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Top 10 Examples of "analytics-node in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'analytics-node' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

/* eslint no-underscore-dangle: "warn" */
import _ from 'lodash'
import Analytics from 'analytics-node'
import Command from 'commander'

import pjson from '../../package.json'
import logger from './debug'
import session from './session'

const { debug } = logger('utils-analytics')

const STG_KEY = 'CCupheBjgV6WI0emy3oRUnDyjQ8ngmgB'
const PROD_KEY = 'fLDtpYXRjFYnHlp1gvzl4I3Gv8gDoQ8m'

const ANALYTICS_WRITE_KEY = process.env.SYNCANO_ENV === 'test' ? STG_KEY : PROD_KEY
const analytics = new Analytics(ANALYTICS_WRITE_KEY, {
  flushAt: 5,
  flushAfter: 300

const identify = (details) => {
    traits: {
      'First name': details.first_name,
      'Last name': details.last_name,
      source: 'Sign up',
      is_active: details.is_active

interface DebugContextProps {
	/** Whether or not debug mode is enabled. */
	debug: boolean
export const DebugContext = createContext({ debug: false })

// Initialize analytics-node
const writeKey =
	process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production'
		? // Production:
		: // Development:
const analyticsNode = new Analytics(writeKey, {
	flushAt: 1,
	flushInterval: -1,

// Initialize the typewriter client that this CLI uses.
	analytics: analyticsNode,

function toYargsHandler<p>(
	Command: React.FC,
	props: P,
	cliOptions?: { validateDefault?: boolean }
) {
	// Return a closure which yargs will execute if this command is run.
	return async (args: CLIArguments) =&gt; {</p>
export function setSegmentNodeKey(key: string) {
  // Do not wait before flushing, we want node to close immediately if the programs ends
  _segmentNodeInstance = new Segment(key, { flushInterval: 300 });
path = path.replace(r.match, r.replace as string);
        return false;
    return path;

// Create a global instance of AnalyticsSync which can be used from various
// packages. If enabled, this instance will push to segment using the following
// analytics key.
const analyticsOpts = {
  host: COCKROACHLABS_ADDR + "/api/segment",
const analyticsInstance = new Analytics(
export const analytics = new AnalyticsSync(

// Attach a listener to the history object which will track a 'page' event
// whenever the user navigates to a new path.
let lastPageLocation: Location;
history.listen((location: Location) => {
  // Do not log if the pathname is the same as the previous.
  // Needed because history.listen() fires twice when using hash history, this
  // bug is "won't fix" in the version of history we are using, and upgrading
it("calls analytics#identify with user email in args ", () => {
      const analyticsIdentifyFn = sandbox.stub(Analytics.prototype, "identify");
      const clusterId = "cluster-1";
      const email = "";
      const action = signUpForEmailSubscription(clusterId, email);

      return expectSaga(signUpEmailSubscription, action)
        .then(() => {
          const expectedAnalyticsMessage = {
            userId: clusterId,
            traits: {
export const startListening = (
  server: Server,
  render: (component: Schema.IRender) => JSX.Element
) => {
   * Feel free to remove analytics. nars doesn't depend
   * on analytic information at all. They are only collected
   * to understand how/if developers use it.
  const analytics = new Analytics("RsD4jSdhauL5xheR1WDxcXApnCGh8Kts");
  let id;
  try {
    id = { anonymousId: getMachineUDID.machineIdSync() };
      traits: {
        idStable: "true"
  } catch (e) {
    id = { anonymousId: uuid() };
      traits: {
        idStable: "false"
import { Mongo } from 'meteor/mongo';
import Analytics from 'analytics-node'
var analytics = new Analytics('auAfRv1y0adOiVyz1TZB9nl18LI9UT98');

//function to send user events to segment, a payload is required to send to segment per the below analytics.track function
export var segmentEvent = function(payload) {
    if (payload) {
            userId: Meteor.userId(),
            event: payload.event,
    } else {
        throw new Meteor.Error('No event payload has been provided')
export function getAnalytics(params: Params){
  return new Analytics(params.segmentioAnalyticsKey);
export function getAnalyticsClientFor(
  target: AnalyticsClientTarget,
): Analytics {
  switch (target) {
    case "email_sign_up":
      return new Analytics(EMAIL_SIGN_UP_CLIENT_KEY, analyticsOpts);
      throw new Error("Unrecognized Analytics Client target.");
constructor() { = new Analytics(SEGMENT_CLIENT_ID);
  pageView(category, name, props, options) {

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