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Top 10 Examples of "error in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'error' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

if (!_.isObject(opts))
			throw new BadOptionsError(opts, text.optionsNotObj(typeof opts));

		if (_.isUndefined(opts.token))
			throw new BadOptionsError(opts, text.noToken());

		if (!_.isString(opts.token) || !tokenPattern.test(opts.token))
			throw new BadOptionsError(opts, text.invalidToken(opts.token));

		// Log method aliases

		this[$levels] = levelUtil.normalize(opts);

		for (const lvlName of this.levels) {
			if (lvlName in this)
				throw new BadOptionsError(opts, text.levelConflict(lvlName));

			Object.defineProperty(this, lvlName, {
				enumerable: true,
				writable: false,
				value() {
					this.log.apply(this, [lvlName, ...arguments]);

		const bufferSizeConfig = opts.bufferSize || defaults.bufferSize;

		this.ringBuffer = new RingBuffer(bufferSizeConfig);

		// Other permanent options
constructor(opts) {
			objectMode: true,
			highWaterMark: 0

		// Sanity checks

		if (_.isUndefined(opts))
			throw new BadOptionsError(opts, text.noOptions());

		if (!_.isObject(opts))
			throw new BadOptionsError(opts, text.optionsNotObj(typeof opts));

		if (_.isUndefined(opts.token))
			throw new BadOptionsError(opts, text.noToken());

		if (!_.isString(opts.token) || !tokenPattern.test(opts.token))
			throw new BadOptionsError(opts, text.invalidToken(opts.token));

		// Log method aliases

		this[$levels] = levelUtil.normalize(opts);

		for (const lvlName of this.levels) {
			if (lvlName in this)
				throw new BadOptionsError(opts, text.levelConflict(lvlName));

			Object.defineProperty(this, lvlName, {
constructor(opts) {
			objectMode: true,
			highWaterMark: 0

		// Sanity checks

		if (_.isUndefined(opts))
			throw new BadOptionsError(opts, text.noOptions());

		if (!_.isObject(opts))
			throw new BadOptionsError(opts, text.optionsNotObj(typeof opts));

		if (_.isUndefined(opts.token))
			throw new BadOptionsError(opts, text.noToken());

		if (!_.isString(opts.token) || !tokenPattern.test(opts.token))
			throw new BadOptionsError(opts, text.invalidToken(opts.token));

		// Log method aliases

		this[$levels] = levelUtil.normalize(opts);

		for (const lvlName of this.levels) {
			if (lvlName in this)
constructor(opts) {
			objectMode: true,
			highWaterMark: 0

		// Sanity checks

		if (_.isUndefined(opts))
			throw new BadOptionsError(opts, text.noOptions());

		if (!_.isObject(opts))
			throw new BadOptionsError(opts, text.optionsNotObj(typeof opts));

		if (_.isUndefined(opts.token))
			throw new BadOptionsError(opts, text.noToken());

		if (!_.isString(opts.token) || !tokenPattern.test(opts.token))
			throw new BadOptionsError(opts, text.invalidToken(opts.token));

		// Log method aliases

		this[$levels] = levelUtil.normalize(opts);

		for (const lvlName of this.levels) {
			if (lvlName in this)
				throw new BadOptionsError(opts, text.levelConflict(lvlName));

			Object.defineProperty(this, lvlName, {
				enumerable: true,
				writable: false,
				value() {
export async function readSuite( directory, file ) {

  if ( !directory || typeof directory !== "string" ) {
    throw new InvalidArgumentError( `Directory is empty or not a string` );
  if ( !file || typeof file !== "string" ) {
    throw new InvalidArgumentError( `File is empty or not a string` );

  const filePath = join( directory, file );
  // in case of snippets
  if ( file === SNIPPETS_FILENAME && !fs.existsSync( filePath ) ) {
    log.warn( `Suite file ${filePath} not found.` );
    return null;

  try {
    const text = await readFile( filePath, "utf8" );
    return parseJson( text, filePath );
  } catch ( e ) {
    log.warn( `Renderer process: io.readSuite: ${ e }` );
    throw new IoError( `Suite file ${filePath} cannot be open.
          Please make sure that the file exists and that you have read permission for it` );
throw new InvalidArgumentError( `File is empty or not a string` );

