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Top 10 Examples of "gulp-append-prepend in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'gulp-append-prepend' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.


	// Source any JS for allowed modules, which will minimize us shipping much
	// more JS that we haven't pointed to in PHP yet.
	// Example output: modules/(shortcodes|widgets)/**/*.js
	const supportedModulesSource = `modules/@(${ supportedModules.join( '|' ) })/**/*.js`;

	// Uglify other JS from _inc and supported modules
	const sources = [ '_inc/*.js', supportedModulesSource, '!modules/**/test-*.js' ];

	// Don't process minified JS in _inc or modules directories
	const sourceNegations = [ '!_inc/*.min.js', '!modules/**/*.min.js' ];
		.src( [ ...sources, ...sourceNegations ] )
				'/* Do not modify this file directly. It is compiled from other files. */\n'
		.pipe( gulpif( ! is_prod, sourcemaps.init() ) )
			minify( {
				output: {
					comments: saveLicense,
				noSource: true,
				ext: { min: '.js' },
			} )
		.pipe( rename( { suffix: '.min' } ) )
		.pipe( gulpif( ! is_prod, sourcemaps.write( 'maps' ) ) ) // Put the maps in _inc/build/maps so that we can easily .svnignore
		.pipe( gulp.dest( '_inc/build' ) )
gulp.task('rtl:style_uni', function () {
    return gulp.src(config.src.styles.style_uni)
        .pipe(gap.prependText('@import "./rtl.scss";\n')) // watch out for this relative path!
        .pipe(sass().on('error', sass.logError))
        .pipe(prefix('last 1 version'))
        .pipe(gulpif(!, csso()))
        .pipe(gulpif(!, sourcemaps.write()))
        .pipe(rename({ prefix: "rtl_" }))
        .pipe(gulpif( &&, gulp.dest(config.dest.themes)))
        .pipe(gulpif(, reload({ stream: true })));
gulp.task("build-browser-min", function () {
    // Minified browser build
    return typescriptToJavascript()
            context: { NODEJS: false }
            wrap: "google_myanmar_tools"
        .pipe(prependText(LICENSE, "\n"))
            extname: ".min.js"

	// Source any JS for whitelisted modules, which will minimize us shipping much
	// more JS that we haven't pointed to in PHP yet.
	// Example output: modules/(shortcodes|widgets)/**/*.js
	const supportedModulesSource = `modules/@(${ supportedModules.join( '|' ) })/**/*.js`;

	// Uglify other JS from _inc and supported modules
	const sources = [ '_inc/*.js', supportedModulesSource, '!modules/**/test-*.js' ];

	// Don't process minified JS in _inc or modules directories
	const sourceNegations = [ '!_inc/*.min.js', '!modules/**/*.min.js' ];
		.src( [ ...sources, ...sourceNegations ] )
				'/* Do not modify this file directly. It is compiled from other files. */\n'
		.pipe( gulpif( ! is_prod, sourcemaps.init() ) )
			minify( {
				output: {
					comments: saveLicense,
				noSource: true,
				ext: { min: '.js' },
			} )
		.pipe( rename( { suffix: '.min' } ) )
		.pipe( gulpif( ! is_prod, sourcemaps.write( 'maps' ) ) ) // Put the maps in _inc/build/maps so that we can easily .svnignore
		.pipe( gulp.dest( '_inc/build' ) )
gulp.task( 'sass:instant-search', function ( done ) {
	log( 'Building Instant Search CSS bundle...' );

	return gulp
		.src( './modules/search/instant-search/*.scss' )
		.pipe( sass( { outputStyle: 'compressed' } ) )
			prepend.prependText( '/* Do not modify this file directly.  It is compiled SASS code. */\n' )
		.pipe( autoprefixer() )
		.pipe( rename( { suffix: '.min' } ) )
		.pipe( gulp.dest( './_inc/build/instant-search' ) )
		.on( 'end', function () {
			log( 'Instant Search CSS finished.' );
		} );
} );
gulp.series( 'sass:packages', function () {
		return (
					{ base: '.' }
						'/*!\n' +
							'* Do not modify this file directly.  It is automatically generated.\n' +
				.pipe( autoprefixer() )
				// Build *-rtl.css
				.pipe( rtlcss() )
				.pipe( rename( { suffix: '-rtl' } ) )
				.pipe( gulp.dest( '.' ) )
				// Build *-rtl.min.css
				.pipe( cleanCSS() )
				.pipe( rename( { suffix: '.min' } ) )
				.pipe( gulp.dest( '.' ) )
				// Finished
				.on( 'end', function () {
replace(/^(.+):/gm, "\n$1:"),

			// Replace heading marks.
			replace(/=== (.+) ===/g, "# $1 #"),
			replace(/== (.+) ==/g, "## $1 ##"),
			replace(/= (.+) =/g, "### $1 ###"),

			// Link the contributors.
				"Contributors: tivnetinc, alexgff, tivnet",
				"Contributors: [TIV.NET INC.](, " +
				"[Alex Gor](, " +
				"[Gregory Karpinsky]("),

			// Prepend badges.

gulp.task('vendorDraftJsCss', function () {
  return gulp
    .pipe(gap.prependText('::ng-deep { '))
    .pipe(gap.prependText('/* This file is automatically generated from Draft.css upstream */'))
    .pipe(gap.prependText('/* Do not edit */'))
    .pipe(gap.appendText(' }'))
gulp.task("licenses", async function() {
  // this is to add Creative Tim licenses in the production & dev mode for the minified js
  gulp.src(["dist/js/chunk-vendors*.js", "dist/js/app*.js"], { base: "./" })
  .pipe(gulp.dest("./", { overwrite: true }));

  // this is to add Creative Tim licenses in the production & dev mode for the minified html
  gulp.src("dist/index.html", { base: "./" })
  .pipe(gulp.dest("./", { overwrite: true }));

  // this is to add Creative Tim licenses in the production & dev mode for the minified css
  gulp.src(["dist/css/chunk-vendors*.css", "dist/app*.css"], { base: "./" })
  .pipe(gulp.dest("./", { overwrite: true }));
function testsBuild() {
    // Combine js files and append tests
    return gulp.src(getPaths().map(function(f) { return 'site/public/' + f; })) // Get rid of prepend
      .pipe(addsrc.append(getTestPaths().map(function (f) { return 'tests/public/' + f; })))

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