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Top 10 Examples of "int64-buffer in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'int64-buffer' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

textDecoder: new TextDecoder

            const trx_id_arr = hexToUint8Array(trx_id);


            if (this.amq) {
                //`Queueing action for ${action.act.account}::${}`);
                const block_buffer = new Int64(block_num).toBuffer();
                const timestamp_buffer = this.int32ToBuffer(block_timestamp.getTime() / 1000);
                const trx_id_buffer = Buffer.from(trx_id_arr);
                const recv_buffer = new Int64(action.receipt[1].recv_sequence).toBuffer();
                const global_buffer = new Int64(action.receipt[1].global_sequence).toBuffer();
                const action_buffer = Buffer.from(sb_action.array);
                //`Publishing action`)
                this.amq.send('action', Buffer.concat([block_buffer, timestamp_buffer, trx_id_buffer, recv_buffer, global_buffer, action_buffer]))
            } else {
                console.error(`No queue when processing action for ${action.act.account}::${} in ${trx_id}`, {action});

        if (action.inline_traces && action.inline_traces.length) {
            for (let itc of action.inline_traces) {
                //"inline trace\n", itc);
                if (itc[0] === 'action_trace_v0') {
                    this.queueAction(block_num, itc[1], trx_id, block_timestamp);
// outPacket.writeUInt32(this.userId)

        // should always be 0xFFFFFFFF for a full update
        outPacket.writeUInt32(0xFFFFFFFF) // flags

        // flag & 0x1
        outPacket.writeUInt64(new Uint64LE(0x2241158F)) // unk00, nexon id?
        // end flag & 0x1
        // flag & 0x2
        outPacket.writeString(new PacketString(user.playerName)) // userName
        // end of flag & 0x2
        // flag & 0x4
        outPacket.writeUInt16(user.level) // level
        // end of flag & 0x4
        // flag & 0x8
        outPacket.writeUInt64(new Uint64LE(user.curExp)) // curExp
        outPacket.writeUInt64(new Uint64LE(user.maxExp)) // maxExp
        outPacket.writeUInt32(0x313) // unk03
        // end of flag & 0x8
        // flag & 0x10
        outPacket.writeUInt8(user.rank) // rank
        outPacket.writeUInt8(0) // unk05
        // end of flag & 0x10
        // flag & 0x20
        outPacket.writeUInt64(new Uint64LE(0x7AF3)) // unk06
        // end of flag & 0x20
        // flag & 0x40
        outPacket.writeUInt32(10) // unk07
        outPacket.writeUInt32(user.wins) // wins
        outPacket.writeUInt32(user.kills) // kills
        outPacket.writeUInt32(80) // unk10
        outPacket.writeUInt32(user.deaths) // deaths
// should always be 0xFFFFFFFF for a full update
        outPacket.writeUInt32(0xFFFFFFFF) // flags

        // flag & 0x1
        outPacket.writeUInt64(new Uint64LE(0x2241158F)) // unk00, nexon id?
        // end flag & 0x1
        // flag & 0x2
        outPacket.writeString(new PacketString(user.playerName)) // userName
        // end of flag & 0x2
        // flag & 0x4
        outPacket.writeUInt16(user.level) // level
        // end of flag & 0x4
        // flag & 0x8
        outPacket.writeUInt64(new Uint64LE(user.curExp)) // curExp
        outPacket.writeUInt64(new Uint64LE(user.maxExp)) // maxExp
        outPacket.writeUInt32(0x313) // unk03
        // end of flag & 0x8
        // flag & 0x10
        outPacket.writeUInt8(user.rank) // rank
        outPacket.writeUInt8(0) // unk05
        // end of flag & 0x10
        // flag & 0x20
        outPacket.writeUInt64(new Uint64LE(0x7AF3)) // unk06
        // end of flag & 0x20
        // flag & 0x40
        outPacket.writeUInt32(10) // unk07
        outPacket.writeUInt32(user.wins) // wins
        outPacket.writeUInt32(user.kills) // kills
        outPacket.writeUInt32(80) // unk10
        outPacket.writeUInt32(user.deaths) // deaths
        outPacket.writeUInt32(user.assists) // assists
function buildHeader(type, sector) {
    const u8 = new Uint8Array(16);
    const view = new DataView(u8.buffer);
    view.setUint32(0, type, true);
    view.setUint32(4, 0, true); // priority: low
    u8.set((new Uint64LE(sector)).toArray(), 8);
    return u8;
public static build(outPacket: OutPacketBase): void {
        outPacket.writeUInt8(0) // unk00
        outPacket.writeUInt8(0) // unk01
        outPacket.writeUInt8(0) // unk02
        outPacket.writeUInt64(new Uint64LE(0)) // unk03
        outPacket.writeUInt64(new Uint64LE(0)) // unk04
        outPacket.writeUInt8(0) // unk05
        outPacket.writeString(new PacketString(null)) // unk06
        outPacket.writeString(new PacketString(null)) // unk07
        outPacket.writeUInt8(0) // unk08
        outPacket.writeUInt8(0) // unk09
outPacket.writeUInt16( // startMoney
        // end flags & 0x20000
        // flags & 0x40000
        outPacket.writeUInt8(0) // unk26
        // end flags & 0x40000
        // flags & 0x80000
        outPacket.writeUInt8(0) // unk27
        // end flags & 0x80000
        // flags & 0x100000
        outPacket.writeUInt8(0) // unk28
        // end flags & 0x100000
        // flags & 0x200000
        outPacket.writeUInt8(1) // unk29
        // end flags & 0x200000
        // flags & 0x400000
        outPacket.writeUInt64(new Uint64LE(0x5AF6F7BF)) // unk30
        // end flags & 0x400000
        // flags & 0x800000
        outPacket.writeUInt8( // winLimit
        outPacket.writeUInt16( // killLimit
        outPacket.writeUInt8( // forceCamera
        // end flags & 0x800000
        // flags & 0x1000000
        outPacket.writeUInt8(4) // unk31
        // end flags & 0x1000000
        // flags & 0x2000000
        outPacket.writeUInt8(0) // unk35
        // end flags & 0x2000000
        // flags & 0x4000000
        outPacket.writeUInt8( // nextMapEnabled
        // end flags & 0x4000000
        // flags & 0x8000000
public static async build(room: Room, outPacket: OutPacketBase): Promise {
        outPacket.writeUInt32( // roomHostId

