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Top 10 Examples of "coap in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'coap' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.


                        // console.log(HexPort);

                        agen = new coap.Agent({type:"udp4", port:5683});
                        var requestOptions = {
                            host: req.rsinfo.address,
                            port: req.rsinfo.port,
                            pathname: '/t/d',
                            method: 'GET',
                            confirmable: true,
                            observe: true,
                            retrySend: 5,
                            agent: agen
                        var reqCoap = coap.request(requestOptions);
                        // reqCoap.setOption("observe", "0");
                        reqCoap.setOption("Uri-Port", Buffer.from(HexPort));
                        reqCoap.on('response', (resp) => {
                            if (resp.code == '2.05') {
                                // console.log((response));
                                    status: '2'
                            global.sendCoapFlag = 1;
                            resp.pipe(process.stdout); //只有该句可输出上行payload, 此处抓取的是第二个响应,即non响应(不是请求), 第一个是ASK响应
                            resp.on('data', (receCoAPData) =>{
function request_noti_coap(nu, bodyString, bodytype, xm2mri) {
    var options = {
        host: url.parse(nu).hostname,
        port: url.parse(nu).port,
        pathname: url.parse(nu).path,
        method: 'post',
        confirmable: 'false',
        options: {
            'Accept': 'application/'+bodytype,
            'Content-Type': 'application/'+bodytype,
            'Content-Length' : bodyString.length

    var responseBody = '';
    var req = coap.request(options);
    req.setOption("256", new Buffer(usecseid));      // X-M2M-Origin
    req.setOption("257", new Buffer(xm2mri));    // X-M2M-RI
    req.on('response', function (res) {
        res.on('data', function () {
            responseBody += res.payload.toString();

        res.on('end', function () {
            console.log('----> [nonblocking-async-coap] response for notification through coap  ' + res.code);

    console.log('<---- [nonblocking-async-coap] request for notification through coap with ' + bodytype);

import coap from 'coap';
import url from 'url';
import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor';
import { check } from 'meteor/check';
import Fiber from 'fibers';
import _ from 'underscore';
import { Match } from 'meteor/check';

const server = coap.createServer();

server.on('request', function(req, res) {
  // console.log(req)
  Fiber(function () {
    let urlParts = url.parse(req.url, true);
    let method = urlParts.pathname.replace(/\//g, '');
    let payload = JSON.parse(req.payload.toString());


    let auth = {
      uuid: payload.uuid,
      token: payload.token
init.setupNode = function (cn, devResrcs) {
    var maxLatency = (cn._config.reqTimeout - 47)/ 2,
        so = cn.getSmartObject();

        maxLatency: maxLatency

    coap.registerFormat('application/json', 11543);     // Leshan JSON Numeric Content-Formats
    coap.registerFormat('application/tlv', 11542);	// Leshan TLV Content-Format

    so.init('lwm2mServer', 0, {                         // oid = 1
        shortServerId: 'unknown',                       // rid = 0
        lifetime: cn.lifetime,                          // rid = 1
        defaultMinPeriod: cn._config.defaultMinPeriod,  // rid = 2
        defaultMaxPeriod: cn._config.defaultMaxPeriod   // rid = 3

    so.init('device', 0, {                         // oid = 3
        manuf: devResrcs.manuf || 'sivann',        // rid = 0
        model: devResrcs.model || 'cnode-01',      // rid = 1
        serial: devResrcs.serial || 'c-0000',      // rid = 2
        firmware: devResrcs.firmware || 'v1.0',    // rid = 3
        devType: devResrcs.devType || 'generic',   // rid = 17
        hwVer: devResrcs.hwVer || 'v1.0',          // rid = 18
init.setupNode = function (cn, devResrcs) {
    var propWritable = { writable: true, enumerable: false, configurable: false },
        maxLatency = (cn._config.reqTimeout - 47)/ 2,
        so = cn.getSmartObject();

        maxLatency: maxLatency

    coap.registerFormat('application/tlv', 11542);      // Leshan TLV binary Content-Formats
    coap.registerFormat('application/json', 11543);     // Leshan JSON Numeric Content-Formats

    so.init('device', 0, {                         // oid = 3
        manuf: devResrcs.manuf || 'sivann',        // rid = 0
        model: devResrcs.model || 'cnode-01',      // rid = 1
        serial: devResrcs.serial || 'c-0000',      // rid = 2
        firmware: devResrcs.firmware || '1.0',     // rid = 3
        devType: devResrcs.devType || 'generic',   // rid = 17
        hwVer: devResrcs.hwVer || '1.0',           // rid = 18
        swVer: devResrcs.swVer || '1.0',           // rid = 19
        availPwrSrc: devResrcs.availPwrSrc || 0,
        pwrSrcVoltage: devResrcs.pwrSrcVoltage || 100

