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Top 9 Examples of "editorconfig in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'editorconfig' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

function fixBuffer(buf, file) {
		for (let key = 0; key < fileHeader.length; key++) {
			if (compareHeader(buf, fileHeader[key])) {
				return Promise.resolve(buf);

		return editorconfig.parse(file.path, options)

		.then(config => {
			file.editorconfig = config;

			// buffer转字符串
			let contents = buf.toString();

			// 替换特殊空格
			let newContents = contents.replace(/\xA0/g, " ");

			// 获取是否添加bom头的配置
			let needBom = /-bom$/i.test(config.charset);

			// 检查源代码中是否有bom头
			let hasBom = newContents.charCodeAt(0) === 0xFEFF;
_loadSettings: function() {
			var config, key;

			// Initially the users options are the current settings:
			this._settings = merge({}, this._options);

			// Overwrite settings by .editorconfig file's settings:
			if (typeof this._settings.editorconfig === 'string') {
				if (this._grunt.file.isFile(this._settings.editorconfig)) {

					// Load config for current path
					config = editorconfig.parse(
						this._path, {
							config: this._settings.editorconfig

					if (typeof config === 'object') {
						// Merge editorconfig values into the correct settings names:
						for (key in config) {
							if (typeof MAPPINGS[key] === 'string') {
								switch (key) {
									case 'indent_style':
										// The 'indent_style' property value isn't
										// equal to the expected setting value:
										this._settings[MAPPINGS[key]] = config[key] + 's';
function getRulesWithConfigs(filePath, configFiles = [], rules = {}) {
  if (!configFiles.length) return rules;

  const [{ content, path: configPath }, ...nextConfigs] = configFiles;
  const configDir = dirname(configPath);

  if (!filePath.startsWith(configDir)) return rules;

  const parsed = parseString(content);
  const isRoot = isRootConfig(parsed);
  const relativeFilePath = filePath.slice(configDir.length);

  const sectionRules = parsed.reduce(
    (acc, section) => Object.assign(acc, getRulesForSection(relativeFilePath, section)),

  // prefer existing rules by overwriting to section rules
  const result = Object.assign(sectionRules, rules);

  return isRoot ? result : getRulesWithConfigs(filePath, nextConfigs, result);

    if (currentDir === rootDir) {
      // Don't go up past the package's root directory

    var parentDir = path.dirname(currentDir);
    if (!parentDir || parentDir === currentDir) {
    currentDir = parentDir;

  if (editorConfigs) {
    var parsedEditorConfig = editorconfig.parseFromFilesSync(
    var convertedEditorConfig = convertEditorConfig(parsedEditorConfig);

  if (!config.eol) {
    config.eol = os.EOL;

  return config;
function getEditorConfig (file) {

  var rules = {}

  function setRuleValue (ruleName, value) {
    if (value != null) {
      if (Array.isArray(rules[ruleName])) {
        rules[ruleName][0] = value
      } else {
        rules[ruleName] = [value]

  return editorconfig.parse(file).then(function (editorconfig) {
    if (editorconfig) {
      if (editorconfig.indent_style) {
        setRuleValue('indentation', /^space$/i.test(editorconfig.indent_style) ? +editorconfig.indent_size || 2 : 'tab')
      setRuleValue('no-missing-end-of-source-newline', editorconfig.insert_final_newline)
      setRuleValue('no-eol-whitespace', editorconfig.trim_trailing_whitespace)
    return rules
return through.obj((file: IEditorConfigLintFile, _enc: string, done: Done) => {

		if (file.isNull()) {
			done(null, file);

		if (file.isStream()) {
			done(createPluginError('Streams are not supported'));

			.then((fileSettings: editorconfig.KnownProps) => {
				if ((commandSettings.indent_style || fileSettings.indent_style) === 'tab') {
					fileSettings = _.omit(

				const settings = getSettings(fileSettings, commandSettings);
				const document = doc.create(file.contents, settings);

				Object.keys(settings).forEach((setting) => {
					const rule: IDocumentRule|ILineRule = rules[setting];
function getEditorConfig (file) {

  var rules = {}

  function setRuleValue (ruleName, value) {
    if (value != null) {
      if (Array.isArray(rules[ruleName])) {
        rules[ruleName][0] = value
      } else {
        rules[ruleName] = [value]

  return editorconfig.parse(file).then(function (editorconfig) {
    if (editorconfig) {
      if (editorconfig.indent_style) {
        setRuleValue('indentation', /^space$/i.test(editorconfig.indent_style) ? +editorconfig.indent_size || 2 : 'tab')
      setRuleValue('no-missing-end-of-source-newline', editorconfig.insert_final_newline)
      setRuleValue('no-eol-whitespace', editorconfig.trim_trailing_whitespace)
    return rules
for (const filePath of filePaths) {
    const tsConfigFilePath = tsconfig.findSync(path.dirname(filePath));
    const projectEntry = tsConfigFilePath && projects[tsConfigFilePath];

    if (projectEntry) {
      const sourceFile = projectEntry.project.getSourceFile(filePath);

      if (sourceFile) {
        if (projectEntry.files !== "all") {

    const ec = editorconfig.parseSync(filePath);
    const manipulationSettings = getManipulationSettings(ec);
    const detectNewLineKind = !!ec.end_of_line;

    if (tsConfigFilePath && !projectEntry) {
      const project = new Project({ tsConfigFilePath, manipulationSettings });

      if (path.basename(filePath).toLowerCase() === "tsconfig.json") {
        projects[tsConfigFilePath] = {
          files: "all",

      const sourceFile = project.getSourceFile(filePath);
function set_file_editorconfig_opts(file, config) {
    try {
        var eConfigs = editorconfig.parseSync(file);

        if (eConfigs.indent_style === "tab") {
            config.indent_with_tabs = true;
        } else if (eConfigs.indent_style === "space") {
            config.indent_with_tabs = false;

        if (eConfigs.indent_size) {
            config.indent_size = eConfigs.indent_size;

        if (eConfigs.max_line_length) {
            if (eConfigs.max_line_length === "off") {
                config.wrap_line_length = 0;
            } else {
                config.wrap_line_length = parseInt(eConfigs.max_line_length);

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