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Top 10 Examples of "joi in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'joi' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

lab.test('parse type number', (done) => {

        // mapped direct to openapi
        expect(properties.parseProperty('x', Joi.number().integer())).to.equal({ 'type': 'integer' });
        expect(properties.parseProperty('x', Joi.number().min(5))).to.equal({ 'type': 'number', 'minimum': 5 });
        expect(properties.parseProperty('x', Joi.number().max(10))).to.equal({ 'type': 'number', 'maximum': 10 });

        // x-* mappings
        expect(properties.parseProperty('x', Joi.number().greater(10))).to.equal({ 'type': 'number', 'x-constraint': { 'greater': 10 } });
        expect(properties.parseProperty('x', Joi.number().less(10))).to.equal({ 'type': 'number', 'x-constraint': { 'less': 10 } });
        expect(properties.parseProperty('x', Joi.number().precision(2))).to.equal({ 'type': 'number', 'x-constraint': { 'precision': 2 } });
        expect(properties.parseProperty('x', Joi.number().multiple(2))).to.equal({ 'type': 'number', 'x-constraint': { 'multiple': 2 } });
        expect(properties.parseProperty('x', Joi.number().positive())).to.equal({ 'type': 'number', 'x-constraint': { 'positive': true } });
        expect(properties.parseProperty('x', Joi.number().negative())).to.equal({ 'type': 'number', 'x-constraint': { 'negative': true } });

lab.test('parse type date', (done) => {

        expect(properties.parseProperty('x',{ 'type': 'string', 'format': 'date' });

        /*  not yet 'x',
handler: function(request, next) {

                var newUser = request.payload;

                var validSchema = Joi.object().keys({
                    fname: Joi.string().required(),
                    lname: Joi.string().required(),
                    email: Joi.string().email().required(),
                    password: Joi.string().alphanum().required().min(5).max(15),
                    password2: Joi.any().valid(newUser.password)

                // We got everything we need to create a new user
                Joi.validate(newUser, validSchema, {abortEarly: false}, function (err, value) {

                    if(err !== null) {

                        var message = '';
                        for(i=0; i < err.details.length; i++)
                            var _message = err.details[i].message;
                            if(err.details[i].path == 'password2') {
                                message += 'Passwords must match. '
                            } else {
                                message += _message.substr(0, 1).toUpperCase() + _message.substr(1) +'. ';
const joiql = require('../../')
const app = require('express')()
const graphqlHTTP = require('express-graphql')
const Article = require('./models/article')
const Artwork = require('./models/artwork')
const Artist = require('./models/artist')
const Show = require('./models/show')
const { object, string } = require('joi')
const artsyXapp = require('artsy-xapp')
const cache = require('./middleware/cache')
const rest = require('./middleware/rest')

const api = joiql({
  query: {
    artwork: object(Artwork.Attrs).meta({ args: { id: string().required() } }),
    article: object(Article.Attrs).meta({ args: { id: string().required() } }),
    artist: object(Artist.Attrs).meta({ args: { id: string().required() } }),
    show: object(Show.Attrs).meta({ args: { id: string().required() } })

// JoiQL Middleware
api.on('query', cache.get)
api.on('query', rest.fetch)
api.on('query.artwork.fields.artist', Artwork.resolveArtist)
api.on('query', cache.set)

// Start express server
app.use('/graphql', graphqlHTTP({
  schema: api.schema,
  graphiql: true
// const status = {
    //     probes: {
    //         database: database.check.bind(database),
    //         auth: createServiceProbe(options.authApiUrl)
    //     }
    // };
    // installStatusRouter(router, status);

    const baseValidators = {
        start: joi.number().default(0),
        limit: joi.number().default(10),
        publisher: joi
        dateFrom: joi.string().optional(),
        dateTo: joi.string().optional(),
        region: joi
            .alternatives([joi.array().items(joi.string()), joi.string()])
        format: joi
        publishingState: joi

    const facetQueryValidation = {
        query: {
function validateSchema(route, req, pu) {
  // Schema for request validation (extended in individual routes)

