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Top 9 Examples of "difflib in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'difflib' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

export default function scoreSimilarity(score, articleUrl, href) {
  // Do this last and only if we have a real candidate, because it's
  // potentially expensive computationally. Compare the link to this
  // URL using difflib to get the % similarity of these URLs. On a
  // sliding scale, subtract points from this link based on
  // similarity.
  if (score > 0) {
    const similarity = new difflib.SequenceMatcher(
    // Subtract .1 from diff_percent when calculating modifier,
    // which means that if it's less than 10% different, we give a
    // bonus instead. Ex:
    //  3% different = +17.5 points
    // 10% different = 0 points
    // 20% different = -25 points
    const diffPercent = 1.0 - similarity;
    const diffModifier = -(250 * (diffPercent - 0.2));
    return score + diffModifier;

  return 0;
export function getClosestMatchIndex (searchTerm, possibilities) {
    let matcher = new difflib.SequenceMatcher()
    let cutoff = 0.6
    let results = []

    // check identity match first, ratio compution takes time
    let identityMatchIndex = possibilities.findIndex(text => text === searchTerm)
    if (identityMatchIndex >= 0) {
        return identityMatchIndex

    // search for close match
    possibilities.forEach(function (testText, i) {
        if (matcher.realQuickRatio() >= cutoff &&
            matcher.quickRatio() >= cutoff) {
            let score = matcher.ratio()
function diff_strings(string_0, string_1) {
    let output_lines = [];
    let ndiff_output = "";
    let changes_list = [];

    ndiff_output = difflib.ndiff(string_0.split("\n"), string_1.split("\n"));

    ndiff_output.forEach((line) => {
        if (line.startsWith("+")) {
        } else if (line.startsWith("-")) {
        } else if (line.startsWith("?")) {
            changes_list = parse_questionmark_line(line);
            output_lines[output_lines.length - 1] = apply_color(
                output_lines[output_lines.length - 1], changes_list);
        } else {

    const emphasize_codes = (string) => {
function main(grammar_mjs, fluent_ebnf) {
    let grammar_source = fs.readFileSync(grammar_mjs, "utf8");
    let grammar_ebnf = fs.readFileSync(fluent_ebnf, "utf8");

    let diffs = difflib.unifiedDiff(
        lines(ebnf(grammar_source)), {
            fromfile: "Expected",
            tofile: "Actual",

    for (let diff of diffs) {
        if (diff.startsWith("+")) {
        } else if (diff.startsWith("-")) {
        } else {
function diffSnapshots (name, snapshotA, snapshotB) {
  return difflib.unifiedDiff(
    snapshotA == null ? null : snapshotA.split('\n'),
    snapshotB == null ? null : snapshotB.split('\n'),
      fromfile: name,
      tofile: name,
      lineterm: ''
const compare = ({ past, current, options }) => {
  const nextOptions = { ...defaultOptions, ...options };
  const pastArray = past.split(/\r|\n|\r\n/);
  const currentArray = current.split(/\r|\n|\r\n/);

  const diffArray = unifiedDiff(pastArray, currentArray, {
    fromfile: nextOptions.originalFileName,
    tofile: nextOptions.updatedFileName

  const diffString = format(
    'diff --git %s %s\n%s',

  return {
    options: nextOptions
function localModified(src, dst) {
  if (!fs.existsSync(dst)) {
      return false;
  var srcStr = fs.readFileSync(src, 'UTF-8')
    , dstStr = fs.readFileSync(dst, 'UTF-8')
    , diffRatio = (new difflib
        .SequenceMatcher(null, srcStr, dstStr))

  return diffRatio !== 1
function _partial_ratio(str1, str2, options) {
        if (!_validate(str1)) return 0;
        if (!_validate(str2)) return 0;
        if (str1.length <= str2.length) {
            var shorter = str1
            var longer = str2
        else {
            var shorter = str2
            var longer = str1
        var m = new difflib.SequenceMatcher(null, shorter, longer);
        var blocks = m.getMatchingBlocks();
        var scores = [];
        for (var b = 0; b < blocks.length; b++) {
            var long_start = (blocks[b][1] - blocks[b][0]) > 0 ? (blocks[b][1] - blocks[b][0]) : 0;
            var long_end = long_start + shorter.length;
            var long_substr = longer.substring(long_start,long_end);
            var r = _ratio(shorter,long_substr,options);
            if (r > 99.5) return 100;
            else scores.push(r);
        return Math.max.apply(null, scores);
for (const courseId in courses) {
    similarCourses[courseId] = []
  const alreadyAssignedCourseIds: string[] = []
  const progressBar = new ProgressBar(
    'Comparing courses (:current/:total) [:bar] :percent',
    { total: courseList.length }
  for (const courseId in courses) {
    const course = courses[courseId]
    if (course.isBroken) continue
    if (!course.hash) {
      throw new Error(`Hash for course with ID ${course._id} was not defined`)
    const matches = lshIndex.query(course.hash)
    const sequenceMatcher = new difflib.SequenceMatcher(
    for (const matchId of matches) {
      if (courseId === matchId) continue
      if (alreadyAssignedCourseIds.includes(matchId)) continue
      const matchedCourse = courses[matchId]
      if (!matchedCourse.hash) {
        throw new Error(`Hash for course with ID ${course._id} was not defined`)
      const sim = sequenceMatcher.ratio()
      if (sim < 0.1) continue
      similarCourses[courseId].push({ sim, courseId: matchedCourse._id })
      similarCourses[matchId].push({ sim, courseId: course._id })

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