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Top 10 Examples of "flat in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'flat' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

export const buildProjectUpdateQueryByQueryParamSelectCondition = (template, queryParams) => {
   * Supported types of questions
  const TYPE = {
    CHECKBOX_GROUP: 'checkbox-group',
    RADIO_GROUP: 'radio-group',
  const prefillData = {}
  const updateQuery = { $merge: prefillData }
  const flatQueryParams = flatten(queryParams, { safe: true })

  forEachNode(template, (nodeObject, node) => {
    if (
      // if condition is defined
      nodeObject.queryParamSelectCondition &&
      // support only for `options` nodes
      isNodeLevel(node, LEVEL.OPTION) &&
      // if condition is satisfied
      evaluate(nodeObject.queryParamSelectCondition, flatQueryParams)
    ) {
      const questionNode = getParentNode(node)
      const questionNodeObject = getNodeObject(template, questionNode)

      if (!questionNodeObject.fieldName) {
        console.error('Question of the option with "queryParamSelectCondition" doesn\'t have "fieldName". So we cannot pre-fill data.')

    // Parse comment header
    var flat         = {};
    var commentLines = stdout.match(/^#(.*)$/img);
    if (commentLines && commentLines.length) {
      commentLines.forEach(function(line) {
        var cfgKey   = line.match(/^#\s*([^:]+)\s*/)[1];
        var cfgVal   = line.match(/:\s*(.*)\s*$/)[1];
        flat[cfgKey] = cfgVal;

    // Convert flat -> structure to recursive
    var nested = unflatten(flat, {
      delimiter: '->',
      object   : true,

    // Apply defaults to said config
    _.extend(self, self.defaultConfig, nested.config);

    // Fixed plugin options       = path.basename(self.pluginFile, '.sh');
    self.executable = !!(1 & parseInt ((fs.statSync(self.pluginFile).mode & parseInt('777', 8)).toString(8)[0]));

    if (self.enabled === 'false') {
      self.enabled = false;
    } else {
      self.enabled = true;
        const rows = => flatten.unflatten(fp.fromPairs(, p))), xproduct( => (isChoice(v) ? nodeValue(v) : [v]), fp.values(compiledData))));
        // filter rows (remove empty and nonvalid)
// Feed empty translation (null or "")
        returnTranslations[k] = self.params.nullEmpty ? null : "";

  if (!_.isUndefined(useDefault) && useDefault) {
    returnTranslations = this.getDefaultTranslations(returnTranslations);

  this.computeStats(obj, translations, returnTranslations);

  // Case namespace (tree representation)
  if (this.params.tree) {
    // We need to remove parent NS
    returnTranslations = flat.unflatten(Translations.cleanParents(returnTranslations));

  return returnTranslations;
export const getAllSettings = () => {

  const settingsObject = {};

  let rootSettings = _.clone(Meteor.settings);
  delete rootSettings.public;
  delete rootSettings.private;

  // root settings & private settings are both private
  rootSettings = flatten(rootSettings, {safe: true});
  const privateSettings = flatten(Meteor.settings.private || {}, {safe: true});

  // public settings
  const publicSettings = flatten(Meteor.settings.public || {}, {safe: true});

  // registered default values
  const registeredSettings = Settings;

  const allSettingKeys = _.union(_.keys(rootSettings), _.keys(publicSettings), _.keys(privateSettings), _.keys(registeredSettings));

  allSettingKeys.sort().forEach(key => {

    settingsObject[key] = {};

    if (typeof rootSettings[key] !== 'undefined') {
      settingsObject[key].value = rootSettings[key];
    } else if (typeof privateSettings[key] !== 'undefined') {
      settingsObject[key].value = privateSettings[key];
    } else if (typeof publicSettings[key] !== 'undefined') {
      settingsObject[key].value = publicSettings[key];
const file = path.resolve(buildDir, `${locale}.${ext}`)
    // Initialize json file
    try {
      const output = isJson(ext) ? JSON.stringify({}) : yaml.safeDump({})
      fs.writeFileSync(file, output, { flag: 'wx' })
    } catch (error) {
      if (error.code !== 'EEXIST') {
        throw error

    let messages = isJson(ext)
      ? loadJsonFile.sync(file)
      : yaml.safeLoad(fs.readFileSync(file, 'utf8'), { json: true })

    messages = flatten(messages)

    oldLocaleMaps[locale] = {}
    for (const messageKey of Object.keys(messages)) {
      const message = messages[messageKey]
      if (message && typeof message === 'string' && message !== '') {
        oldLocaleMaps[locale][messageKey] = messages[messageKey]

  return oldLocaleMaps
// setup http trace data that will be sent to IOpipe later
      moduleData[id] = {};
      moduleData[id].request = getReqDataObject(rawOptions, protocol);
      // patch for Axios
      if (!moduleData[id].request.hostname && moduleData[id] {
        moduleData[id].request.hostname = moduleData[id];
      } else if (
        !moduleData[id].request.hostname &&
      ) {
        moduleData[id].request.hostname = moduleData[id].request.url;

      // flattening so that req headers can be sent even if there's a timeout
      moduleData[id] = flatten(moduleData[id], { maxDepth: 5 });
      moduleData[id] = filterData(config, moduleData[id]);

      // the func to execute at the end of the http call
      function extendedCallback(res) {
        // add full response data if the request passed filtering
        if (typeof moduleData[id] === 'object') {
          moduleData[id].response = getResDataObject(res);
          // flatten object for easy transformation/filtering later
          moduleData[id] = flatten(moduleData[id], { maxDepth: 5 });
          moduleData[id] = filterData(config, moduleData[id]);

        // if either filter function returns falsey value, drop all data completely
        if (typeof moduleData[id] !== 'object') {
// fields if empty and they are not correctly written to the CSV file
    const objKeys = [

    const discountCodeData = Object.entries(restDiscountCodeData).reduce(
      (discountCode: Object, [discountCodeKey, value]: [string, any]): Object =>
        objKeys.includes(discountCodeKey) && !Object.entries(value).length
          ? discountCode
          : { ...discountCode, [discountCodeKey]: value },
    return flatten({
      cartDiscounts: cartDiscountsString,
      groups: groupsString,
it('should not shift to negative index', () => {
    const res = arrayShift('flat', 0)(fields);


it('should shift flat array', () => {
    const res = arrayUnshift('flat', 1)(fields);



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