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Top 10 Examples of "fluent-ffmpeg in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'fluent-ffmpeg' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

function split(file, tmpFolder, ffmpegBinPath, ffprobeBinPath, cb) {
  //maximum legth of clips in seconds. 5 minutes each.
  var maxLength = 60 * 5;
  //number of files
  var total = 0;
  //list of files
  var files = [];

  // set ffprobe bin
  if(ffprobeBinPath) {
  } else {
    console.warn("ffprobe binary path not defined, so using system one. if available");

  * @function finishedSplit
  * @description helper function used as callback to add info on trimmed clips to list of files. 
  * @param {string} - name of the audio clip 
  * @param {number} - clip time offset in seconds, in 5 min intervals
  * @returns {callback} callback - return list of files
  var finishedSplit = function(filename, start) {
      name: filename,
      offset: start
[/"/g, ""],
		[/'/g, ""],
		[/\//g, ""],
		[/\?/g, ""],
		[/:/g, ""],
		[/;/g, ""]
	self.requestOptions =
		options && options.requestOptions
			? options.requestOptions
			: { maxRedirects: 5 };
	self.outputOptions =
		options && options.outputOptions ? options.outputOptions : [];

	if (options && options.ffmpegPath) {

	// Async download/transcode queue
	self.downloadQueue = async.queue(function (task, callback) {
			self.downloadQueue.running() + self.downloadQueue.length()
		self.performDownload(task, function (err, result) {
			callback(err, result);
	}, self.queueParallelism);
fs.writeFile(file, res.audioContent, 'binary', (err) => {
      if (err) {
        log.error(`Google Cloud TTS: ${err}`)

      const ffmpeg = new Ffmpeg()

      // Get file duration thanks to ffprobe
      ffmpeg.input(file).ffprobe((err, data) => {
        if (err) log.error(err)
        else {
          const duration = data.streams[0].duration * 1000
          em.emit('saved', duration)
          cb(file, duration)
function readVideoMetadataForEDL(config){
  var file = config.file;
  var callback = config.callback;
  var video = {};

  if ( config.ffprobePath ) {
    //setting ffprobe bin
    ffmpeg.setFfprobePath( config.ffprobePath );
  } else {
    console.warn("ffprobe binary path not defined, so using system one. if available");

  //running ffprobe   
  ffmpeg.ffprobe(file, function(err, metadata ) {
    // metadata is an object that contains all of the metadata available for the media file. Attributes especially nested onece may or may not be present costently across media files. Hence the following multiple boolean checks before reading attributes.
    //eg if format does not exist ad an attribtue then filename attribute will not be found under format.

    //reading file name 
    if(metadata !== undefined && metadata.format !== undefined && metadata.format.filename !== undefined ){
      video.filePathName = metadata.format.filename;
      var filePathO = path.parse(video.filePathName);
      video.fileName = filePathO.base;
    } else {
      video.filePathName = "NA";
if (idx%6 === 0) {

			console.log(columnify(fout, {
				showHeaders: false

			return deferred.resolve();
	// List of FFMPEG Decodable Formats
	if ( {
		ffmpeg.getAvailableFormats((err, formats) => {
			console.log('Available read formats:');
			for (const k in formats) {
				if(formats[k].canDemux) {
					console.log(`    - ${k}`);
			return deferred.resolve();
	// List of FFMPEG Decodable Codecs
	if ( {
		ffmpeg.getAvailableCodecs((err, codecs) => {
			ffmpeg.getAvailableCodecs((err, codecs) => {
				console.log('Available read codecs:');
				for (const k in codecs) {
					if(codecs[k].canDecode) {
if (err) {
                  req.flash('info', 'Unable to save to database (EPUB)');
                  return res.redirect('/upload');

        case 'avi':
        case 'mp4':
        case 'mov':
        case 'flv':
          var metaObject = new Metalib(filePath, function(metadata, err) {
            //var meta = util.inspect(metadata, false, null);
            file.videoCodec =;
            file.videoBitrate =;
            file.videoResolution =;
            file.videoFps =;
            file.videoAudioCodec =;
            file.videoAudioBitrate =;
            file.videoAudioSampleRate =;

