint, rootDir};

  args['server.endpoint'] = endpoint;
  args[''] = dataDir;
  args['log.file'] = fs.join(rootDir, 'log');

  if (options.verbose) {
    args['log.level'] = 'info';
  } else {
    args['log.level'] = 'error';

  // flush log messages directly and not asynchronously
  // (helps debugging)  
  args['log.force-direct'] = 'true';

  if (protocol === 'ssl') {
    args['ssl.keyfile'] = fs.join('UnitTests', 'server.pem');

  args = Object.assign(args, options.extraArgs);
addImport(importNode, silent) {
        const pkgName = this.getPackageName(importNode);
        if (this.isExistingPackage(pkgName)) {
            const errorString = 'Package "' + pkgName + '" is already imported.';
        const pkgDeclIndex = _.findLastIndex(this.getTopLevelNodes(), node => TreeUtils.isPackageDeclaration(node));
        const lastImportIndex = _.findLastIndex(this.getTopLevelNodes(), node => TreeUtils.isImport(node));
        let targetIndex = 0; // If there is no a pck node or any import, we'll add it to 0
        if (lastImportIndex !== -1) {
            targetIndex = lastImportIndex + 1;
        } else if (pkgDeclIndex !== -1) {
            targetIndex = pkgDeclIndex + 1;

        let startIndex = 0;
        let insertBefore = this.topLevelNodes[targetIndex];
        if(insertBefore !== undefined){
            const wsList = ASTUtil.extractWS(insertBefore);
            if(wsList.length > 0){
} else {
                if (error.error instanceof Error) {
                    error.stack = (error.error.stack) ? error.error.stack : undefined;
                    error.error = error.error.message;
                } else if (error instanceof client.Response) {
                    error = error.getLog();
                try {
                    // encode
                    return $('<div>').text(JSON.stringify(error, null, 4)).html();
                } catch (e) {
                    return error.toString();
        } catch (e) {
this._$designViewContainer = container;
        var canvasContainer = $('<div></div>');
        canvasContainer.addClass(_.get(viewOptions, 'cssClass.canvas_container'));
        var canvasTopControlsContainer = $('<div></div>')
            .addClass(_.get(viewOptions, 'cssClass.canvas_top_controls_container'))
            .append($('<div></div>').addClass(_.get(viewOptions, 'cssClass.canvas_top_control_package_define')))
            .append($('<div></div>').addClass(_.get(viewOptions, 'cssClass.canvas_top_control_packages_import')))
            .append($('<div></div>').addClass(_.get(viewOptions, 'cssClass.canvas_top_control_constants_define')));

        this._$canvasContainer = canvasContainer;
        // check whether container element exists in dom
        if (!container.length &gt; 0) {
            errMsg = 'unable to find container for file composer with selector: ' + _.get(viewOptions, 'design_view.container');
            throw errMsg;

        var toolPaletteItemProvider = new ToolPaletteItemProvider();
        var toolPaletteContainer = $(this._container)
                                    .find(_.get(viewOptions, 'design_view.tool_palette.container'))
        var toolPaletteOpts = _.clone(_.get(viewOptions, 'design_view.tool_palette'));
        toolPaletteOpts.itemProvider = toolPaletteItemProvider;
        toolPaletteOpts.container = toolPaletteContainer;
        toolPaletteOpts.ballerinaFileEditor = this;
        this.toolPalette = new ToolPalette(toolPaletteOpts);


        // init undo manager
goToSource(node) {
        if (!_.isNil(node)) {
            const { position, type } = node;
            // If node has position info
            if (position) {
                const { startLine, startColumn } = position;
                this.jumpToSourcePosition(startLine - 1, startColumn - 1);
            } else {
                log.error(`Unable to find location info from ${type} node.`);
        } else {
            log.error('Invalid node to find source line.');
function handleResponse(e) {
  log.args('Ti.Media.openPhotoGallery', e);

  if (!e.success) {
    return alert(e.error || 'Error #' + e.code);

  if (e.mediaType !== Ti.Media.MEDIA_TYPE_LIVEPHOTO) {
    return alert('This should never happen. We required a Live Photo but somehow you selected something else.');

  if (!e.livePhoto) {
    return alert('This should never happen. If mediaType says you selected a Live Photo it should be there.');

  $.livePhotoView.livePhoto = e.livePhoto;

  // Programmatically triggering playback isn't recommended in any other use case
function calendar(e) {

	// The new cross-platform way to check permissions
	var hasCalendarPermissions = Ti.Calendar.hasCalendarPermissions();
	log.args('Ti.Calendar.hasCalendarPermissions', hasCalendarPermissions);

	if (hasCalendarPermissions) {

		// We have to actually use a Ti.Calendar method for the permissions to be generated
		// FIXME:
		log.args('Ti.Calendar.getAllCalendars', Ti.Calendar.getAllCalendars());

		return alert('You already have permission.');

	// On iOS we can get information on the reason why we might not have permission
	if (OS_IOS) {

		// Map constants to names
		var map = {};
log.args('Starting unoptimized operations..');

		collection.forEach(function(model, n) {

			// do something heavy, like creating rows to add to a table

			$.progressBar.value = progressAsc ? n : (Alloy.CFG.threadOperations - 1 - n);


		progressAsc = !progressAsc;
		progressRunning = false;

		log.args('Finished operations..');


	// If the switch is on use code optimized for single thread.
	// Result will be ~ same if main thread is DISABLED or ENABLED
	// because each call to $.progress.value will be either executed inmediately (DISABLED)
	// or before the next call to doSomething, which is stacked after it.

	// Use Underscore's _.defer()
	if (e.index === 1) {

		log.args('Starting operations optimized using _.defer() ..');

		function doSomething(n) {

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