        outPacket.writeUInt8(2) // unk01
        outPacket.writeUInt8(2) // unk02

        outPacket.writeUInt16( // roomId

        outPacket.writeUInt8(5) // unk04

        // special class start?
        // flags & 0x1
        outPacket.writeUInt64(new Uint64LE('FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF', 16)) // roomFlags
        outPacket.writeString(new PacketString(room.settings.roomName)) // roomName
        // end of flags & 0x1
        // flags & 0x2
        outPacket.writeUInt8(0) // unk05
        // end of flags & 0x2
        // flags & 0x4
        outPacket.writeUInt8(0) // unk06
        outPacket.writeUInt32(0) // unk07
        outPacket.writeUInt32(0) // unk08
        // end of flags & 0x4
        // flags & 0x8
        outPacket.writeString(new PacketString(null)) // unk09
        // end of flags & 0x8
        // flags & 0x10
        outPacket.writeUInt16(0) // unk10
        // end of flags & 0x10
async processContractRow(job) {
        const sb = new Serialize.SerialBuffer({
            textEncoder: new TextEncoder,
            textDecoder: new TextDecoder,
            array: new Uint8Array(job.content)

        const block_num = new Int64(sb.getUint8Array(8)).toString();
        const present = sb.get();
        const block_timestamp_arr = sb.getUint8Array(4);
        // const block_timestamp_int = sb.getUint32();
        let buffer = Buffer.from(block_timestamp_arr);
        var block_timestamp_int = buffer.readUInt32BE(0);
        const block_timestamp = new Date(block_timestamp_int * 1000);
        sb.get(); // version
        const code = sb.getName();
        const scope = sb.getName();
        const table = sb.getName();
        const primary_key = new Int64(sb.getUint8Array(8)).toString();
        const payer = sb.getName();
        const data_raw = sb.getBytes();

        try {
            const table_type = await this.delta_handler.getTableType(code, table);
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            const ts = Math.floor(block_timestamp.getTime() / 1000);
            //'ts', ts);
            const timestamp_buffer = this.int32ToBuffer(ts);
            const block_buffer = new Int64(block_num).toBuffer();
            const present_buffer = Buffer.from([row.present]);
            //`Publishing ${name}`)
            this.amq.send(name, Buffer.concat([block_buffer, present_buffer, timestamp_buffer, Buffer.from(]))
async processBlockRange(job) {
        this.job = job;
        //await this.amq.ack(job)

        const start_buffer = job.content.slice(0, 8);
        const end_buffer = job.content.slice(8);

        const start_block = new Int64BE(start_buffer).toString();
        const end_block = new Int64BE(end_buffer).toString();`processBlockRange pid : ${} ${start_block} to ${end_block}`);

        const dac_directory = new DacDirectory({config: this.config, db:this.db});
        await dac_directory.reload();

        const action_handler = new ActionHandler({queue: this.amq, config: this.config, dac_directory, logger:this.logger});
        const block_handler = new TraceHandler({queue: this.amq, action_handler, config: this.config, logger:this.logger});
        const delta_handler = new DeltaHandler({queue: this.amq, config: this.config, dac_directory, logger:this.logger});
 = new StateReceiver({startBlock: start_block, endBlock: end_block, mode: 1, config: this.config});;; => {
            //`StateReceiver completed`, job)

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