    so.init('connMonitor', 0, {     // oid = 4
        ip: cn.ip,                  // rid = 4
init.setupNode = function (cn, devResrcs) {
    var propWritable = { writable: true, enumerable: false, configurable: false },
        maxLatency = (cn._config.reqTimeout - 47)/ 2,
        so = cn.getSmartObject();

        maxLatency: maxLatency

    coap.registerFormat('application/tlv', 11542);      // Leshan TLV binary Content-Formats
    coap.registerFormat('application/json', 11543);     // Leshan JSON Numeric Content-Formats

    so.init('device', 0, {                         // oid = 3
        manuf: devResrcs.manuf || 'sivann',        // rid = 0
        model: devResrcs.model || 'cnode-01',      // rid = 1
        serial: devResrcs.serial || 'c-0000',      // rid = 2
        firmware: devResrcs.firmware || '1.0',     // rid = 3
        devType: devResrcs.devType || 'generic',   // rid = 17
        hwVer: devResrcs.hwVer || '1.0',           // rid = 18
        swVer: devResrcs.swVer || '1.0',           // rid = 19
        availPwrSrc: devResrcs.availPwrSrc || 0,
        pwrSrcVoltage: devResrcs.pwrSrcVoltage || 100

    so.init('connMonitor', 0, {     // oid = 4
        ip: cn.ip,                  // rid = 4
        routeIp: 'unknown'          // rid = 5         
init.setupNode = function (cn, devResrcs) {
    var maxLatency = (cn._config.reqTimeout - 47)/ 2,
        so = cn.getSmartObject();

        maxLatency: maxLatency

    coap.registerFormat('application/json', 11543);     // Leshan JSON Numeric Content-Formats
    coap.registerFormat('application/tlv', 11542);	// Leshan TLV Content-Format

    so.init('lwm2mServer', 0, {                         // oid = 1
        shortServerId: 'unknown',                       // rid = 0
        lifetime: cn.lifetime,                          // rid = 1
        defaultMinPeriod: cn._config.defaultMinPeriod,  // rid = 2
        defaultMaxPeriod: cn._config.defaultMaxPeriod   // rid = 3

    so.init('device', 0, {                         // oid = 3
        manuf: devResrcs.manuf || 'sivann',        // rid = 0
        model: devResrcs.model || 'cnode-01',      // rid = 1
        serial: devResrcs.serial || 'c-0000',      // rid = 2
        firmware: devResrcs.firmware || 'v1.0',    // rid = 3
        devType: devResrcs.devType || 'generic',   // rid = 17
        hwVer: devResrcs.hwVer || 'v1.0',          // rid = 18
        swVer: devResrcs.swVer || 'v1.0',          // rid = 19

var defaultAckTimeout = 30.0
if (program.ackTimeout) {
  defaultAckTimeout = program.ackTimeout

var coapTiming = {
  ackTimeout: defaultAckTimeout,
  ackRandomFactor: 1.0,
  maxRetransmit: 5,
  maxLatency: 2,
  piggybackReplyMs: 10

req.on('response', function (res) {
  var endTime = new Date()
  if (program.showTiming) {
    console.log('Request took ' + (endTime.getTime() - startTime.getTime()) + ' ms')

  // print only status code on empty response
  if (!res.payload.length && !program.quiet) {
    process.stderr.write('\x1b[1m(' + res.code + ')\x1b[0m\n')

  res.pipe(through(function addNewLine (chunk, enc, callback) {
    if (!program.quiet) {
      process.stderr.write('\x1b[1m(' + res.code + ')\x1b[0m\t')
function coap_send(data) {
    var req = coap.request('coap://localhost'); // the WoT server listen on dafault port
    req.on('response', function (res) {
        try {
            if (res && res.payload && res.payload.length) {
                //var msg = JSON.parse(res.payload.toString());
                logger.debug("CoAP server response: " +  res.payload.toString());
            res.on('end', function () {
        catch (e) {
            logger.error("coap send error: " + e.message);
                  protocolId: 'MQIsdp',
                  protocolVersion: 3,
                  clientId: "client" + publishers.length,
                  keepalive: 1000,
                  clean: true
  , next = function() {
             if (publishers.length < total) {
               mqtt.createConnection(1883, '', created);

  method: "PUT",
  pathname: "/topics/hello"
}).end("done").on("response", function() {
  var listener = coap.request({
    pathname: "/topics/hello",
    observe: true

  listener.on("response", function(res) {
    var first = true
    res.on("data", function() {
      // the first one is the current state
      if (first) {
        first = false

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