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Top 10 Examples of "intl-locales-supported in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'intl-locales-supported' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

key(index) {
    const keys = Object.keys(;
    return keys[index] || null;

  get length() {
    return Object.keys(;
global.localStorage = new LocalStorageMock();

const localesMyAppSupports = ['de', 'fr'];

if (global.Intl) {
  // Determine if the built-in `Intl` has the locale data we need.
  if (!areIntlLocalesSupported(localesMyAppSupports)) {
    // `Intl` exists, but it doesn't have the data we need, so load the
    // polyfill and patch the constructors we need with the polyfill's.
    // eslint-disable-next-line global-require
    const IntlPolyfill = require('intl');
    Intl.NumberFormat = IntlPolyfill.NumberFormat;
    Intl.DateTimeFormat = IntlPolyfill.DateTimeFormat;
} else {
  // No `Intl`, so use and load the polyfill.
  // eslint-disable-next-line global-require
  global.Intl = require('intl');

// Patch missing console.debug in node.
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
console.debug = console.log;
export function requiresIntlPolyfill(locale) {
  // Determine if the built-in `Intl` has the locale data we need.
  if (PREFER_NATIVE && global.Intl && areIntlLocalesSupported([ locale ])) {
    return false

  // By default Node only ships with basic English locale data. You can however build a
  // Node binary with all locale data. We recommend doing this if you control the container
  // your Node app runs in, otherwise you'll want to polyfill Intl in Node.
  // Via:
  if (PREFER_NATIVE === false && process.env.TARGET === "node")
    /* eslint-disable no-console */
    console.warn("Your NodeJS installation does not include full ICU locale data! Fallback to polyfill!")
    console.warn("See also:")

  return true
function loadLocaleData(locale) {
    const hasIntl = isIntlLocaleSupported(locale);

    // Make sure ReactIntl is in the global scope: this is required for adding locale-data
    // Since ReactIntl needs the `Intl` polyfill to be required (sic) we must place
    // this require here, when loadIntlPolyfill is supposed to be present

    return new Promise( (resolve) => {

        switch (locale) {

            // english
            case 'en':

                if (!hasIntl) {


import IntlMessageFormat from "intl-messageformat"
import IntlRelativeFormat from "intl-relativeformat"
import areLocalesSupported from "intl-locales-supported"

import createFormatCache from "intl-format-cache"

import { kebabCase, isPlainObject, isString, isNumber, isDate, each, clamp } from "lodash"

// Be sure to import the Polyfill
// TODO: Figure out if there is a ES2015 way to conditional load this
import "intl"

// NodeJS by default to not offer full ICU support and therefor break the unit tests
if (!areLocalesSupported([ "en", "de", "fr", "es" ]))
  /* global IntlPolyfill */
  Intl.NumberFormat = IntlPolyfill.NumberFormat
  Intl.DateTimeFormat = IntlPolyfill.DateTimeFormat

const formats = IntlMessageFormat.formats

const getCachedNumberFormat = createFormatCache(Intl.NumberFormat)
const getCachedDateTimeFormat = createFormatCache(Intl.DateTimeFormat)
const getCachedMessageFormat = createFormatCache(IntlMessageFormat)
const getCachedRelativeFormat = createFormatCache(IntlRelativeFormat)

// A constant defined by the standard Intl.NumberFormat
// const maximumFractionDigits = 20;
// Unfortunately through formatting issues of percent values in IE
function load_intl_polyfill(locale)
	if (window.Intl && is_intl_locale_supported(locale))
		// `Intl` is in the global scope and the locale data is available
		return Promise.resolve()

	debug(`Intl${window.Intl ? ' locale data' : ''} for "${locale}" not available, downloading the polyfill...`)

	return Promise.all
		import(/* webpackChunkName: "intl" */ 'intl'),
import areIntlLocalesSupported from 'intl-locales-supported';

import config from 'appConfig';

if (global.Intl) {
  // Determine if the built-in `Intl` has the locale data we need.
  if (!areIntlLocalesSupported(config.locale)) {
    // `Intl` exists, but it doesn't have the data we need, so load the
    // polyfill and replace the constructors with need with the polyfill's.
    const IntlPolyfill = require('intl'); // eslint-disable-line global-require

    Intl.NumberFormat = IntlPolyfill.NumberFormat;
    Intl.DateTimeFormat = IntlPolyfill.DateTimeFormat;
} else {
  // No `Intl`, so use and load the polyfill.
  global.Intl = require('intl'); // eslint-disable-line global-require

		// Choose an appropriate locale and load the corresponding messages 
		// (prefer locales from the `preferred_locales` list)
		let { locale, messages } = await load_locale_data(preferred_locales, { force_reload: _development_ })

		// Store the locale in Redux store
		store.dispatch({ type: 'locale', locale })

		// Check if the Intl object supports the chosen locale.
		// If not then load Intl polyfill instead.
		if (global.Intl)
			// Determine if the built-in `Intl` has the locale data we need.
			if (!is_intl_locale_supported(locale))
				// `Intl` exists, but it doesn't have the data we need, so load the
				// polyfill and patch the constructors we need with the polyfill's.
				const Intl_polyfill = require('intl')
				Intl.NumberFormat   = Intl_polyfill.NumberFormat
				Intl.DateTimeFormat = Intl_polyfill.DateTimeFormat
			// No `Intl`, so use and load the polyfill.
			global.Intl = require('intl')

		// These variables will be passed down 
		// as `props` for the `markup_wrapper` React component

    const locale = this.getLocale();
    let DateTimeFormat;

    if (areIntlLocalesSupported(['en', 'pt', 'ar', 'fr'])) {
      ({ DateTimeFormat } = global.Intl.DateTimeFormat);
    } else {
      ({ DateTimeFormat } = IntlPolyfill.DateTimeFormat);
      require('intl/locale-data/jsonp/pt'); // eslint-disable-line global-require
      require('intl/locale-data/jsonp/en'); // eslint-disable-line global-require
      require('intl/locale-data/jsonp/ar'); // eslint-disable-line global-require
      require('intl/locale-data/jsonp/fr'); // eslint-disable-line global-require
      require('intl/locale-data/jsonp/es'); // eslint-disable-line global-require

    return (
		if (window.Intl && is_intl_locale_supported(locale))
			// all fine: Intl is in the global scope and the locale data is available
			return Promise.resolve()

		return new Promise((resolve) =>
			debug(`Intl or locale data for "${locale}" not available, downloading the polyfill...`)

			// When building: create a intl chunk with webpack
			// When executing: run the callback once the chunk has been download.
			require.ensure(['intl'], (require) =>
				// apply the polyfill
				debug(`Intl polyfill for "${locale}" has been loaded`)
export const polyfill = () => {
  const context = (typeof window !== 'undefined' && window) || global

  if (!context.Intl || !areIntlLocalesSupported(locales)) {
    if (!context.Intl) {
      context.Intl = intl
    } else if (!areIntlLocalesSupported) {
      context.Intl.NumberFormat = intl.NumberFormat
      context.Intl.DateTimeFormat = intl.DateTimeFormat

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