Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'csso' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.
// make a copy of ast, as it could has shared parts
// and csso optimizer might corrupt those parts
file.ast = csso.compress(copyAst(file.ast));
fconsole.start('Process packages');
// make a copy of ast, as it could has shared parts
// and csso optimizer might corrupt those parts
file.ast = csso.compress(copyAst(file.ast));
fconsole.start('Process style attributes');
for (var i = 0, file; file = flow.files.queue[i]; i++)
if (file.type == 'style-block')
file.ast = csso.compress(
[{}, 'stylesheet', [{}, 'ruleset', [{}, 'selector', [{}, 'simpleselector', [{}, 'ident', 'rule']]],
}).handlerName = '[css] Compress';
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (source.fileContent && !source.content && source.type == 'css') {
try {
source.content = source.compress
? require('csso').minify(source.fileContent).css
: source.fileContent;
// Change tag type
source.tag = 'style';
} catch (err) {
await step('3. generate style.css', async () => {
const csso = require('csso');
const stylePaths = [];
stylePaths.push(...(await globAsync(SRC_PATH, 'ui/**/*.css')));
stylePaths.push(...(await globAsync(SRC_PATH, 'pptr/**/*.css')));
stylePaths.push(...(await globAsync(SRC_PATH, 'third_party/**/*.css')));
const styles = stylePaths.map(stylePath => fs.readFileSync(stylePath, 'utf8'));
const styleContent = '/* THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY build.js */\n\n' + csso.minify(styles.join('\n'), {restructure: false}).css;
fs.writeFileSync(path.join(DST_PATH, 'style.css'), styleContent, 'utf8');
formatStyles: (styles: string): Promise => {
return minify(styles).css; // TODO filter out mapbox styles automatically
extractStyles: true,
packCommentToken(' [WARN] Recursion: ' + context.map(relpath).join(' -> ') + ' -> ' + relpath(filename) + ' '),
[{}, 's', '\n\n']
treeConsole.log('# [OK] ' + relpath(filename));
content = fs.readFileSync(filename, 'utf-8');
if (context.length)
content = content.replace(/^|\n/g, "$&" + offset);
// parse css into tree
var cssTree = csso.parse(content, 'stylesheet');
// add header
cssTree.splice(2, 0,
[{}, 's', offset],
packCommentToken('\n ' + offset + '* ' + filename + ' content injection\n ' + offset),
[{}, 's', '\n']
[{}, 's', '\n\n']
processCssTree(cssTree, baseURI, context);
if (!isInlineStyle)
// collect
function rebaseCss(css, file, config) {
// Handle empty CSS files
if (config.noCss || !css.trim()) {
return css;
var ast;
try {
ast = CSSO.parse(css);
} catch (exception) {
config.out.warn("CSS parse error: " + file.path);
return css;
var worklist = [ast];
while (worklist.length) {
var node = worklist.pop(), quote;
if (node[0] === "uri") {
var value = node[1], uri;
if (value[0] === "raw") {
uri = value[1];
quote = "";
} else if (value[0] === "string") {
// remove quotes (first and last character)
// skip selectors that match more than once if option onlyMatchedOnce is enabled
for (var selectedElIndex in selectedEls) {
var selectedEl = selectedEls[selectedElIndex];
// empty defaults in case there is no style attribute
var elInlineStyleAttr = { name: 'style', value: '', prefix: '', local: 'style' },
elInlineStyles = '';
if (selectedEl.hasAttr('style')) {
elInlineStyleAttr = selectedEl.attr('style');
elInlineStyles = elInlineStyleAttr.value;
var inlineCssAst = csso.parse(elInlineStyles, { context: 'block' });
// merge element(inline) styles + matching <style> styles
var newInlineCssAst = csso.parse('', { context: 'block' }); // for an empty css ast (in block context)
var mergedDeclarations = [];
var _fetchDeclarations = function (node, item) {
if (node.type === 'Declaration') {
var itemRulesetNodeCloned = csso.clone(selectorItem.rulesetNode);
// clone to prevent leaking declaration references (csso.translate(...))
csso.walk(itemRulesetNodeCloned, _fetchDeclarations);
csso.walk(inlineCssAst, _fetchDeclarations);
// sort by !important(ce)</style>
for (var selectedElIndex in selectedEls) {
var selectedEl = selectedEls[selectedElIndex];
// empty defaults in case there is no style attribute
var elInlineStyleAttr = { name: 'style', value: '', prefix: '', local: 'style' },
elInlineStyles = '';
if (selectedEl.hasAttr('style')) {
elInlineStyleAttr = selectedEl.attr('style');
elInlineStyles = elInlineStyleAttr.value;
var inlineCssAst = csso.parse(elInlineStyles, { context: 'block' });
// merge element(inline) styles + matching <style> styles
var newInlineCssAst = csso.parse('', { context: 'block' }); // for an empty css ast (in block context)
var mergedDeclarations = [];
var _fetchDeclarations = function (node, item) {
if (node.type === 'Declaration') {
var itemRulesetNodeCloned = csso.clone(selectorItem.rulesetNode);
// clone to prevent leaking declaration references (csso.translate(...))
csso.walk(itemRulesetNodeCloned, _fetchDeclarations);
csso.walk(inlineCssAst, _fetchDeclarations);
// sort by !important(ce)
var mergedDeclarationsSorted = stable(mergedDeclarations, function (declarationA, declarationB) {
var declarationAScore = ~~declarationA.data.value.important, // (cast boolean to number)
declarationBScore = ~~declarationB.data.value.important; // "</style>