Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'd3-queue' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.
if (error) throw error;
// Task with Reuslts -------------------------------------------------
// await
.await(function (error, file1Stat, file2Stat) {
if (error) throw error;
console.log(file1Stat, file2Stat);
// awaitAll
qWithResults = d3Queue.queue()
.defer(getFileStats, './workingpath/file1.json')
.defer(getFileStats, './yetanotherworkingpath/file2.json')
.awaitAll(function (error, fileStats) {
if (error) throw error;
console.log(fileStats[0], fileStats[1]);
// Abort Deferred Tasks ==============================================
function requestDataFromInterWeb(url: string, callback: (error: any | null, data?: any) => void) {
// magically get data from the interweb, e.g. like d3-request would, while supporting an abort() method
qWithResults = d3Queue.queue()
.defer(requestDataFromInterWeb, 'http://www.google.com:81')
if (error) throw error;
// Task with Reuslts -------------------------------------------------
// await
.await((error, file1Stat, file2Stat) => {
if (error) throw error;
console.log(file1Stat, file2Stat);
// awaitAll
qWithResults = d3Queue.queue()
.defer(getFileStats, './workingpath/file1.json')
.defer(getFileStats, './yetanotherworkingpath/file2.json')
.awaitAll((error, fileStats) => {
if (error) throw error;
console.log(fileStats[0], fileStats[1]);
// Abort Deferred Tasks ==============================================
function requestDataFromInterWeb(url: string, callback: (error: any | null, data?: any) => void) {
// magically get data from the interweb, e.g. like d3-request would, while supporting an abort() method
qWithResults = d3Queue.queue()
.defer(requestDataFromInterWeb, 'http://www.google.com:81')
.defer(requestDataFromInterWeb, 'http://www.google.com:81')
* are not intended as functional tests.
import * as d3Queue from 'd3-queue';
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Test Queue
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Create queue ======================================================
let qNoResult: d3Queue.Queue;
let qWithResults: d3Queue.Queue;
// With default concurrency
qNoResult = d3Queue.queue();
// With limited concurrency
qWithResults = d3Queue.queue(3);
// Defer Tasks =======================================================
// No Results Task ---------------------------------------------------
function delayedHello(name: string, delay: number, callback: (error: any | null) => void) {
setTimeout(function () {
console.log('Hello, ' + name + '!');
}, delay);
* are not intended as functional tests.
import * as d3Queue from 'd3-queue';
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Test Queue
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Create queue ======================================================
let qNoResult: d3Queue.Queue;
let qWithResults: d3Queue.Queue;
// With default concurrency
qNoResult = d3Queue.queue();
// With limited concurrency
qWithResults = d3Queue.queue(3);
// Defer Tasks =======================================================
// No Results Task ---------------------------------------------------
function delayedHello(name: string, delay: number, callback: (error: any | null) => void) {
setTimeout(() => {
console.log('Hello, ' + name + '!');
}, delay);
qNoResult = qNoResult.defer(delayedHello, 'Alice', 250);
readers.readDbf = function (filePath, opts_, cb) {
var parserOptions = {
map: function (d) { return d }
if (typeof cb === 'undefined') {
cb = opts_
} else {
parserOptions = _.isFunction(opts_) ? {map: opts_} : opts_
var reader = shapefileDbf.reader(filePath)
var rows = []
var headers
// Run these in order
.await(function (error, readHeaderData, readAllRecordsData, jsonData) {
// We're using queue to work through this flow
// As a result, `readHeaderData`, `readAllRecordsData` are going to be undefined
// Because they aren't meant to return anything, just process data
// `rowData`, however contains all our concatenated data, so let's return that
cb(error, jsonData)
function readHeader (callback) {
reader.readHeader(function (error, header) {
if (error) {
return callback(error)
var addLuaFiles = (directory, callback) => {
fs.readdir(path.normalize(directory), (err, files) => {
if (err) return callback(err);
var luaFiles = files.filter(f => !!f.match(/\.lua$/)).map(f => path.normalize(directory + '/' + f));
Array.prototype.push.apply(dependencies, luaFiles);
// Note: we need a serialized queue here to ensure that the order of the files
// passed is stable. Otherwise the hash will not be stable
.defer(addLuaFiles, this.PROFILES_PATH)
.defer(addLuaFiles, this.PROFILES_PATH + '/lib')
.awaitAll(hash.hashOfFiles.bind(hash, dependencies, callback));
// use the mode of the first step of the route
// for routability table test, we can assume the mode is the same throughout the route,
// since the route is just a single way
if( r.json.routes[0].legs[0] && r.json.routes[0].legs[0].steps[0] ) {
r.mode = r.json.routes[0].legs[0].steps[0].mode;
} else {
r.status = null;
callback(null, r);
.defer(testDirection, 'forw')
.defer(testDirection, 'backw')
.awaitAll((err, res) => {
if (err) return cb(err);
// check if forw and backw returned the same values
res.forEach((dirRes) => {
var which = dirRes.which;
delete dirRes.which;
result[which] = dirRes;
result.bothw = {};
var sq = d3.queue();
var parseRes = (key, scb) => {
this.extractContractPartitionAndCustomize = (callback) => {
// a shallow copy of scenario parameters to avoid data inconsistency
// if a cucumber timeout occurs during deferred jobs
let p = {extractArgs: this.extractArgs, contractArgs: this.contractArgs,
partitionArgs: this.partitionArgs, customizeArgs: this.customizeArgs,
profileFile: this.profileFile, inputCacheFile: this.inputCacheFile,
processedCacheFile: this.processedCacheFile, environment: this.environment};
let queue = d3.queue(1);
queue.defer(this.extractData.bind(this), p);
queue.defer(this.partitionData.bind(this), p);
queue.defer(this.contractData.bind(this), p);
queue.defer(this.customizeData.bind(this), p);
module.exports.init = function (t) {
const q = queue(1);
q.defer(dynalite.listen.bind(dynalite), 4568);
q.defer(kinesalite.listen.bind(kinesalite), 5568);
q.defer(kinesisClient.createStream.bind(kinesisClient), {
ShardCount: process.env.shardCount || 2,
StreamName: config.streamName
q.await((err) => {
if (err && err.code != 'ResourceInUseException') t.fail(err.stack);
console.log(`Dynalite started on port 4568, Kinesalite started on port 5568, created stream ${config.streamName}`);