Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'swagger-parser' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.
] = {};
uniqueKeyObj[allModule.toLowerCase()][allMaster.toLowerCase()] =
// console.log(uniqueKeyObj);
// console.log(specificHeaderObj);
// for(module in modules){
for (var i = 0; i < urls.length; i++) {
.then(function(yamlJSON) {
// console.log(yamlJSON)
let module = yamlJSON["x-module"];
if (module) {
mainObj[module] = yamlJSON.definitions;
} else {
let basePath = [];
basePath = yamlJSON.basePath.split("-")[0].split(""); // "/asset-services" type pattern should be in basepath
let index = basePath.indexOf("/");
if (index > -1) {
basePath.splice(index, 1);
mainObj[basePath.join("")] = yamlJSON.definitions;
public async init() {
try {
// parse the document
this.document = await SwaggerParser.parse(this.inputDocument);
// validate the document
// dereference the document into definition
this.definition = await SwaggerParser.dereference(this.document);
} catch (err) {
if (this.strict) {
// in strict-mode, fail hard and re-throw the error
throw err;
} else {
// just emit a warning about the validation errors
// build schemas for all operations
const operations = this.getOperations();
// now that the definition is loaded and dereferenced, we are initalized
this.initalized = true;
public async init() {
try {
// parse the document
this.document = await SwaggerParser.parse(this.inputDocument);
// validate the document
// dereference the document into definition
this.definition = await SwaggerParser.dereference(this.document);
} catch (err) {
if (this.strict) {
// in strict-mode, fail hard and re-throw the error
throw err;
} else {
// just emit a warning about the validation errors
promise.then(function() {
swagger.validate(apiFile, function(err, api) {
if (err) {
console.error(chalk.red('Failed to start server'), err.message);
const router = koaRouter();
// For each of the paths in the API, we want to set up a route that handles it
_.forEach(api.paths, function(methods, apiPath) {
_.forEach(methods, function(definition, method) {
// Convert path to be koa-router suitable (variables are listed differently)
const parsedPath = apiPath.replace(/\{([^\}\/]*)\}/g, ':$1');
// Set up the route for the path
router[method](parsedPath, Route(_.get(definition, 'x-amazon-apigateway-integration'), program));
async parse(specification) {
let spec, data;
try {
// parse first, to avoid dereferencing of $ref's
data = await swp.parse(specification);
// save the original (with $refs) because swp.validate modifies its input
this.original = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data, null, 2));
// and validate
spec = await swp.validate(data);
} catch (e) {
// eslint-disable-next-line
data = {};
spec = {};
if (spec.swagger && spec.swagger.indexOf("2.0") === 0) {
const parserV2 = new ParserV2();
return parserV2.parse(spec);
} else if (spec.openapi && spec.openapi.indexOf("3.0") === 0) {
const parserV3 = new ParserV3();
var SwaggerParser = require('swagger-parser');
var jsf = require('./lib/jsfConfig.js');
var requireAllProperties = require('./lib/utils/helpers.js').requireAllProperties;
// grab expected user input
var parser = new ArgumentParser({
addHelp: true,
description: 'Swagger Data Generator generates mock data from Swagger files.',
var args;
parser.addArgument(['-y'], { help: 'Always overwrite output file (do not ask to overwrite)', action: 'storeTrue', dest: 'force-yes' });
parser.addArgument(['swagger-input'], { help: 'Input Swagger file' });
parser.addArgument(['json-output'], { help: 'Output file for generated mock data' });
args = parser.parseArgs(process.arguments);
// parse the data and make sure all the properties are required.
// they need to be required so JSF creates mock data for all properties
// make sure there are not any references in the definitions and create the mock data
// *******************************************************
// Helper Functions
// *******************************************************
* successfulParse - Massage data to require all definiton properties then dereference the api
async function generateApi(
e: nunjucks.Environment,
specFileName: string,
root: string
): Promise {
const api: Spec = await SwaggerParser.bundle(`api/${specFileName}.yaml`);
const specCode = `
/* tslint:disable:object-literal-sort-keys */
/* tslint:disable:no-duplicate-string */
// auto-generated by generated_model.ts from ${specFileName}.yaml
export const specs = ${JSON.stringify(api)};
await fs.writeFile(
prettier.format(specCode, {
parser: "typescript"
async.eachSeries(files, function parseSwagger(file, swagCallback) {
var handlerName = path.basename(file); //use the swagger filename as our handler module id
handlerName = handlerName.substring(0, handlerName.lastIndexOf('.')); //strip extensions
var derefPromise = parser.validate(file);
.then(function (bundledApi) {
specs.bundled[handlerName] = bundledApi;
return derefPromise;
.then(function (dereferencedApi) {
specs.dereferenced[handlerName] = dereferencedApi;
if (polymorphicValidation !== 'off') {
preparePathsForPolymorphicValidation(dereferencedApi.paths, responseModelValidationLevel);
return swagCallback();
.catch(function (error) {
// don't generate an error if it was a non-Swagger Spec JSON file
var swagErr = error;
run(config = {}) {
let configFormatters = (config.formatters ? config.formatters : DEFAULT_RUN_CONFIG.formatters);
let configMiddleware = (config.middleware ? config.middleware : DEFAULT_RUN_CONFIG.middleware);
// apply any registered formatters
this._formatters = configure(this._formatters, configFormatters);
this._formatters.forEach(({ formatName, callback }) => jsf.format(formatName, callback));
return SwaggerParser.bundle(this._pathToFile)
.then(api => {
this._middleware = configure(this._middleware, configMiddleware);
let modifiedApi = Object.assign({}, api);
this._middleware.forEach(func => modifiedApi = func(modifiedApi));
return modifiedApi;
.then(api => SwaggerParser.dereference(api))
.then(api => this._parsedFile = api)
.catch((err) => { throw new Error(`Error has occured when trying to bundle and dereference the OpenAPI / Swagger object. \n Error: ${err}`); });
export function build(swaggerSchema: string | Swagger, config: BuildOptions = {}): Promise {
const { formatters, middleware } = config;
const configurationF = (formatters ? formatters : DEFAULT_CONFIG_FORMATTER);
const configurationM = (middleware ? middleware : DEFAULT_CONFIG_MIDDLEWARE);
// create a registered array of formatters based on the configuration
const _formatters = configure(CORE_FORMATTERS, configurationF);
// apply any registered formatters
_formatters.forEach(({ formatName, callback }) => jsf.format(formatName, callback));
return SwaggerParser.bundle(swaggerSchema)
.then((api: Swagger) => {
// create a registered array of middleware based on the configuration
const _middleware = configure(CORE_MIDDLEWARE, configurationM);
let modifiedApi = Object.assign({}, api);
//apply any registered middleware
_middleware.forEach(m => modifiedApi = m(modifiedApi));
return modifiedApi;
.then((api: Swagger) => SwaggerParser.dereference(api))
.catch((err: Error) => {
throw new Error(`Error has occured when trying to bundle and dereference the OpenAPI / Swagger object. \n Error: ${err}`);