Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'entities' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.
$('td div').each(function () {
const text = entities.decodeHTML5($(this).html());
const date = text.split(/\[조식\]|\[중식\]|\[석식\]/)[0].replace('<br>', '').trim();
'3 <br>[중식]고등어' =(1)=> '3 <br>' =(2)=> '3 ' =(3)=> '3'
(1) 텍스트 '[조식]' 또는 '[중식]' 또는 '[석식]' 중 하나를 기준으로 나눈 배열의 첫 번째 원소를 고름
(2) 첫 번째 원소의 <br> 태그를 제거함
(3) 문자의 공백을 제거함
if (date/* 날짜 정보가 있는 경우에만 배열에 식단을 저장함 */) {
const breakfast = /\[조식\](.*?)(\[|$)/g.exec(text) && /\[조식\](.*?)(\[|$)/g.exec(text)[1];
'[조식]고등어<br>참치[' => '고등어<br>참치'
attributeList: function(data) {
var xml = '' + entities.decodeXML(data) + '';
xml2js.parseString(xml, { explicitArray: true }, function(err, result) {
if (!err) {
// In order to keep the existing event signature this
// triggers an event for every attribute changed.
result.attributeList.attribute.forEach(function(attribute) {
onLongPress={() => {
const text = entities.decodeHTML(item.children[0].data)
// 长按
opts.onLongPress && opts.onLongPress(text)
// 长按显示弹窗
view: this[
'ShareNewsTagMarkParagraph' +
index +
content: text
let feedUrl = normalizeUrl(feed.url);
if (!isURL(feedUrl)) {
let rss = await RSS.findOne({ feedUrl: feedUrl });
const limit = moment().subtract(30, 'seconds');
// don't update featured RSS feeds since that ends up removing images etc
if (!rss || (!rss.featured && limit.isAfter(rss.lastScraped))) {
let response = await RSS.findOneAndUpdate(
{ feedUrl: feedUrl },
categories: 'RSS',
description: entities.decodeHTML(feed.title),
feedUrl: feedUrl,
images: {
favicon: foundRSS.site.favicon,
lastScraped: moment().format(),
title: entities.decodeHTML(feedTitle),
url: foundRSS.site.url,
valid: true,
new: true,
rawResult: true,
upsert: true,
function lineLabelMap (dom) {
const textArray = []
dom.map(item => {
return entities.decodeHTML(textArray.join(',').replace(/,/g, ''))
// 返回文本内容
function renderText(elem, opts) {
var data = elem.data || '';
// if entities weren't decoded, no need to encode them back
if (
opts.decodeEntities &&
!(elem.parent && elem.parent.name in unencodedElements)
) {
data = entities.encodeXML(data);
return data;
for (var key in attributes) {
value = attributes[key];
if (output) {
output += ' ';
if (opts.xmlMode === 'foreign') {
/* fix up mixed-case attribute names */
key = foreignNames.attributeNames[key] || key;
output += key;
if ((value !== null && value !== '') || opts.xmlMode) {
output +=
'="' +
? entities.encodeXML(value)
: value.replace(/\"/g, '"')) +
return output;
function renderText(elem, opts) {
var data = elem.data || '';
// if entities weren't decoded, no need to encode them back
if (opts.decodeEntities && !(elem.parent && elem.parent.name in unencodedElements)) {
data = entities.encodeXML(data);
return data;
getTextContent: function (element) {
var isPre = (element.name === 'pre');
var out = this.walkTreeForText1(element, isPre)
if(out !== undefined){
out = out.replace(/[ ]+/g, ' '); // remove double spaces
out = out.replace(/\r /g, '\r'); // remove any space direcly after a line return
out = out.replace(/\r{3,}/g, '\r\r'); // remove anything more than double line return
return this.trim(entities.decode(out,2)) // decode HTML entities
return undefined
parse: function(dom, node, textFormat){
var out;
this.textFormat = (textFormat)? textFormat : this.textFormat;
if(this.textFormat === 'normalised'){
out = this.walkTreeForText( dom, node );
if(out !== undefined){
out = out.replace( / /g, ' ') ; // exchanges html entity for space into space char
out = utils.removeWhiteSpace( out ); // removes linefeeds, tabs and addtional spaces
out = entities.decode( out, 2 ); // decode HTML entities
out = out.replace( '–', '-' ); // correct dash decoding
return utils.trim( out );
return undefined;
return this.textContent( dom(node).html(), this.textFormat );