Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'graphlib' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.
export function exampleWithLoop () {
// f -------, b<-,
// a -- b -- c -- e `
// `------ d -'
// \
// Add an implicit dependency on core, if core is not explicitly listed.
if (coreLoaded && name !== 'core' && ![...after, ...before].includes('core')) {
// Add the edges.
before.forEach(b => graph.setEdge(name, b));
after.forEach(a => graph.setEdge(a, name));
// Sort plugins topologically.
const orderedPlugins = alg.topsort(graph).map(node => graph.node(node) as EthqlPlugin);
const sources = graph.sources();
if (sources.length === 0 || !alg.isAcyclic(graph)) {
throw new Error(ERR_MSG_NO_ROOT);
} else if (sources.length > 1) {
throw new Error(ERR_MSG_MANY_ROOTS(sources));
console.log(`⚒ Bootstrapping with plugins: ${orderedPlugins.map(p => p.name).join(', ')}.`);
// Merge schemas, resolvers, serviceDefinitions from all plugins.
let merged: MergeResult = { config: runtimeConfig, schema: [], resolvers: {}, serviceDefinitions: {} };
for (let plugin of orderedPlugins) {
if (typeof plugin.resolvers === 'function') {
plugin.resolvers = plugin.resolvers(merged.resolvers);
merged = deepmerge.all([merged, plugin]) as MergeResult;
// Add the node.
graph.setNode(name, plugin);
// Add an implicit dependency on core, if core is not explicitly listed.
if (coreLoaded && name !== 'core' && ![...after, ...before].includes('core')) {
// Add the edges.
before.forEach(b => graph.setEdge(name, b));
after.forEach(a => graph.setEdge(a, name));
// Sort plugins topologically.
const orderedPlugins = alg.topsort(graph).map(node => graph.node(node) as EthqlPlugin);
const sources = graph.sources();
if (sources.length === 0 || !alg.isAcyclic(graph)) {
throw new Error(ERR_MSG_NO_ROOT);
} else if (sources.length > 1) {
throw new Error(ERR_MSG_MANY_ROOTS(sources));
console.log(`⚒ Bootstrapping with plugins: ${orderedPlugins.map(p => p.name).join(', ')}.`);
// Merge schemas, resolvers, serviceDefinitions from all plugins.
let merged: MergeResult = { config: runtimeConfig, schema: [], resolvers: {}, serviceDefinitions: {} };
for (let plugin of orderedPlugins) {
if (typeof plugin.resolvers === 'function') {
plugin.resolvers = plugin.resolvers(merged.resolvers);
(session) => {
// #TODO: this graph is quite some antipattern to functional
// programming...
const nodes = session.Node.all().toModelArray();
const graph = Graph.getInstance();
let sorted;
try {
const order = GraphAlgorithms.topsort(graph);
sorted = nodes.sort((a, b) => order.findIndex((id) => id === a.id)
- order.findIndex((id) => id === b.id));
} catch (error) {
// #TODO not sure how to check this:
// if (error instanceof CycleException) {
sorted = nodes;
console.warn('You probably have a circularity in your graph...');
return sorted.map((node) => {
const parameters = node.parameters && node.parameters.toRefArray();
return {...node.ref, parameters};
static async buildGraphFromScope(scope: Scope): Promise {
const graph = new Graph();
const allModelComponents: ModelComponent[] = await scope.list();
const buildGraphP = allModelComponents.map(async modelComponent => {
const buildVersionP = modelComponent.listVersions().map(async versionNum => {
const version = await modelComponent.loadVersion(versionNum, scope.objects);
if (!version) {
// a component might be in the scope with only the latest version
const id = modelComponent.toBitId().changeVersion(versionNum);
this._addDependenciesToGraph(id, graph, version);
await Promise.all(buildVersionP);
await Promise.all(buildGraphP);
return graph;
export const draw = function(text, id) {
conf = getConfig().state;
logger.debug('Rendering diagram ' + text);
// /// / Fetch the default direction, use TD if none was found
const diagram = d3.select(`[id='${id}']`);
// // Layout graph, Create a new directed graph
const graph = new graphlib.Graph({
multigraph: false,
compound: true,
// acyclicer: 'greedy',
rankdir: 'RL'
// ranksep: '20'
// // Default to assigning a new object as a label for each new edge.
graph.setDefaultEdgeLabel(function() {
return {};
const rootDoc = stateDb.getRootDoc();
renderDoc(rootDoc, diagram);
const padding = conf.padding;
if (!compileGraph.hasNode(name)) {
if (!compileGraph.hasNode(toName)) {
// reverse!
compileGraph.setEdge({v:toName, w:fromName});
// Apply topological sorting, Start at the leafs of the graphs (e.g. atoms) and go further
// up in the hierarchy
const o = graphlib.alg.topsort(compileGraph);
return this.nodes2patterns(o);
export function topologicalSortComponentDependencies(componentWithDependencies: ComponentWithDependencies): void {
const { graphDeps } = buildComponentsGraph([
const componentId = componentWithDependencies.component.id.toString();
let sortedComponents;
if (!graphLib.alg.isAcyclic(graphDeps)) {
const circle = graphLib.alg.findCycles(graphDeps);
throw new GeneralError(
`unable to topological sort dependencies of ${componentId}, it has the following cyclic dependencies\n${circle}`
try {
sortedComponents = graphLib.alg.topsort(graphDeps);
const sortedComponentsIds = sortedComponents.map(s => graphDeps.node(s));
const sortedDependenciesIds = R.tail(sortedComponentsIds); // the first one is the component itself
const dependencies = sortedDependenciesIds.map(depId => {
const matchDependency = componentWithDependencies.dependencies.find(dependency => dependency.id.isEqual(depId));
if (!matchDependency) throw new Error(`topologicalSortComponentDependencies, ${depId.toString()} is missing`);
return matchDependency;
componentWithDependencies.dependencies = dependencies;
} catch (err) {
throw new GeneralError(`unable to topological sort dependencies of ${componentId}. Original error: ${err.message}`);
// there are circles but they are all from the same scope, add them to groupedArraySorted
// first, then, remove from the graph, so it will be possible to execute topsort
cycles.forEach(cycle => {
cycle.forEach(node => {
const id = graph.node(node);
// @todo: optimize in case each one of the ids has all its dependencies from the same scope,
// return groupedArrayFormat
let sortedComponents;
try {
sortedComponents = graphLib.alg.topsort(graph);
} catch (err) {
// should never arrive here, it's just a precaution, as topsort doesn't fail nicely
throw new Error(`fatal: graphlib was unable to topsort the components. circles: ${cycles}`);
const sortedComponentsIds = sortedComponents.map(s => graph.node(s)).reverse();
sortedComponentsIds.forEach(id => addToGroupedSorted(id));
return groupedArraySorted;
if (!succIds) throw new InternalError(`id '${id}' not found`);
const deps = succIds.map((sId) => {
const isHard = hardSet.delete(sId);
return { id: sId, type: isHard ? "hard" : "soft" };
if (hardSet.size !== 0) {
throw new InternalError(`Internal consistency check failed: ` +
`not all hardDeps are successors`);
const entry: EPDependencies[string] = { detail: detail(node), deps };
if (node.element) entry.elementId = node.element.id;
return entry;
const ret: EPDependencies = {};
const ids = alg.isAcyclic(this.graph) ?
alg.topsort(this.graph) : this.graph.nodes();
// Insert starting with leaves for a more human-readable ordering
for (let i = ids.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
const id = ids[i];
const node = this.getNode(id);
ret[id] = getDeps(node, id);
return ret;