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Top 10 Examples of "jquery in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'jquery' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

request1.done(function( hh ) {

      console.log('got_challenge', JSON.stringify(hh));

      const dd = hh['challenge'];

      const sig = ethUtils.ecsign(ethUtils.sha256(new Buffer(dd)), new Buffer(posting_priv, 'hex'));

      // Send challenge response:
      const request2 = $.ajax({
        dataType: "json",
        url: "/login_2",
        method: "POST",
        data: JSON.stringify({
          the_pub: posting_pub,
          challenge: dd,
          requested_username: requested_username,
          sig: {
            sig_v: sig.v,
            sig_r: sig.r.toString('hex'),
            sig_s: sig.s.toString('hex'),

      request2.done(function( msg2 ) {
.done(function (resp, status, doc) {
                    if (doc.responseText) {
                        var context = json.parse(doc.responseText);
                        $.each(templates, function (id, template) {
                            $app.find('#' + id).html(mustache.render(template, context));

                        // This is hacky, but have to make sure that
                        // chat is only updated if it is empty.
                        if ($chat.children().length === 0) {
                            $chat.html(mustache.render(chat, context));
                        id =;
                    setTimeout(function () {
                    }, 100);
                }).fail(function (resp) {
schemaHelper.parseOptionPath = function (optionPath, options) {
        options = options || {};
        var errorInfo = 'Path is illegal: \'' + optionPath + '\'';
            optionPath && (optionPath = $.trim(optionPath)), errorInfo
        // 因为mark down的url中不支持小括号(marked实现太简单了),所以小括号改用减号,数组不再用减号。
        // URL中的数组,不写[i]。
        // optionPath = optionPath.replace(/\-i/g, '-i]'); // 兼容 series-i表示数组的情况。
        var pathArr = optionPath.split(/\.|\[/);
        var retArr = [];

        for (var i = 0, len = pathArr.length; i < len; i++) {
            var itemStr = $.trim(pathArr[i]);
            if (options.ignoreEmptyItem && itemStr === '') {
            // 因为mark down的url中不支持小括号(marked实现太简单了),所以不用小括号,改用减号表示type。
            // match: 'asdf-bb' 'asdf-' 'i]-bb' 'i]-' 'asdf' 'i]'
            var regResult = itemStr.match(PATH_ITEM_REG) || [];
const orderDetail = new OrderDetail({
      removeOnClose: true,
      returnText: app.polyglot.t(`transactions.${type}s.returnToFromOrder`),


    if (opts.addToRoute) {
      // add the order / case id to the url
      const params = deparam(location.hash.split('?')[1] || '');
      delete params.orderId;
      delete params.caseId;
      params[type === 'case' ? 'caseId' : 'orderId'] = id;

    // remove it from the url on close of the modal
    const onClose = () => {
      const params = deparam(location.hash.split('?')[1] || '');
      delete params.orderId;
      delete params.caseId;

    this.listenTo(orderDetail, 'close', onClose);

    // Do not alter the url if the user is routing to a new route. The
    // user has already altered the url.
    this.listenTo(app.router, 'will-route', () => {
      this.stopListening(orderDetail, 'close', onClose);
Menu.prototype._updateInfo = function (dataSource) {
  if (dataSource && !== 'Complex') {
  const complex = dataSource;

  const body = $('.panel-menu[data-panel-type=miew-menu-panel-info]').children('.panel-body')[0];

  // remove all existing text
  const parent = body;
  while (parent.firstChild) {

  const frag = document.createDocumentFragment();
  if (!complex) {
    frag.appendChild(createElement('p', null, 'No data loaded yet.'));

  const { metadata } = complex;
  const h1 = createElement('h1', null, `${ || || 'Unknown data'} `);
<div id="spritelist"></div>


      tolerance: "pointer",
      revert: '100'

    // this line is ridiculous, but apparently it is needed for the sprite sorting to not screw up
    $("<style type="text/css"> .list-sprite-size{ width:"+this.width+"px; height:"+this.height+"px;} </style>").appendTo("head");

private initialize(): void {
    const me = this;
    let deferred = $.Deferred();

    // load the start module
    if (top.startInModule && top.startInModule[0] && $('#' + top.startInModule[0]).length > 0) {
      deferred = this.showModule(
    } else {
      // fetch first module
      const $firstModule = $('.t3js-modulemenu-action[data-link]:first');
      if ($firstModule.attr('id')) {
        deferred = this.showModule(
      // else case: the main module has no entries, this is probably a backend
      // user with very little access rights, maybe only the logout button and
      // a user settings module in topbar.

    deferred.then((): void => {
const $ul = $(this).children('.dropdown-menu');
      const $button = $(this).children('.dropdown-toggle');
      // Ugh, the position of the , plus the offset of the UL relative
      // to the dropdown toggle button.
      const ulOffsetTop = $ul.parents('.list-table-row').position().top +
      // how much space would be left on the top if the dropdown opened that
      // direction
      const spaceUp = ulOffsetTop - $button.height() - $ul.height();
      // how much space is left at the bottom
      const spaceDown = $tableScroller.height() - (ulOffsetTop + $ul.height());
      // switch to dropup only if there is no space at the bottom
      // AND there is space at the top, or there isn't either but it
      // would be still better fit
      if (spaceDown &lt; 0 &amp;&amp; (spaceUp &gt;= 0 || spaceUp &gt; spaceDown)) {
    }).on('', '.dropdown', function hhidden() {
      // always reset after close
RelevantDropdown.prototype._init = function() {
    const $input = $( this.element );
    this.listId = $input.attr( 'list' );

    // Insert home for new fake datalist
    this.$fakeDatalist = $( '<ul>', {
        'class': 'datalist widget',
        'id': this.listId
    } ).appendTo( $input.parent() );

setData: function (state, options, dataset) {
                // If no options specify by user, use default options
                if (options != null) {
                    $.extend(this.options, options);
            	return this;

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