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Top 10 Examples of "feed in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'feed' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

      if (stats.hasErrors()) {

      // doesn't give any warning
      if (stats.hasWarnings()) {

      const feed = stats.compilation.assets["feed.xml"]
      if (!feed) {

      // should create a xml for the feed
        feed && feed._value,

      // should contain a filtred entry (link)
import http from 'http'
import { Feed } from 'feed'
import data from './_posts/_data.json'
import { readFileSync } from 'fs'
import fm from 'front-matter'
import marked from 'marked'

const feed = new Feed({
  title: 'CopenhagenJS',
  description: 'A monthly meetup about JavaScript in Copenhagen',
  id: '',
  link: '',
  language: 'en', // optional, used only in RSS 2.0, possible values:
  image: '',
  favicon: '',
  generator: '' // optional, default = 'Feed for Node.js'

data.posts.forEach(post => {
  const markdown = readFileSync('./_posts/' + post, 'utf8')
  const parsed = fm(markdown)
  const date =
    ? new Date( + ' GMT+0200')
    : new Date(
async function renderRSSFeed({ routes }) {
  let publicURL = process.env.PUBLIC_URL || '/'
  let { paths } = await crawl({
    root: '/posts',

  const feed = new Feed({
    title: siteMetadata.title,
    description: siteMetadata.description,
    id: publicURL,
    // TODO: set this based on the siteMap slugs
    // updated: new Date(),
    link: publicURL,
    author: {

  for (let pathname of paths.sort()) {
    let route = await resolve({
      url: pathname,

  const queryString = querystring.stringify(query, '&'); // Use & for XML meta tags
  const feedOption = {
    title: (query.q ? `${query.q} | ` : '') + t`Cofacts reported messages`,
    link: `${PUBLIC_URL}/articles?${queryString}`,
    description: t`List of messages reported by Cofacts users`,
    feedLinks: {
      json: `${PUBLIC_URL}/api/articles/json1?${queryString}`,
      rss: `${PUBLIC_URL}/api/articles/rss2?${queryString}`,
      atom: `${PUBLIC_URL}/api/articles/atom1?${queryString}`,

  const feedInstance = new Feed(feedOption);

  data.ListArticles.edges.forEach(({ node }) => {
    const text = getArticleText(node);
    const url = `${PUBLIC_URL}/article/${}`;
      id: url,
      title: ellipsis(text, { wordCount: TITLE_LENGTH }),

      description: text,

      link: url,
      date: new Date(node.createdAt),
      image: getImage(node),
'thread_score': tweet.thread_score,
    'thread_length': tweet.thread_length,
    'retweet_count_combined': tweet.retweet_count_combined,
    'favorite_count_combined': tweet.favorite_count_combined,


fs.writeFileSync('thread-list.json', 'const data = ' + JSON.stringify(filteredOutput, null, 2), 'utf8')

// Generate RSS (Atom) feed
// -----------------------------------------

const feed = new Feed({
  title: `${filteredOutput.account.accountDisplayName}’s Twitter threads`,
  description: `An automatically-generated list of Twitter threads from @${filteredOutput.account.username}`,
  generator: '',

for (let i in threadTweetsSortedByLastUpdatedDate) {
  const tweet = threadTweetsSortedByLastUpdatedDate[i]

    title: tweet.full_text,
    content: `Thread with ${tweet.thread_length} tweets. ` + 
    `Created on ${new Date(tweet.created_at).toDateString()}, last updated on ${new Date(tweet.last_updated_at).toDateString()}.`,
    link: `${filteredOutput.account.username}/status/${tweet.id_str}`,
    date: new Date(tweet.last_updated_at)
, function (require, exports, module) {
        var feed = require("feed").feed
            , Backbone = require("backbone")
            , TweetView = require("tweetView").TweetView

            // The FeedView is a simple container of TweetViews and therefore
            // doesn't need a template. The ul element provided by the Backbone
            // View is sufficient.
            , FeedView = Backbone.View.extend({
                tagName: "ul"
                , className: "feed"

                , initialize: function() {
                    // Bind to model changes
                    feed.bind('add',   this.addTweet, this);
                    feed.bind('reset', this.addAll,   this);

                    // Load stored tweets from local storage
, function (require, exports, module) {
        var twig = require("twig").twig
            , Backbone = require("backbone")
            , feed = require("feed").feed

            // The application template
            , template = twig({
                href: 'templates/app.twig'
                , async: false
            , FeedView = require("feedView").FeedView
            , feedView = new FeedView

            , AppView = Backbone.View.extend({
                tagName: "div"
                , className: "app"

                // Bind to the buttons in the template
                , events: {
, initialize: function() {
                    // Bind to model changes
                    feed.bind('add',   this.addTweet, this);
                    feed.bind('reset', this.addAll,   this);

                    // Load stored tweets from local storage
, initialize: function() {
                    // Bind to model changes
                    feed.bind('add',   this.addTweet, this);
                    feed.bind('reset', this.addAll,   this);

                    // Load stored tweets from local storage
, initialize: function() {
                    // Bind to model changes
                    feed.bind('add',   this.addTweet, this);
                    feed.bind('reset', this.addAll,   this);

                    // Load stored tweets from local storage

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