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Top 10 Examples of "ejson in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'ejson' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

function testEJSON(t, patch, expected, recursive = true) {
    const string_djson = DJSON.stringify(patch)
    const string_ejson = EJSON.stringify(patch)
    const parsed_json_djson = JSON.parse(string_djson)
    const parsed_json_ejson = JSON.parse(string_ejson)
    t.deepEqual(parsed_json_djson, expected)
    t.deepEqual(parsed_json_djson, parsed_json_ejson)
    if (recursive) {
        testEJSON(t, DJSON.parse(string_djson), expected, false)
        // testEJSON(t, EJSON.parse(string_ejson), expected, false)
this.connection.onmessage = (e) => {
				try {
					// console.log('received',,;
					const data = EJSON.parse(;
					this.emit(data.msg, data);
					return data.collection && this.emit(data.collection, data);
				} catch (err) {
					log('EJSON parse', err);
var stringForErrorMessage = function (value, options) {
  options = options || {};

  if ( value === null ) return "null";

  if ( options.onlyShowType ) {
    return typeof value;

  // Your average non-object things.  Saves from doing the try/catch below for.
  if ( typeof value !== "object" ) {
    return EJSON.stringify(value)

  try {
    // Find objects with circular references since EJSON doesn't support them yet (Issue #4778 + Unaccepted PR)
    // If the native stringify is going to choke, EJSON.stringify is going to choke too.
  } catch (stringifyError) {
    if ( === "TypeError" ) {
      return typeof value;

  return EJSON.stringify(value);
Device.prototype.parseMessage = function(message) {

  // Attempt to parse the message.
  try { message = EJSON.parse(message.toString()); }
  catch(e) { return null; }

  // The message has to be something.
  if(!message) {
    return null;

  return message;
if (!existing.ready) existing.readyCallback = callbacks.onReady;
      if (callbacks.onStop) {
        existing.stopCallback = callbacks.onStop;
    } else {
      // New sub! Generate an id, save it locally, and send message.

      id =;
      const subIdRemember = Data.ddp.sub(name, params);

      Data.subscriptions[id] = {
        id: id,
        subIdRemember: subIdRemember,
        name: name,
        params: EJSON.clone(params),
        inactive: false,
        ready: false,
        readyDeps: new Trackr.Dependency(),
        readyCallback: callbacks.onReady,
        stopCallback: callbacks.onStop,
        stop: function() {
          delete Data.subscriptions[];
          this.ready && this.readyDeps.changed();

          if (callbacks.onStop) {
// collection has no _id.
      throw new Error('can only transform documents with _id');

    var id = doc._id;
    // XXX consider making tracker a weak dependency and checking Package.tracker here
    var transformed = Tracker.nonreactive(function() {
      return transform(doc);

    if (!isPlainObject(transformed)) {
      throw new Error('transform must return object');

    if (_.has(transformed, '_id')) {
      if (!EJSON.equals(transformed._id, id)) {
        throw new Error("transformed document can't have different _id");
    } else {
      transformed._id = id;
    return transformed;
  wrapped.__wrappedTransform__ = true;
//       Meteor.subscribe("foo", Session.get("foo"));
    //       Meteor.subscribe("bar", Session.get("bar"));
    //     });
    // If "foo" has changed but "bar" has not, we will match the "bar"
    // subcribe to an existing inactive subscription in order to not
    // unsub and resub the subscription unnecessarily.
    // We only look for one such sub; if there are N apparently-identical subs
    // being invalidated, we will require N matching subscribe calls to keep
    // them all active.

    let existing = false;
    for (var i in Data.subscriptions) {
      const sub = Data.subscriptions[i];
      if (sub.inactive && === name && EJSON.equals(sub.params, params))
        existing = sub;

    let id;
    if (existing) {
      id =;
      existing.inactive = false;

      if (callbacks.onReady) {
        // If the sub is not already ready, replace any ready callback with the
        // one provided now. (It's not really clear what users would expect for
        // an onReady callback inside an autorun; the semantics we provide is
        // that at the time the sub first becomes ready, we call the last
        // onReady callback provided, if any.)
        if (!existing.ready) existing.readyCallback = callbacks.onReady;
const handleMessageReceived = protectedFunction((ddpMessage) => {
		const message = buildMessage(EJSON.fromJSONValue(ddpMessage.fields.args[0]));
		if (rid !== message.rid) {
		requestAnimationFrame(() => {
			try {
				database.write(() => {
					database.create('messages', message, true);
					// if it's a thread "header"
					if (message.tlm) {
						database.create('threads', message, true);
					} else if (message.tmid) {
						message.rid = message.tmid;
						database.create('threadMessages', message, true);
MongoID.ObjectID.prototype.typeName = function() {
  return "oid";

MongoID.ObjectID.prototype.getTimestamp = function() {
  var self = this;
  return parseInt(self._str.substr(0, 8), 16);

MongoID.ObjectID.prototype.valueOf =
  MongoID.ObjectID.prototype.toJSONValue =
    MongoID.ObjectID.prototype.toHexString =
      function () { return this._str; };

EJSON.addType("oid",  function (str) {
  return new MongoID.ObjectID(str);

MongoID.idStringify = function (id) {
  if (id instanceof MongoID.ObjectID) {
    return id.valueOf();
  } else if (typeof id === 'string') {
    if (id === "") {
      return id;
    } else if (id.substr(0, 1) === "-" || // escape previously dashed strings
      id.substr(0, 1) === "~" || // escape escaped numbers, true, false
      MongoID._looksLikeObjectID(id) || // escape object-id-form strings
      id.substr(0, 1) === '{') { // escape object-form strings, for maybe implementing later
      return "-" + id;
    } else {
      return id; // other strings go through unchanged.

MongoID.ObjectID.prototype.typeName = function() {
  return 'oid';

MongoID.ObjectID.prototype.getTimestamp = function() {
  var self = this;
  return parseInt(self._str.substr(0, 8), 16);

MongoID.ObjectID.prototype.valueOf = MongoID.ObjectID.prototype.toJSONValue = MongoID.ObjectID.prototype.toHexString = function() {
  return this._str;

EJSON.addType('oid', function(str) {
  return new MongoID.ObjectID(str);

MongoID.idStringify = function(id) {
  if (id instanceof MongoID.ObjectID) {
    return id.valueOf();
  } else if (typeof id === 'string') {
    if (id === '') {
      return id;
    } else if (
      id.substr(0, 1) === '-' || // escape previously dashed strings
      id.substr(0, 1) === '~' || // escape escaped numbers, true, false
      MongoID._looksLikeObjectID(id) || // escape object-id-form strings
      id.substr(0, 1) === '{'
    ) {
      // escape object-form strings, for maybe implementing later

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