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Top 10 Examples of "globby in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'globby' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

async function execFileGlobs (globs, baseDir) {
    // NOTE: We have to create glob tasks, execute them and sort their results separately to preserve the same item order
    // as in the older globby versions (<7.1.1)
    const tasks = globby.generateGlobTasks(globs, { cwd: baseDir, expandDirectories: false, onlyFiles: true });
    const files = await Promise.all(;

    return flatten(files);

  const files = args._ && args._.length
    ? args._
    : ['src/**/*.ts', 'src/**/*.tsx', 'tests/**/*.ts', 'tests/**/*.tsx']

  // respect linterOptions.exclude from tslint.json
  if (config && config.linterOptions && config.linterOptions.exclude) {
    // use the raw tslint.json data because config contains absolute paths
    const rawTslintConfig = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(tslintConfigPath, 'utf-8'))
    const excludedGlobs = rawTslintConfig.linterOptions.exclude
    excludedGlobs.forEach((g) => files.push('!' + g))

  return globby(files, { cwd }).then(files => {
    if (silent) return
    const result = linter.getResult()
    if (!result) {
      console.log(`No result.\n`)
    } else if (result.output.trim()) {
    } else if (result.fixes && result.fixes.length) {
      // some formatters do not report fixes.
      const f = new tslint.Formatters.ProseFormatter()
      process.stdout.write(f.format(result.failures, result.fixes))
    } else if (!result.failures.length) {
      console.log(`No lint errors found.\n`)

    if (result.failures.length && !args.force) {
private findElmFilesInFolder(element: [string, boolean]): IFolder[] {
    // Cleanup the path on windows, as globby does not like backslashes
    const globUri = element[0].replace(/\\/g, "/");

    return globby
      .sync(`${globUri}/**/*.elm`, { suppressErrors: true })
      .map(matchingPath => ({ path: matchingPath, writable: element[1] }));
paths = _.filter(paths, (pathName) => {
        const exclude = _.endsWith(pathName, '/') === true;

        if (exclude) {
            appendPaths.push(pathName + '**/*.js');
            appendPaths.push(pathName + '**/*.css');
            appendPaths.push(pathName + '**/*.scss');

        return !exclude;

    paths = paths.concat(appendPaths);
    paths = _.uniq(paths);

    paths = glob.sync(paths);
    // @todo Test whether glob.sync can return non-unique file paths.
    // paths = _.unique(paths);

    paths =, resolveAbsolutePath);

    return paths;

    // exclude all specs if no spec is mentioned in `files[]`
    if (!includeSpec) {


    config.fileNames = globby.sync(gpaths, { ignore: ["**/node_modules/**"] });

    return config;
public async reset() {
    this.logWithMetadata(['info', 'optimize:watch_cache'], 'The optimizer watch cache will reset');

    // start by deleting the state file to lower the
    // amount of time that another process might be able to
    // successfully read it once we decide to delete it
    await del(this.statePath, { force: true });

    // delete everything in optimize/.cache directory
    await del(await globby([normalizePosixPath(this.cachePath)], { dot: true }));

    // delete some empty folder that could be left
    // from the previous cache path reset action
    await deleteEmpty(this.cachePath);

    // delete dlls
    await del(this.dllsPath);

    // re-write new cache state file
    await this.write();

    this.logWithMetadata(['info', 'optimize:watch_cache'], 'The optimizer watch cache has reset');
async function main() {
    const inputFiles = program.args.length == 0 ? DEFAULT_FILES : program.args;
    const paths = await globby([...inputFiles, ...IGNORED_FILES]);

    paths.forEach(filePath => {
        // $FlowFixMe: flow doesn't accept dynamic require
        require(path.resolve(process.cwd(), filePath));

    // Get all suites to run
    const input = getBenchmark();
    const previous =
        ? await loadResult(path.resolve(process.cwd(),
        : null;

    const reporter = new BackgroundReporter();

    // Setup options for scenarios
    const options = {
function parseGlobs (args, parsed) {
  let patterns = [];

  if (parsed.globIndex === -1 && globby.hasMagic(args[0])) {
    while (args[0] && args[0][0] !== "-") {
      // We found an entry file glob pattern
      let pattern = args.shift();

      // Set the baseDir, if not already set
      parsed.baseDir = parsed.baseDir || helpers.getBaseDir(pattern);

    if (patterns.length) {
      // We found entry file(s), so set the glob index and create the glob function
      parsed.globIndex = parsed.args.length;
      parsed.args.push((options) => {
        return globby.sync(patterns, options);
async function strictGlobMatch(file: string, options: object): Promise {
  let matches = await globby(file, options);

  if (matches.length === 0) {
    if (hasMagic(file)) {
      throw new Error(`Could not find any files matching "${file}".`);
    else {
      throw new Error(`Could not find file: ${file}.`);

  // Return files in a predictable order
  return matches.sort();
cfg.plugins.use('autoinstall', require('@rollup/plugin-auto-install'), [{}])

      // if (['umd', 'iife'].includes(cfg.output.format)) {
          .use('node-resolve', require('rollup-plugin-node-resolve'), [{
            main: false,
            module: true,
            jsnext: true,
            extensions: ['.js', '.json'],
            preferBuiltIns: true,
            browser: true
      // }

      if (globby.hasMagic(cfg.input)) {
        cfg.plugins.use('multi-entry', require('rollup-plugin-multi-entry'), [])

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