Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'google-play-scraper' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.
exports.startReview = function (config, first_run) {
var appInformation = {};
//scrape Google Play for app information first
playScraper.app({appId: config.appId})
.then(function (appData, error) {
if (error) {
return console.error("ERROR: [" + config.appId + "] Could not scrape Google Play, " + error);
appInformation.appName = appData.title;
appInformation.appIcon = appData.icon;
exports.fetchGooglePlayReviews(config, appInformation, function (reviews) {
// If we don't have any published reviews, then treat this as a baseline fetch, we won't post any
// reviews to slack, but new ones from now will be posted
if (first_run) {
var reviewLength = reviews.length;
for (var i = 0; i < reviewLength; i++) {
var initialReview = reviews[i];
appId: opt.appId,
country: opt.country, // TODO: Support more countries
.then((data) => {
setMetrics(store, opt.country, data) // TODO: Support more countries
.catch((err) => {
reject(new Error(`Itunes Scraper error for the app "${opt.appId}" (${opt.country}): ${err.message}`));
if (store === 'gplay') {
appId: opt.appId,
country: opt.country, // TODO: Support more countries
.then((data) => {
setMetrics(store, opt.country, data) // TODO: Support more countries
.catch((err) => {
reject(new Error(`Google Play Scraper error for the app "${opt.appId}"" (${opt.country}): ${err.message}`));
'use strict';
// FIXME don't force memoization
const gplay = require('google-play-scraper').memoized();
const R = require('ramda');
const calc = require('../calc');
const debug = require('debug')('aso');
* An object that holds all store-specific parts of the algorithms exposed by
* the library. This is not the most elegant solution ever, but beats introducing
* hierarchies and inheritance. If these objects grow too big it's probably better
* to break them into more cohessive components, maybe with defaults for the
* common stuff.
const getCollection = (app) => app.free ? gplay.collection.TOP_FREE : gplay.collection.TOP_PAID;
const getGenre = (app) => app.genreId;
async run ({t, author, channel, language}, country, term) {
const embed = new SwitchbladeEmbed(author)
const response = await gplay.search({term, country, num: 1, lang: language.substring(0, 1)})
if (response.length > 0) {
const app = response[0]
.setThumbnail('http://' + app.icon)
.setAuthor('Google Play Store', 'https://i.imgur.com/tkTq2bi.png')
} else {
router.get('/apps/:appId', function (req, res, next) {
const opts = Object.assign({appId: req.params.appId}, req.query);
const fetchApp = (i, cb) => {
if (i >= apps.length) {
return cb();
} else {
term: apps[i],
num: 1,
}).then((data, err) => {
if (!err && data && data.length > 0) {
color: 0x00FF00,
author: {
name: `By ${data[0].developer}`,
thumbnail: {
url: data[0].icon ? `http:${data[0].icon}` : "",
title: `__${data[0].title}__`,
url: `${data[0].url}`,
description: `A quick summary: \`\`\`\n${data[0].summary}\`\`\``,
footer: {
router.get('/apps/', function (req, res, next) {
if (!req.query.q) {
return next();
const opts = Object.assign({term: req.query.q}, req.query);
.then((apps) => apps.map(cleanUrls(req)))
function reviews() {
var app = APPS[currentIndex];
var request = gplay.reviews({
appId: app.package,
page: 0,
sort: gplay.sort.NEWEST
return request.then(toRuleResult(app));
const subpath = '/apps/' + req.params.appId + '/reviews/';
if (page > 0) {
req.query.page = page - 1;
apps.prev = buildUrl(req, subpath) + '?' + qs.stringify(req.query);
if (apps.results.length) {
req.query.page = page + 1;
apps.next = buildUrl(req, subpath) + '?' + qs.stringify(req.query);
return apps;
const opts = Object.assign({appId: req.params.appId}, req.query);
router.get('/developers/:devId/', function (req, res, next) {
const opts = Object.assign({devId: req.params.devId}, req.query);
.then((apps) => apps.map(cleanUrls(req)))
.then((apps) => ({
devId: req.params.devId,