Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'pacote' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.
const main = async lock => {
for (const [loc, meta] of Object.entries(lock.packages)) {
if (!loc || meta.link || !nm.test(loc))
const name = meta.name || loc.replace(nm, '$1')
console.error('FETCHING', name)
const paku = await pacote.packument(name)
const saveTo = resolve(dir, name.replace(/^@/, '') + '.json')
writeFileSync(saveTo, JSON.stringify(paku, 0, 2))
// bundled deps sometimes don't have a resolved value
if (!meta.resolved)
const path = url.parse(meta.resolved).pathname.replace(/^\/@?/, '')
const tgzFile = resolve(dir, path)
await pacote.tarball.file(meta.resolved, tgzFile)
async isLatestDatabase() {
// Read package.json database semver and database package file
const [ remotePackage, localPackage ] = await Promise.all( [
manifest( databasePackage ),
readJSON( join( DATABASE_FOLDER, 'package.json' ), 'utf-8' ),
] )
const { version: local } = localPackage
const { version: remote } = remotePackage
this.emit( 'database-version', { local, remote } )
logger.info( 'Local Database Version:', local )
logger.info( 'Remote Database Version:', remote )
return localPackage.version === remotePackage.version
function getManifest(depString) {
if (cache[depString]) {
// Only use it if it's not expired
if (cache[depString].ttl + MAX_TTL > Date.now()) {
return cache[depString].promise;
const promise = pacote.manifest(depString);
cache[depString] = promise;
return promise;
newNodeFromSpec (name, spec, parent) {
// pacote will slap integrity on its options, so we have to clone
// the object so it doesn't get mutated.
// Don't bother to load the manifest for link deps, because the target
// might be within another package that doesn't exist yet.
return spec.type === 'directory'
? Promise.resolve(new Link({ name, parent, realpath: spec.fetchSpec }))
: pacote.manifest(spec, Object.create(this.options))
.then(pkg => new Node({ name, pkg, parent }))
export default async function fetchTemplate(destinationPath: string, template?: string) {
if (template && fse.existsSync(path.resolve(template))) {
// local template
Logger.global.info(`Using local template: ${chalk.bold(path.resolve(template))}.`);
await fse.copy(path.resolve(template), destinationPath);
} else if (template && isNpmPackage(template)) {
// npm package
Logger.global.info(`Using NPM package as template: ${chalk.bold(template)}`);
await pacote.extract(template, destinationPath);
} else {
// default npm packge
Logger.global.info(`Using default NPM package as template: ${chalk.bold(DEFAULT_TEMPLATE)}`);
await pacote.extract(DEFAULT_TEMPLATE, destinationPath);
if (await fse.pathExists(path.join(destinationPath, 'template-unimodule.json'))) {
await fse.move(
path.join(destinationPath, 'template-unimodule.json'),
path.join(destinationPath, 'unimodule.json')
async _installPackage({pkgName, version, targetDir}) {
try {
await stat(path.join(targetDir, "package.json"));
log.verbose(`Alrady installed: ${pkgName} in version ${version}`);
} catch (err) {
if (err.code === "ENOENT") { // "File or directory does not exist"
log.info(`Installing ${pkgName}...`);
log.verbose(`Installing ${pkgName} in version ${version}...`);
await pacote.extract(`${pkgName}@${version}`, targetDir, this._getPacoteOptions());
} else {
throw err;
async function processPackageTarball(name, version, options) {
const { ref, tmpLocation } = options;
const dest = join(tmpLocation, `${name}@${version}`);
const free = await tarballLocker.acquireOne();
try {
await pacote.extract(ref.flags.isGit ? ref.gitUrl : `${name}@${version}`, dest, {
cache: `${process.env.HOME}/.npm`
await new Promise((resolve) => setImmediate(resolve));
let isProjectUsingESM = false;
// Read the package.json file in the extracted tarball
try {
const packageStr = await readFile(join(dest, "package.json"), "utf-8");
const { type = "script", description = "", author = {}, scripts = {} } = JSON.parse(packageStr);
ref.description = description;
ref.author = author;
isProjectUsingESM = type === "module";
ref.flags.hasScript = [...Object.keys(scripts)].some((value) => NPM_SCRIPTS.has(value.toLowerCase()));
const specs = trySpecs(this.spec, this.adaptVersion);
// Remember errors that pertain to accessing the base spec, independent
// of version label.
const baseSpecErrs = new Map();
do {
const spec = specs.shift();
if (!spec) throw new InternalError(`empty spec list`);
try {
const prevErr = baseSpecErrs.get(spec.base);
if (prevErr) throw prevErr;
log(`Trying ${spec.complete}`);
await pacote.extract(spec.complete, this.starterDir, opts);
} catch (err) {
err = ensureError(err);
if (err.code === "ENOENT" && err.path === path.join(this.starterDir, "package.json")) {
// SUCCESS. We don't require a package.json
if (specs.length === 0) throw new SpecError(spec.complete, err.message);
// If we can't access the base spec (e.g. git repo or npm package
// doesn't exist), then don't try additional versions of that
// base spec.
if (isErrorWithBaseSpec(spec, err)) baseSpecErrs.set(spec.base, err);
} while (true);
} catch (err) {
return CliExitCodes.ERROR.INPUT
const manifestId = new ManifestId(manifest)
const globalPackagePath = path.join(this.globalConfig.globalFolderPath,
const xpack = new Xpack({ xpackFolderAbsolutePath: config.cwd, log })
const packFullName = manifestId.getFullName()
// Read the cwd package.json
let globalJson = await xpack.hasPackageJson(globalPackagePath)
if (!globalJson) {
log.info(`Installing ${packFullName}...`)
await pacote.extract(config.template, globalPackagePath,
{ cache: cachePath })
log.info('Installing npm dependencies...')
const spawn = new Spawn()
const code = await spawn.executeShellPromise(
'npm install --production --color=false',
cwd: globalPackagePath
if (code !== 0) {
log.error(`Install dependencies failed (npm returned ${code}).`)
await del(globalPackagePath, { force: true })
globalJson = await xpack.hasPackageJson(globalPackagePath)
async updateDatabase() {
// Download and extract the database package from npm
logger.info( `Downloading database update to ${this.tempFolder}` )
await remove( this.tempFolder )
await extract( databasePackage, this.tempFolder )
logger.info( 'Hot-patching database module' )
// Disconnect the Shabad OS database connection
await knex.destroy()
// Move across the updated npm database module
await move( this.tempFolder, DATABASE_FOLDER, { overwrite: true } )
// Reimport the database
//! Relies on knex being reinitialised globally
importFresh( '@shabados/database' )