Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'appium-remote-debugger' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.
'that the proxy is running and accessible');
this.remote = null;
pageArray = [];
} else {
// simulator, and not connected
this.remote = await this.getNewRemoteDebugger();
let appInfo = await this.remote.connect();
if (!appInfo) {
logger.debug('Unable to connect to the remote debugger.');
return [];
pageArray = await this.remote.selectApp(currentUrl, this.opts.webviewConnectRetries, this.opts.ignoreAboutBlankUrl);
this.remote.on(RemoteDebugger.EVENT_PAGE_CHANGE, this.onPageChange.bind(this));
this.remote.on(RemoteDebugger.EVENT_FRAMES_DETACHED, () => {
if (!_.isEmpty(this.curWebFrames)) {
logger.debug(`Clearing ${this.curWebFrames.length} frames: ${this.curWebFrames.join(', ')}`);
this.curWebFrames = [];
let tryClosingAlert = async () => {
let didDismiss = await this.closeAlertBeforeTest();
if (!didDismiss) {
throw new Error('Close alert failed. Retry.');
try {
await retryInterval(3, 4000, tryClosingAlert);
} catch (err) {
// if the loop to close alerts failed to dismiss, ignore,
'ios-webkit-debug-proxy. If you expect to find webviews, please ensure ' +
'that the proxy is running and accessible');
this.remote = null;
pageArray = [];
} else {
// simulator, and not connected
this.remote = await this.getNewRemoteDebugger();
let appInfo = await this.remote.connect();
if (!appInfo) {
logger.debug('Unable to connect to the remote debugger.');
return [];
pageArray = await this.remote.selectApp(currentUrl, this.opts.webviewConnectRetries, this.opts.ignoreAboutBlankUrl);
this.remote.on(RemoteDebugger.EVENT_PAGE_CHANGE, this.onPageChange.bind(this));
this.remote.on(RemoteDebugger.EVENT_FRAMES_DETACHED, () => {
if (!_.isEmpty(this.curWebFrames)) {
logger.debug(`Clearing ${this.curWebFrames.length} frames: ${this.curWebFrames.join(', ')}`);
this.curWebFrames = [];
let tryClosingAlert = async () => {
let didDismiss = await this.closeAlertBeforeTest();
if (!didDismiss) {
throw new Error('Close alert failed. Retry.');
try {
await retryInterval(3, 4000, tryClosingAlert);
} catch (err) {
extensions.getNewRemoteDebugger = async function getNewRemoteDebugger () { // eslint-disable-line require-await
return new RemoteDebugger({
bundleId: this.opts.bundleId,
useNewSafari: this.useNewSafari(),
pageLoadMs: this.pageLoadMs,
platformVersion: this.opts.platformVersion,
isSafari: this.isSafari(),
remoteDebugProxy: this.opts.remoteDebugProxy,
garbageCollectOnExecute: false,
logFullResponse: !!this.opts.safariShowFullResponse,
useUrl = useUrl && !!this.getCurrentUrl();
logger.debug(`Selecting by url: ${useUrl} ${useUrl ? `(expected url: '${this.getCurrentUrl()}')` : ''}`);
let currentUrl = useUrl ? this.getCurrentUrl() : undefined;
let pageArray;
if (this.isRealDevice() && this.remote && this.opts.bundleId) {
// real device, and already connected
pageArray = await this.remote.pageArrayFromJson(this.opts.ignoreAboutBlankUrl);
} else if (this.remote && this.remote.appIdKey) {
// simulator, and already connected
pageArray = await this.remote.selectApp(currentUrl, this.opts.webviewConnectRetries, this.opts.ignoreAboutBlankUrl);
} else if (this.isRealDevice()) {
// real device, and not connected
try {
this.remote = new WebKitRemoteDebugger({
port: this.opts.webkitDebugProxyPort,
webkitResponseTimeout: this.opts.webkitResponseTimeout,
platformVersion: this.opts.platformVersion,
isSafari: this.isSafari(),
garbageCollectOnExecute: false,
logFullResponse: !!this.opts.safariShowFullResponse,
pageArray = await this.remote.pageArrayFromJson(this.opts.ignoreAboutBlankUrl);
} catch (err) {
// it is reasonable to expect that this might be called when there is no
// webkit remote debugger to connect to
if (!_.includes(err.message, 'connect ECONNREFUSED')) throw err; // eslint-disable-line curly
logger.warn('Attempted to get a list of webview contexts but could not connect to ' +
'ios-webkit-debug-proxy. If you expect to find webviews, please ensure ' +
'that the proxy is running and accessible');
extensions.connectToRemoteDebugger = async function connectToRemoteDebugger () {
this.remote = await this.getNewRemoteDebugger();
await this.remote.connect();
this.remote.on(RemoteDebugger.EVENT_PAGE_CHANGE, this.onPageChange.bind(this));
this.remote.on(RemoteDebugger.EVENT_FRAMES_DETACHED, () => {
if (!_.isEmpty(this.curWebFrames)) {
log.debug(`Clearing ${this.curWebFrames.length} frames: ${this.curWebFrames.join(', ')}`);
this.curWebFrames = [];
extensions.connectToRemoteDebugger = async function connectToRemoteDebugger () {
this.remote = await this.getNewRemoteDebugger();
await this.remote.connect();
this.remote.on(RemoteDebugger.EVENT_PAGE_CHANGE, this.onPageChange.bind(this));
this.remote.on(RemoteDebugger.EVENT_FRAMES_DETACHED, () => {
if (!_.isEmpty(this.curWebFrames)) {
log.debug(`Clearing ${this.curWebFrames.length} frames: ${this.curWebFrames.join(', ')}`);
this.curWebFrames = [];
extensions.getNewRemoteDebugger = async function getNewRemoteDebugger () {
let socketPath;
if (!this.isRealDevice()) {
socketPath = await this.opts.device.getWebInspectorSocket();
return createRemoteDebugger({
bundleId: this.opts.bundleId,
additionalBundleIds: this.opts.additionalWebviewBundleIds,
isSafari: this.isSafari(),
includeSafari: this.opts.includeSafariInWebviews,
useNewSafari: this.useNewSafari(),
pageLoadMs: this.pageLoadMs,
platformVersion: this.opts.platformVersion,
remoteDebugProxy: this.opts.remoteDebugProxy,
garbageCollectOnExecute: util.hasValue(this.opts.safariGarbageCollect)
? !!this.opts.safariGarbageCollect
: false,
udid: this.opts.udid,
logAllCommunication: this.opts.safariLogAllCommunication,
logAllCommunicationHexDump: this.opts.safariLogAllCommunicationHexDump,
socketChunkSize: this.opts.safariSocketChunkSize,