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Top 10 Examples of "inquirer in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'inquirer' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

beforeEach(function () {
    // Intercept all real stdin/stdout.
    runStub = base.sandbox.stub(Prompt.prototype, "run");
choose: 1 // package.json
        message: 'Save this as a preset',
        confirm: false
    if (!loadOptions().packageManager) {
        message: 'package manager',
        choose: 0 // yarn

  const creator = new Creator('test', '/', [].concat(module))
  const preset = await creator.promptAndResolvePreset()

  if (opts.pluginsOnly) {
    delete preset.useConfigFiles
// amount of time so that the cache is invalidated before fetching from prod
  await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 10)); = PRODUCTION_HOST;
  const versionsProd = await Versions.versionsAsync();
  const delta = jsondiffpatch.diff(versionsProd, versionsStaging);

  if (!delta) {
    console.log(chalk.yellow('There are no changes to apply in the configuration.'));

  console.log(`Here is the diff from ${'staging')} -> ${'production')}:`);
  console.log(jsondiffpatch.formatters.console.format(delta, versionsProd));

  const { isCorrect } = await inquirer.prompt<{ isCorrect: boolean }>([
      type: 'confirm',
      name: 'isCorrect',
      message: `Does this look correct? Type \`y\` to update ${'production')} config.`,
      default: false,

  if (isCorrect) {
    // Promote staging configuration to production.
    await Versions.setVersionsAsync(versionsStaging);

    console.log('\nSuccessfully updated production config. You can check it out on'),`https://${PRODUCTION_HOST}/--/api/v2/versions`)
/* eslint-disable no-console */

const Generator = require('yeoman-generator');
const inquirer = require('inquirer');

const choices = {
  appStarter: 'Create Open Web Components Starter App',
    'Create Open Web Components Enterprise App Setup (if you feel lost use the Starter App first)',
  separator1: new inquirer.Separator(),
  wcVanilla: 'Create a vanilla web component following the Open Web Components recommendations',
  wcUpgrade: 'Upgrade my existing web component to use the Open Web Components recommendations',
  separator2: new inquirer.Separator(),
  nothing: 'Nah, I am fine thanks! => exit',

module.exports = class GeneratorApp extends Generator {
  async prompting() {
    console.log('Welcome to Open Web Components:');

    this.answers = await this.prompt([
        type: 'list',
        name: 'action',
* prompt(questions) {
    if (!this[PROMPT]) {
      // create a self contained inquirer module.
      this[PROMPT] = inquirer.createPromptModule();
      const promptMapping = this[PROMPT].prompts;
      for (const key of Object.keys(promptMapping)) {
        const Clz = promptMapping[key];
        // extend origin prompt instance to emit event
        promptMapping[key] = class CustomPrompt extends Clz {
          /* istanbul ignore next */
          static get name() { return; }
          run() {
            process.send && process.send({ type: 'prompt', name: });
            process.emit('message', { type: 'prompt', name: });
    return this[PROMPT](questions);
'use strict';

const ora = require('ora');
const inquirer = require('inquirer');
const pathTree = require('tree-from-paths');
const initLib = require('@pingy/init');
const scaffoldLib = require('@pingy/scaffold-primitive');
const listWithHelpText = require('./promptListWithHelpText');
const { basename } = require('path');

inquirer.registerPrompt('listWithHelpText', listWithHelpText);

const toNodeTree = (baseDir, paths) =>
  `  ${basename(baseDir)}/\n${pathTree
    .render(paths, baseDir, (parent, file) => file)
    .join('\n  ')}`;

const cwdNodeTree = info => toNodeTree(process.cwd(), info.preparedFiles);

const scaffoldConfirm = filesToWriteTxt =>
      type: 'listWithHelpText',
      name: 'doScaffold',
      // TODO: If any existing files exist then put up a red warning.
const packageJsonPath = path.join(process.cwd(), 'package.json');

let packageJson;
	packageJson = require(packageJsonPath);
catch(error) {
	// no package.json found
	errorMsg('package.json could not be read, you in the right directory?')

console.log(chalk.gray(`path: ${packageJsonPath}\n`) );

/* add checkbox-plus to inquirer prompt type */
inquirer.registerPrompt('checkbox-plus', require('inquirer-checkbox-plus-prompt'));

 * @function userInterview
 * start the user interview with checkbox multi-select
function userInterview () {
	const interviewMessage =
		`Select scripts -- (Press ${chalk.cyan('')} to select,` +
		` ${chalk.cyan('')} to complete)` +
		`\n${chalk.yellow('filter')}: `;


            // Add/edit `.reactql` file containing the current version, to enable
            // later upgrades
              path.resolve(installationPath, '.reactql'),

            // Install package dependencies using NPM
            const installer = ['npm', ['i']];

            // Create a bottom bar to display the installation spinner at the bottom
            // of the console.
            const ui = new inquirer.ui.BottomBar({ bottomBar: spinner[0] });

            // Temporary var to track the position of the 'spinner'
            let i = 0;

            // Update the spinner every 300ms, to reflect the installation activity
            const update = setInterval(function () {
              ui.updateBottomBar(`\n${spinner[++i % 4]} Installing modules -- Please wait...`);
            }, 300);

            // Execute yarn/npm as a child process, pipe output to stdout
            spawn(...installer, {cwd: installationPath, stdio: 'pipe'})
              .on('error', () => fatalError("Couldn't install packages"))
              // When finished, stop the spinner, update with usage instructons and exit
              .on('close', function () {
const packageJSON = fsExtra.readJSONSync(packageJSONPath);
  const config = normalizeProjectConfig(packageJSON);

  // Extract the member to a variable so that type guards work properly.
  const packageName =;

  const defaultDisplayName =
    typeof packageName === 'string' ? lodash.startCase(packageName) : undefined;

  const {
  }: ProjectCreationArgs = await inquirer.prompt([
      name: 'appType',
      type: 'list',
      choices: Object.values(AppType),
      message: 'What type of application should be created?',
      name: 'appDisplayName',
      message: 'What should the name of this application be?',
      // Inquirer will not allow a default that fails validation
      // to be submited.
      default: defaultDisplayName,
      validate: validateDisplayName,
      name: 'withCompanion',
async function followUpQuestions(context, questionObj, inferType, defaultValues, parameters) {
  const answers = await inquirer.prompt(questionObj.endpointPrompt(parameters));
  if (answers.endpointConfig === 'import') {
    // attempt to get existing endpoints
    Object.assign(answers, await getEndpoints(context, questionObj, parameters));
  if (answers.endpointConfig === 'create') {
    // create endpoint in console
    await createEndpoint(context, defaultValues);
    // import existing endpoint
    Object.assign(answers, await getEndpoints(context, questionObj, parameters));

  Object.assign(answers, await inquirer.prompt(questionObj.authAccess.prompt(parameters)));
  return answers;

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