  const filePath = join( directory, file );
  // in case of snippets
  if ( file === SNIPPETS_FILENAME && !fs.existsSync( filePath ) ) {
    log.warn( `Suite file ${filePath} not found.` );
    return null;

  try {
    const text = await readFile( filePath, "utf8" );
    return parseJson( text, filePath );
  } catch ( e ) {
    log.warn( `Renderer process: io.readSuite: ${ e }` );
    throw new IoError( `Suite file ${filePath} cannot be open.
          Please make sure that the file exists and that you have read permission for it` );
Sbi.locale.ln['mf.print.remove'] = 'Seite entfernen';// 'Remove page';
Sbi.locale.ln['mf.print.clearAll'] =  'alle löschen';//'Clear all';
Sbi.locale.ln['mf.print.popupBlocked'] =  'Popup Fenster sind durch Browser blockiert.<br>' +
                         '<br>Benutzen Sie diesen Link zum herrunterladen des Dokuments] = ';
Sbi.locale.ln['mf.print.noPage'] = 'Keine Seite ausgewählt; klicken Sie auf "Seite hinzufügen", um eine hinzuzufügen.';// 'No page selected; click on the "Add page" button to add one.';
Sbi.locale.ln['mf.error'] = 'Fehler';// 'Error';
Sbi.locale.ln['mf.warning'] = 'Warnung';// 'Warning';
Sbi.locale.ln['mf.information'] = 'Informationen';// 'Information';
Sbi.locale.ln[''] = 'Eigenschaften der Messung'; //'Measure Properties';
Sbi.locale.ln[''] = 'Datensatz Eigenschaften'; //'Data Set Properties';
Sbi.locale.ln[''] = 'Auf der Karte zeigen'; //'Show on map';
Sbi.locale.ln[''] = 'Generieren Sie eine thematische Karte mit den ausgewählten Maßnahmen';
Sbi.locale.ln[''] = 'Öffnen Sie den Auswahlrahmen'; //'Open the selection frame';
Sbi.locale.ln[''] = 'Auswahl'; //'Selection';
Sbi.locale.ln[''] =  'Messungen-Katalog';//'Measures Catalogue';
Sbi.locale.ln[''] = 'Ausführen des Joins nicht moeglich, keine gemeinsamen Dimensionen'; //'Impossible to execute the join between measures. The associated datasets haven\'t any dimension in common.';
Sbi.locale.ln[''] = 'Ausführen des Joins nicht moeglich, die Datensätze haben keine kompletten Dimensionen gemeinsam'; //'Impossible to execute the join between measures. The associated datasets haven\'t any complete dimension in common.';
Sbi.locale.ln[''] = 'Alias'; //'Alias';
Sbi.locale.ln[''] = 'Name'; //'Name';
Sbi.locale.ln[''] = 'Etikett'; //'Label';
Sbi.locale.ln[''] = 'Kategorie'; //'Category';
Sbi.locale.ln[''] = 'Typ'; //'Type';
Sbi.locale.ln[''] = 'Etikett'; //'Label';
Sbi.locale.ln[''] = 'Beschreibung'; //'Description';
Sbi.locale.ln[''] = 'Typ'; //'Type';
Sbi.locale.ln[''] = 'Basis Layer'; //'Base Layer';
Sbi.locale.ln["error.mesage.description.generic.can.not.responce"]= "Can not send responce to client";
Sbi.locale.ln[""]= "The label of the data source can not be null";
Sbi.locale.ln[""] = "Impossible to delete the data source because it is in use";
Sbi.locale.ln[""]="Impossible to save the data source because there is another one with the same label";

Sbi.locale.ln[""]= "The label of the data set can not be null";
Sbi.locale.ln[""] = "Impossible to delete the data set because it is in use";
Sbi.locale.ln[""]="Impossible to save the data set because there is another one with the same label";
Sbi.locale.ln[""]="Impossible to parse file. Check its content and upload it again";

Sbi.locale.ln[""]= "Impossible to execute the join between measures. The associated datasets haven't any dimension in common.";
Sbi.locale.ln[""]="Impossible to execute the join between measures. The associated datasets haven't any complete dimension in common.";

Sbi.locale.ln["error.mesage.description.layer.validation.file"]= "The file name is not valid. It can't contain [/,\\]";

//Sbi.execution.toolbar.SaveDatasetWindow : AD-HOC REPORTING 
Sbi.locale.ln["sbi.execution.toolbar.savedatasetwindow.fields.datasource"]="Datasource for persistence";

