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Top 8 Examples of "find-process in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'find-process' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

async _maybeFindHeritrixProcess () {
    let {logger} = global
    let findpResults = await findP('name', hFindRegx)
    let hfinder = heritrixFinder(findpResults)
    if (hfinder.found) {
      let {pid, isWails} = hfinder
      // console.log(`there is a heritrix instance running pid=${pid}`)
      if (isWails) {
        // console.log('it is wails')
        try {
          await this._updatePidStore(pid, 'heritrix')
        } catch (error) {
          if (logger) {
            logger.fatal({err: error, msg: serializeError(error)})
          return heritrixLaunchErrorReport(error.message, 'Internal')
        this._monitoring.set('heritrix', pid)
        return {wasError: false}
const killConflictingApps = async () => {
    portConflictResolutionAttempted = true;
    if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") {
      const list = await find('port', port);
      if (!list.length) {
        console.log(`[server] Port ${port} is free :)`));
      } else {
        list.forEach(({pid, name}) => {
          if (pid !== {
            console.log(chalk.cyan(`[server] Killing process ${name} due to conflict on port ${port}.`));
      // process.kill does not happen immediately so we need to wait just a bit before
      // actually trying to run again.
      setTimeout(start, 100);
    } else {
      console.log('[server] Not killing conflicting apps because in production mode.'));
if (optionsFromZcashConf.rpcport) store.set('rpcport', optionsFromZcashConf.rpcport);
  if (optionsFromZcashConf.rpcuser) store.set('rpcuser', optionsFromZcashConf.rpcuser);
  if (optionsFromZcashConf.rpcpassword) store.set('rpcpassword', optionsFromZcashConf.rpcpassword);

  log('Searching for');
  const daemonProcessId = getDaemonProcessId(optionsFromZcashConf.datadir);

  if (daemonProcessId) {
    store.set(EMBEDDED_DAEMON, false);
      // eslint-disable-next-line
        `A daemon was found running in PID: ${daemonProcessId}. Starting Zepio in external daemon mode.`,

    // Command line args override zcash.conf
    const [{ cmd, pid }] = await findProcess('pid', daemonProcessId);

    store.set(DAEMON_PROCESS_PID, pid);

    // We need grab the rpcuser and rpcpassword from either process args or zcash.conf
    const {
      rpcuser, rpcpassword, rpcconnect, rpcport, testnet: isTestnetFromCmd,
    } = parseCmdArgs(

      isTestnetFromCmd === '1' || optionsFromZcashConf.testnet === '1' ? TESTNET : MAINNET,

    if (rpcuser) store.set('rpcuser', rpcuser);
app.on('ready', async () => {
  // Main window props
  const windowProps = {
    title: `${app.getName()} ~ ${app.getVersion()}`,
    webPreferences: { webSecurity: false, nodeIntegration: true },
    autoHideMenuBar: true,

  // Create main BrowserWindow when electron is ready
  rendererWindow = createMainWindow(windowProps)

  // Windows WMIC returns lbrynet start with 2 spaces.
  const processListArgs = IS_WINDOWS ? 'lbrynet  start' : 'lbrynet start'
  const processList = await findProcess('name', processListArgs)
  const isDaemonRunning = processList.length > 0

  // Start LBRY DAEMON
  if (!isDaemonRunning) {
    daemon = new Daemon()
    daemon.on('exit', () => {
      daemon = null
  const logger = preLogger(;

  let browser: Browser;
  let chrome: LaunchedChrome | undefined;

  try {
    chrome = await launchSystemBrowser();
    browser = await getSystemBrowserInstance(chrome, launchArgs);
  } catch (e) {
    // Kill chrome instance manually in case of connection error
        `Chrome launcher could not connect to your system browser. Is your port ${e.port} accessible?`,
      const prc = await find('port', e.port);
      prc.forEach(pr => {
          `Killing incompletely launched system chrome instance on pid ${}`,

    // Inform user that system chrome is not found
      logger.warn('Looks like Chrome is not installed on your system');

    browser = await getLocalBrowserInstance(launchArgs);
_maybeFindHeritrixProcess (didStart, resolve, reject) {
    let {logger} = global
    return findP('name', hFindRegx).then(findResults => {
      let {found, pid, isWails} = heritrixFinder(findResults)
      if (found) {
        console.log(`there is a heritrix instance running pid=${pid}`)
        if (isWails) {
          console.log('it is wails')
          return this._updatePidStore(pid, 'heritrix').then(() => { resolve({wasError: false}) })
            .catch(error => {
              if (logger) {
                logger.fatal({err: error, msg: 'service manager inserting heritrix pid error'})
              resolve(heritrixLaunchErrorReport(error.message, 'Internal'))
        } else {
          console.log('it is not wails')
          resolve(heritrixLaunchErrorReport("Another Heritrix instance not under WAIL's control is in use", 'Launching Heritrix'))
async handler() {
      let response = await fetch(`${config.remoteURL}/api/workspaces`, {agent});
      let result = (await response.json()) as {data?: WorkspaceStatus[]};

      let {data: workspaces} = result;

      if (workspaces) {

        let vscodeProcesses = await findProcess('name', /[\\/]code(?:\.exe)?/i);

        if (!vscodeProcesses.length) {

      return result;
task: async ctx => {
          ctx.portTaken = await isPortTaken(port)
          if (ctx.portTaken) {
            const processData = await find('port', port)
            ctx.processID = processData[0].pid

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