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Top 10 Examples of "co in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'co' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

describe("includeExistingRepo", function () {

        // for these tests, "externalRepo" represents the repository to be 
        // included and "submoduleRepo" represents the submodule once it 
        // has been included inside "repo"  

        let repo, externalRepo, path;
        before(co.wrap(function *() {
            repo = yield TestUtil.createSimpleRepository();
            externalRepo = yield TestUtil.createSimpleRepository();
            path = "foo";
            yield Include.include(repo, externalRepo.workdir(), path);

        it("should include in the correct path", co.wrap(function *() {
            const pathExists = 
                yield TestUtil.pathExists(repo.workdir() + path);
            assert(pathExists, "path should exist");

            const submoduleRepo = 
                yield + path);
            assert(submoduleRepo.workdir(), "repository should be created");
function fetchArchiveInfo() {
  return co(function* () {
    console.log('Looking up', siteKey)

    // run request
    siteInfo = yield datInternalAPI.getArchiveInfo(siteKey)
    siteEntriesTree = entriesListToTree(siteInfo)
    siteName = ( || siteInfo.short_name || 'Untitled')
    document.title = siteName + ' - Site Editor'

    console.log(siteName, siteInfo)
  }).catch(err => {
    console.warn('Failed to fetch archive info', err)
    siteError = err
BoLogger.prototype.log = function (data) {, function* () {
        //data.essence = yield * common.getEssenceId(data.object);
        if (data.object) {
            yield this.init(data.object, data.req);
        if (typeof data.entities === 'object') {
            data.entities = JSON.stringify(data.entities);
        var thunkQuery = (data.req) ? data.req.thunkQuery : thunkify(new Query(config.pgConnect.adminSchema));

        if (data.user) {
            data.userid = (data.user.roleID === 1) ? 0 - :; // if superuser - then user = -id
        var id = yield thunkQuery(Log.insert(;
        return data;
    }).then(function (data) {
ready() {
    log.silly('Message', 'ready()')

    return, function* () {
      const from  = Contact.load(this.obj.from)
      const to    = Contact.load(
      const room  = ? Room.load( : null

      if (from) { yield from.ready() }  // Contact from
      if (to)   { yield to.ready() }    // Contact to
      if (room) { yield room.ready() }  // Room member list

      return this         // return this for chain
    }).catch(e => { // Exception
        log.error('Message', 'ready() exception: %s', e)
        throw e
initBrowser() {
    log.verbose('PuppetWeb', 'initBrowser()')
    const browser = new Browser({
      head: this.head
      , sessionFile: this.profile

    browser.on('dead', Event.onBrowserDead.bind(this))

    // fastUrl is used to open in browser for we can set cookies.
    // backup: ''
    const fastUrl = ''

    return, function* () {
      yield browser.init()
      yield browser.loadSession()
                  .catch(e => { // fail safe
                   log.verbose('PuppetWeb', 'browser.loadSession(%s) exception: %s', this.profile, e.message || e)
      return browser // follow func name meaning
    }).catch(e => {
      log.error('PuppetWeb', 'initBrowser() exception: %s', e.message)
      throw e
'content': messageContent,

        return this.emitPacket(tunnelIds, packetType, packetContent);

    emitPacket(tunnelIds, packetType, packetContent) {
        let param = { tunnelIds, 'type': packetType };
        if (packetContent) {
            param.content = packetContent;

        return this._sendRequest('/ws/push', [param], false);

    _sendRequest: co.wrap(function *(apiPath, apiParam, withTcKey) {
        let url = config.getTunnelServerUrl() + apiPath;
        let data = this._packReqData(apiParam, withTcKey);

        let params = { url, 'body': data };

        let begin =;
        let result = yield net.jsonPost(params);
        let end =;

        let statusCode = result[0].statusCode;
        let body = result[1];

        // 记录请求日志
        debug(`POST ${url} => [${statusCode}]`, {
            '[请求]': data,
            '[响应]': body,
 * Return a list the files in the specified `repo` and its *open* submodules,
 * relative to the root of the repository, or to the optionally specified
 * `relativePath` if provided.  Note that the order of the list is
 * not defined.  Note that if `relativePath` is provided, no files will be
 * listed that are not within that subdirectory.  The behavior is undefined
 * unless `relativePath` (if provided) is a valid relative path and has no
 * trailing slash.
 * @async
 * @param {NodeGit.Repository} repo
 * @param {String}             [relativePath]
 * @return [String]
exports.listFiles = co.wrap(function *(repo, relativePath) {
    assert.instanceOf(repo, NodeGit.Repository);
    if (undefined !== relativePath && null !== relativePath) {
        assert.notEqual(relativePath, "");
        assert.notEqual(relativePath[relativePath.length - 1], "/");
    const subNames = new Set(yield SubmoduleUtil.getSubmoduleNames(repo));
    const openSubs = yield SubmoduleUtil.listOpenSubmodules(repo);

    const result = [];

    let withSlash;  // the relative path with a suffixed '/'
    if (relativePath) {
        withSlash = relativePath + "/";
WorkerQueue.prototype.fork = function () {
  cluster.setupMaster({ args: [ 'worker-queue' ] });

  let worker = cluster.fork(),
      log = this.__pool.log;

  worker.on('online', co.wrap(function* () {
    try {
      // Set scheduling policy to SCHED_IDLE (`-i` flag);
      // `0` is only possible value for priority ('cause this policy doesn't allow to set it)
      yield execFile('chrt', [ '-i', '-p', '0', ]);
    } catch (__) {
      // If `chrt` not exists, try fallback to `renice`.
      try {
        yield execFile('renice', [ '-n', '19', '-p', ]);
        log.warn('Cannot set scheduling policy for queue using `chrt`, falling back to `renice`');
      } catch (___) {
        log.error('Cannot lower priority for queue ' +
          '(both `renice` and `chrt` have failed), continuing with default priority');
send(request, url, options={}) {
    return co(function *() {
      let sandbox = options.sandbox;
      let transformRequest = request.transformRequest;
      let transformResponse = request.transformResponse;
      let onerror = request.onerror;

      if (!('retry' in options)) options.retry = true;

      let result, xhr;
      try {
        let token = yield access(this.credentials, options);
        xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
        if (sandbox) sandbox.add(xhr);, url, true /* async */);
        xhr.setRequestHeader('Authorization', `Bearer ${token}`);
        if (transformRequest) transformRequest(xhr);
        xhr.setRequestHeader('requesttoken', oc_requesttoken);
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      co(function*() {
        // Only connect if not already connected
        if(!self.backend.isConnected()) {
          yield self.backend.connect(url)

        // Resolve

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