  // Add base schema
  const baseSchema = joi.object({
    sla: joi.object({
      pageLoadTime: joi.number().integer(),
      visualCompleteTime: joi.number().integer()
    baseline: joi.object({
      days: joi.number().integer(),
      perc: joi.number().integer().max(100),
      padding: joi.number().min(1),
      src: joi.string().allow(''),
      aggField: joi.string().allow(''),
      searchUrl: joi.string().allow(''),
      incl: joi.object(),
      excl: joi.object()
    flags: joi.object({
      assertBaseline: joi.boolean(),
      assertRum: joi.boolean(),
      debug: joi.boolean(),
      esTrace: joi.boolean(),
      esCreate: joi.boolean(),
      passOnFailedAssert: joi.boolean()
'use strict';

const boom = require('boom');
const joi = require('joi');
const { setDefaultTimeRange, validTimeRange } = require('../helper.js');
const MAX_DAYS = 180; // 6 months
const schema = require('screwdriver-data-schema');
const jobMetricListSchema = joi.array().items(joi.object());
const jobIdSchema = joi.reach(schema.models.job.base, 'id');

module.exports = () => ({
    method: 'GET',
    path: '/jobs/{id}/metrics',
    config: {
        description: 'Get build metrics for this job',
        notes: 'Returns list of build metrics for the given job',
        tags: ['api', 'jobs', 'metrics'],
        auth: {
            strategies: ['token'],
            scope: ['user', '!guest', 'pipeline']
        plugins: {
            'hapi-swagger': {
                security: [{ token: [] }]
const async = require('async');


const AWS = dynogels.AWS;
AWS.config.update({ region: 'us-east-1' });

const GameScore = dynogels.define('example-global-index', {
  hashKey: 'userId',
  rangeKey: 'gameTitle',
  schema: {
    userId: Joi.string(),
    gameTitle: Joi.string(),
    topScore: Joi.number(),
    wins: Joi.number(),
    losses: Joi.number()
  indexes: [{
    hashKey: 'gameTitle',
    rangeKey: 'topScore',
    name: 'GameTitleIndex',
    type: 'global',
    projection: { NonKeyAttributes: ['wins'], ProjectionType: 'INCLUDE' }
  { hashKey: 'gameTitle', rangeKey: 'losses', name: 'GameLosersIndex', type: 'global' }

const data = [
  { userId: '101', gameTitle: 'Galaxy Invaders', topScore: 5842, wins: 10, losses: 5, topScoreDateTime: new Date(2012, 1, 3, 8, 30) },
  { userId: '101', gameTitle: 'Meteor Blasters', topScore: 1000, wins: 12, losses: 3, topScoreDateTime: new Date(2013, 1, 3, 8, 30) },
// Raw telemetry entry
const RawTelemetrySchema = {
    time: Joi.number(),
    velocity: Joi.number(),
    altitude: Joi.number()

// Analysed telemetry entry
const AnalysedTelemetrySchema = {
    time: Joi.number(),
    velocity: Joi.number(),
    altitude: Joi.number(),
    velocity_y: Joi.number(),
    velocity_x: Joi.number(),
    acceleration: Joi.number(),
    downrange_distance: Joi.number(),
    angle: Joi.number(),
    q: Joi.number()

// Raw telemetry of a specific stage
const StageRawTelemetrySchema = {
    stage: Joi.number(),
    telemetry: Joi.array().items(RawTelemetrySchema)

// Analysed telemetry of a specific stage
const StageAnalysedTelemetrySchema = {
    stage: Joi.number().integer().min(0),
return (values, options, next) => {
    const schema = Joi.object().keys(joiSchema);
    options.context.values = values;

    return Joi.validate(values, schema, options, (errors, value) => {
      if (errors && options.abortEarly) {
        next(errors, value);
      } else if (! errors) {
        errors = new Error();
        errors.details = [];

      return Promise.all(
        Object.keys(customSchema).map((path) => {
          if (! value[path]) {

          return customSchema[path](value[path], options, next).catch(
            (err)   => {
              if ( !== 'ValidationError') { // A real error happened

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