            // Save to database
              if (err) {
                req.flash('info', 'Unable to save to database (VIDEO)');
                return res.redirect('/upload');

	    var file = options.file || options;
	    var segments = options.segments;
		var maxDuration = options.maxDuration | MAX_SEG_DUR;
		var maxRetries = options.maxRetries | 1;
		var limitConcurrent = options.limitConcurrent | MAX_CONCURRENT;
		var retries = 0;

		// Get file information and divide into segments
		// Then process each of these segments individually, and combine results at the end
	    ffmpeg.ffprobe(file, function (err, info) {
			var audioSegments = []
			var totalDuration = info.format.duration;
	    	if (segments) {
	    		for (var i = 0; i < segments.length; i++) {
	    			var duration = (i == segments.length-1) ? totalDuration-segments[i]: segments[i+1]-segments[i];
	    			if (duration < 0) {
	    				callback(new Error("segments must be a sorted array of start times, \
	    					each less than the total length of your audio"));
	    			var curStart = segments[i];
	    			while (duration > maxDuration + .001) {
	    					'start': curStart,
	    					'duration': maxDuration
	    				duration -= maxDuration;
const dlQueue = async.queue((task, done) => {
    // Set custom FFMPEG path if defined
    if (appSettings.get('downloads.ffmepg')) ffmpeg.setFfmpegPath(appSettings.get('downloads.ffmepg'))
    // Get video info
    LiveMe.getVideoInfo(task).then(video => {
        const path = appSettings.get('downloads.path')
        const dt = new Date(video.vtime * 1000)
        const mm = dt.getMonth() + 1
        const dd = dt.getDate()

        let filename = appSettings.get('downloads.template')
            .replace(/%%broadcaster%%/g, video.uname)
            .replace(/%%longid%%/g, video.userid)
            .replace(/%%replayid%%/g, video.vid)
            .replace(/%%replayviews%%/g, video.playnumber)
            .replace(/%%replaylikes%%/g, video.likenum)
            .replace(/%%replayshares%%/g, video.sharenum)
            .replace(/%%replaytitle%%/g, video.title ? video.title : 'untitled')
            .replace(/%%replayduration%%/g, video.videolength)
_checkDependencies() {
        var silkDecoder  = this._getSilkSDK("decoder"),
            silkEncoder  = this._getSilkSDK("encoder"),
            ffmpegPath   = this._ffmpegPath;

        // Check if Silk SDK is available
        if (!fs.existsSync(silkDecoder) || !fs.existsSync(silkEncoder)) {
            throw new Error("Silk SDK not found, make sure you compiled using command: wx-voice compile");

        if (ffmpegPath && fs.existsSync(ffmpegPath)) {
            this._ffmpegPath = path.resolve(ffmpegPath);

        } else if (ffmpegPath = this._getFfmpegPath()) {
            this._ffmpegPath = path.resolve(ffmpegPath);

        } else {
            throw new Error("FFMPEG not found");
// osx: x64 / other: ia32
var arch = process.platform === 'darwin' ? 'x64' : 'ia32'

// only windows has an extension
var ext = process.platform === 'win32' ? '.exe' : ''

try {
  var ffmpeg = path.join(__dirname, 'ffmpeg', process.platform, arch, 'ffmpeg' + ext)
  var ffprobe = path.join(__dirname, 'ffmpeg', process.platform, arch, 'ffprobe' + ext)
  // this checks if the ffmpeg folder exists in our repo, if it doesn't it will return an error
  fs.accessSync(ffmpeg, fs.F_OK)
  fs.accessSync(ffprobe, fs.F_OK)

  // folder exists so we need to load ffmpeg and ffprobe from our repo
} catch (e) {
  // folder does not exist, this means that ffmpeg and ffprobe
  // wore found somewhere else during the install process
  // fluent-ffmpeg will set the correct paths on it's own

module.exports = FfmpegCommand

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