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Top 10 Examples of "coa in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'coa' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

writeFile = promisify(FS.writeFile),
    SVGO = require('../svgo.js'),
    YAML = require('js-yaml'),
    PKG = require('../../package.json'),
    encodeSVGDatauri = require('./tools.js').encodeSVGDatauri,
    decodeSVGDatauri = require('./tools.js').decodeSVGDatauri,
    regSVGFile = /\.svg$/,
    noop = () => {},

 * Command-Option-Argument.
 * @see
module.exports = require('coa').Cmd()
        .act(function() {
            // output the version to stdout instead of stderr if returned
            process.stdout.write(PKG.version + '\n');
            // coa will run `.toString` on the returned value and send it to stderr
            return '';
m: "max_preserve_newlines",
  j: "jslint_happy",
  a: "space_after_anon_function",
  b: "brace_style",
  k: "keep_array_indentation",
  // no such cli flag in js-beautifier
  K: "keep_function_indentation",
  // no such cli flag in js-beautifier
  A: "no_space_before_conditional",
  B: "break_chained_methods",
  x: "unescape_strings",
  w: "wrap_line_length",
  n: "end_with_newline"

var cmd = module.exports = require('coa').Cmd();

function addBeautfierOpts(cmd) {

  Object.keys(js_beautifier_opts).forEach(function (o) {
    var NAME = js_beautifier_opts[o],
        FLAG = (typeof js_beatufier_defaults[NAME]) === 'boolean',
        LONG = NAME.replace(/_/g,'-'),
        DEF = js_beatufier_defaults[NAME],
        TITLE = '(default: ' + DEF + ')';
    var result = cmd.opt().name(NAME).title(TITLE)

    if (FLAG)
      return result.flag().end();

    return result.val(function (v) {
var coa = require('coa');
var pkg = require('./package.json');

var formatter = require('.');

module.exports = coa.Cmd()
        .act(function() {
            // output the version to stdout instead of stderr if returned
            process.stdout.write(pkg.version + '\n');
            // coa will run `.toString` on the returned value and send it to stderr
            return '';
var PATH = require('path');
var fs = require('fs');

var util = require('./util');

module.exports = require('coa').Cmd()
    .title('Borschik. Extendable builder for text-based file formats.')
        .name('version') .title('Version')
        .act(function() { return JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(PATH.resolve(__dirname, '..', 'package.json'))).version })
        .name('tech') .title('Technology')
        // Give ability for external technologies to has its own options without conflicts with borschik
if (DEBUG) {
        else {
            var bundling = beautify_bundling(mega.bundling);
            output.write('exports.bundling = ' + JSON.stringify(bundling) + ';');

exports.get_bundling = get_bundling;

exports.COA = require('coa').Cmd()
    .title('Bundler. It is better for you to not know what it is.')
        .title('file cost, default: 10')
        .title('kb cost, default: 2')
exports.main = function () {

    var util = require('util'),
        fs = require('fs'),
        q = require('q');

        .title('Shmakowiki command line utility')
            .title('Show version')
            .act(function(opts) {
                return JSON.parse(require('fs').readFileSync(__dirname + '/../package.json'))
'use strict';

var path = require('path'),
    extend = require('extend'),
    pkg = require('../package.json'),
    main = require('./hub').main;

module.exports = require('coa').Cmd()
        .title('Port to listen')
        .title('Host to listen')
        .title('Hub config')
#!/usr/bin/env node
'use strict';
var gulp = require('gulp')

    .title('Bower package(s) to use. Multiple packages can be defined with: package="foo bar" or package=foo,bar')
    .name('Java directory')
    .title('Directory where the Java files are generated. (Default: src/main/java)')
    .name('Resources directory')
    .title('Directory where the Resource files are generated. (Default: src/main/resources)')
var COA = exports.COA = require('coa').Cmd()
        .act(function(opts) {
            return JSON.parse(require('fs').readFileSync(__dirname + '/../package.json')).version;
        .name('input').title('Input file (default: stdin)')
function beautifiersOpt() {
        .name('beautifiers').title('Local or global path to beautifier module, can be used many times')
        .val(function(b) {
            return typeof b == 'string'
                ? require(b.match(/^\./) ? require('path').resolve(b) : b).KrasotaJS
                : b

var COA = exports.COA = require('coa').Cmd()
        .act(function(opts) {
            return JSON.parse(require('fs').readFileSync(__dirname + '/../package.json')).version;
        .name('input').title('Input file (default: stdin)')

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