Sbi.locale.ln["error.mesage.description.generic.can.not.responce"]= 'Kann nicht Antwort nicht zu Client senden'; //'Can not send responce to client";
Sbi.locale.ln[""]= 'Das Etikett der Datenquelle kann nicht null sein'; //'The label of the data source can not be null";
Sbi.locale.ln[""] = 'Unm\u00ef\u00bf\u0153glich die Datenquelle zu l\u00ef\u00bf\u0153schen, da sie in Gebrauch ist'; //'Impossible to delete the data source because it is in use";
Sbi.locale.ln[""]='Unm\u00ef\u00bf\u0153glich zu speichern Sie die Datenquelle, weil es ein anderer mit dem gleichen Etikett'; //"Impossible to save the data source because there is another one with the same label";

Sbi.locale.ln[""]= 'Das Etikett des Datensatzes kann nicht null sein'; //'The label of the data set can not be null";
Sbi.locale.ln[""] = 'Unm\u00ef\u00bf\u0153glich, den Datensatz l\u00ef\u00bf\u0153schen, da er verwendet wird'; //'Impossible to delete the data set because it is in use";
Sbi.locale.ln[""]='Unm\u00ef\u00bf\u0153glich, den Datensatz zu speichern, es gibt einen zweiten mit gleichem Etikett'; //"Impossible to save the data set because there is another one with the same label";
Sbi.locale.ln[""]='Unm\u00ef\u00bf\u0153glich zu Datei zu analysieren. \u00ef\u00bf\u0153berpr\u00ef\u00bf\u0153fen Sie den Inhalt und laden Sie sie wieder'; //"Impossible to parse file. Check its content and upload it again";

Sbi.locale.ln[""]= 'Unm\u00ef\u00bf\u0153glich den Join zwischen Messungen auszuf\u00ef\u00bf\u0153hren. Die zugeh\u00ef\u00bf\u0153rigen Datens\u00ef\u00bf\u0153tze haben keine Dimension gemeinsam.'; //'Impossible to execute the join between measures. The associated datasets haven't any dimension in common.";
Sbi.locale.ln[""]='Unm\u00ef\u00bf\u0153glich den Join zwischen Messungen auszuf\u00ef\u00bf\u0153hren. Die zugeh\u00ef\u00bf\u0153rigen Datens\u00ef\u00bf\u0153tze haben keine komplette Dimension gemeinsam.';//"Impossible to execute the join between measures. The associated datasets haven't any complete dimension in common.";

Sbi.locale.ln["error.mesage.description.layer.validation.file"]= 'Der Dateiname ist nicht g\u00ef\u00bf\u0153ltig. Er darf keine [/ \ \] enthalten'; //"The file name is not valid. It can't contain [/,\\]";

// TODO: provvisori
Sbi.locale.ln['sbi.ds.moreRecent']= 'Neueste';
Sbi.locale.ln['sbi.ds.owner']= 'Autor';
Sbi.locale.ln['']= 'Name';
Sbi.locale.ln['sbi.ds.changedon']='Ge\u00ef\u00bf\u0153ndert ';

Sbi.locale.ln["error.mesage.description.generic.can.not.responce"]= "Can not send responce to client";
Sbi.locale.ln[""]= "The label of the data source can not be null";
Sbi.locale.ln[""] = "Impossible to delete the data source because it is in use";
Sbi.locale.ln[""]="Impossible to save the data source because there is another one with the same label";

Sbi.locale.ln[""]= "The label of the data set can not be null";
Sbi.locale.ln[""] = "Impossible to delete the data set because it is in use";
Sbi.locale.ln[""]="Impossible to save the data set because there is another one with the same label";
Sbi.locale.ln[""]="Impossible to parse file. Check its content and upload it again";

Sbi.locale.ln[""]= "Impossible to execute the join between measures. The associated datasets haven't any dimension in common.";
Sbi.locale.ln[""]="Impossible to execute the join between measures. The associated datasets haven't any complete dimension in common.";

Sbi.locale.ln["error.mesage.description.layer.validation.file"]= "The file name is not valid. It can't contain [/,\\]";

//Sbi.execution.toolbar.SaveDatasetWindow : AD-HOC REPORTING 
Sbi.locale.ln["sbi.execution.toolbar.savedatasetwindow.fields.datasource"]="Datasource for persistence";


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