Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'date-and-time' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.
// Create new chat
var chatObj = {};
chatObj.chatTitle = obj.chatTitle;
chatObj.user_id = obj.username;
chatObj.topic_id = obj.topicId.toString();
chatObj.PostedDate = (new Date()).toString();
chatObj.numberofviews = 0;
chatObj.numberofreplies = 0;
chatObj.desc = obj.chatDescription;
// Create new message
var msgObj = {};
msgObj.messageBody = obj.chatDescription;
msgObj.username = obj.username;
msgObj.date = date.format(new Date(), "MM/DD/YYYY");
dbo.collection(chatsColl).countDocuments().then((count) => {
// Insert chat to db
dbo.collection(chatsColl).insertOne(chatObj, function(insertChatErr, insertChatRes) {
if (insertChatErr) throw insertChatErr;
// console.log("Chat inserted");
// Insert message to db
dbo.collection(msgColl).insertOne(msgObj, function(insertMsgErr, insertMsgRes) {
statusMessage : 1,
chatId: insertChatRes.ops[0]._id
// console.log("chat responding with messages");
var r = {}
r.metadata =clone(dataset.metadata);
r.validation = clone(dataset.validation);
r.dictionary = (index == 0) ? dataset.dictionary : [];
r.metadata.dataset.periodicity = d.periodicity;
r.metadata.dataset.commit.note = "Upload from SSE ChNPP source at "+date.format(new Date(),"YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss");
r.metadata.dataset.id +="_"+d.datasetId;
r.metadata.dataset.ext ="( "+d.datasetLabel+" )";
r.data = d.data;
for(var dim in r.metadata.dimension){
r.metadata.dimension[dim].values = getValueList(dim,r.data)
r.metadata.dimension.time.format = valueLabelFormat[r.metadata.dataset.periodicity]
// if(r.metadata.dimension[dim].scale == "ordinal"){
// r.metadata.dimension[dim].range = [
// date.format(r.metadata.dimension[dim].values[0],valueLabelFormat[d.periodicity]),
// date.format(r.metadata.dimension[dim].values[r.metadata.dimension[dim].values.length-1],valueLabelFormat[d.periodicity])
// ]
// }
set maxDate(date = undefined) {
this.datePicker.maxDate = dateUtils.parse(date, this.dateFormat);
return this;
// Get maxDate
router.post('/create', checkLogin, function (req, res, next) {
const author = req.session.user._id;
var title = req.fields.title;
var content = req.fields.content;
var tag = req.fields.tag;
var top = (req.fields.is_top === 'true')
var hide = (req.fields.is_hide === 'true')
var postdate = req.fields.postdate;
var mydate = date.parse(postdate, 'YYYY-MM-DD');
var postdate = date.format(mydate, 'MMM DD YYYY');
var mydate = date.format(mydate, 'YYYY-MM-DD');
if (req.fields.new_tag != '') {
tag = req.fields.new_tag;
console.log("there are new tags");
let post = {
author: author,
title: title,
content: content,
postdate: postdate,
mydate: mydate,
tag: tag,
top: top,
hide: hide,
date: function(value,format){
format = format || "YYYY MM DD";
return dt.format(value,format)
var truncAndShiftDate = function(d,period){
var vtp = valueTimePattern[period];
return shift[period](date.parse(date.format(new Date(d),vtp),vtp))
var response = {
log: logger.success("total: "+responseList.length+" from "+((obj) ? obj.length:"0")).get(),
data: {
source: req.host,
file: req.host+"_export_Dataset_"+date.format(new Date(),"YYYY_MM_DD_hh_mm_ss")+".json",
type: mime.lookup("json"),
downloadedAt: new Date(),
res.setHeader('Content-type', mime.lookup("json"));
res.setHeader('Content-disposition', 'attachment; filename=' + req.host+"_export_Dataset_"+date.format(new Date(),"YYYY_MM_DD_hh_mm_ss")+".json");
res.setHeader("X-Filename", req.host+"_export_Dataset_"+date.format(new Date(),"YYYY_MM_DD_hh_mm_ss")+".json");
res.setHeader("Access-Control-Expose-Header","Content-disposition, Content-type, X-Filename");
return res.send(response);
}, function (err) {
var response = {
var label = document.createElement('div')
label.innerHTML = entry.status
if (entry.status == 'running') {
css(status, extend(style.status, {backgroundColor: theme.GREEN}))
css(label, extend(style.label, {color: theme.GREEN}))
if (entry.status == 'down') {
css(status, extend(style.status, {backgroundColor: theme.RED}))
css(label, extend(style.label, {color: theme.RED}))
if (entry.timestamp) {
var timestamp = document.createElement('div')
var ts = new Date(entry.timestamp)
var datestring = datetime.format(ts, 'MM/DD/YY HH:mm:ss')
timestamp.innerHTML = datestring
css(timestamp, style.timestamp)
if (!ismobile) row.appendChild(label)
render() {
let d = this.date;
if(date.isValid(this.date, SERVER_DATE_FORMAT)){
d = date.format(date.parse(this.date, SERVER_DATE_FORMAT), 'MMMM DD, YYYY');
let authors = this.authors
if(typeof(authors) == "string"){
authors = JSON.parse(authors);
return html`
margin-right: -10px;
margin-top: -20px;
min-height: 50px;
export function getShortenedTimeAndDate(date: Date) {
return dateAndTime.format(date, "h:mm A MM/DD/YYYY").replace("p.m.", "pm").replace("a.m.", "am");