Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'popmotion' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.
const fadeIn = keyframes({
values: [{ opacity: 0 }, { opacity: 1 }],
easings: easing.linear
// times: [0.9, 1]
// const fadeInOnce = onceDifferent(s => {
// console.log("s: ", s);
// fadeIn.start(targetStyler.set);
// });
// fadeOut.start(cloneStyler.set);
// Image bg fix.
const bgFix = tween({
from: diffTargetStyles.scaleX * 1000,
to: 100,
easings: easing.linear
.start(s => {
// if (key === 'cover') console.log('s: ', s);
originalClone.style.backgroundSize = `${s}% 100%`;
// tween({
// from: diffTargetStyles.scaleY * 1000,
// to: 100,
// easings: easing.linear,
// duration
// }).start(s => {
exit(className){ // stage-left or stage-right or full-stage
let html = this.overview.nativeElement.querySelector('.' + className + '.' + this.exitingView);
let el = styler(html, {});
let duration = 360;
// x is the position relative to it's starting point.
const w = el.get('width');
const startX = 0;
let endX = className == 'stage-left' ? w * -1 : w;
if(className == 'full-stage'){
endX = startX;
duration = 10;
// Move stage left
from:{opacity:1, x:0},
"transform-origin": "top left",
visibility: "visible"
const diffTargetStyles = diffRect(originalRect, targetRect);
const translateFrom = keyframes({
values: [
{ ...diffTargetStyles },
{ translateX: 0, translateY: 0, scaleX: 1, scaleY: 1 }
easings: easing.linear
const fadeIn = keyframes({
values: [{ opacity: 0 }, { opacity: 1 }],
easings: easing.linear
// times: [0.9, 1]
// const fadeInOnce = onceDifferent(s => {
// console.log("s: ", s);
// fadeIn.start(targetStyler.set);
// });
// fadeOut.start(cloneStyler.set);
// Image bg fix.
const bgFix = tween({
from: diffTargetStyles.scaleX * 1000,
to: 100,
easings: easing.linear
// Add lights
const spotLight = new THREE.SpotLight(0xffffff);
spotLight.position.set(100, 1000, 100);
const spotLight2 = new THREE.SpotLight(0xffffff);
spotLight2.position.set(100, -1000, 100);
// Render loop
const render = () => renderer.render(scene, camera);
// Rotate camera
from: 0,
to: 360,
loop: Infinity,
ease: easing.linear,
duration: 12000
// Bounce ball
const gravity = physics({
from: sphereY.get(),
acceleration: - 9.8,
restSpeed: false
}).start((v) => {
if (v <= 1) {
v = 1;
left.styler.set('x', `${x - 100}%`);
right.styler.set('x', `${x + 100}%`);
: (left &&
(x => {
toShow.styler.set('x', `${x}%`);
left.styler.set('x', `${x - 100}%`);
})) ||
(right &&
(x => {
toShow.styler.set('x', `${x}%`);
right.styler.set('x', `${x + 100}%`);
})) ||
(x => toShow.styler.set('x', `${x}%`));
from: start,
to: 0,
// duration,
duration: (duration * Math.abs(start)) / 100,
complete: () => {
this.isMoving = false;
this.delta = 0;
// Animation
// kill the animation
this.identifyBtnRef = null;
return ;
} else if(!this.identifyBtnRef && !kill) {
let btn = styler(this.details.nativeElement.querySelector('#identify-btn'), {});
let startShadow = btn.get('box-shadow');
const elementBorder = value({borderColor: '', borderWidth: 0 }, ({ borderColor, borderWidth }) => btn.set({
boxShadow: `0 0 0 ${borderWidth}px ${borderColor}`
// Convert color to rgb value
let cc = this.hexToRGB(this.theme.cyan);
const animation = keyframes({
values: [
{ borderWidth: 0, borderColor: 'rgb(' + cc.rgb[0] +', ' + cc.rgb[1] +', ' + cc.rgb[2] +')' },
{ borderWidth: 30, borderColor: 'rgb(' + cc.rgb[0] +', ' + cc.rgb[1] + ', ' + cc.rgb[2] + ', 0)' }
loop: Infinity
key: string,
to: any
) => {
if (values.has(key)) {
// Here, if we already have the value, we update it twice.
// Because of stylefire's render batching, this isn't going
// to actually render twice, but because we're making
// the value jump a great distance, we want to reset the velocity
// to 0, rather than something arbitrarily high
// A more explicit API would be nicer
const { raw } = values.get(key);
} else {
values.set(key, {
raw: value(to, (v: any) => props.elementStyler.set(key, v))
this.popupMesh = new THREE.Mesh(
new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({
color: theme.color.highlight,
transparent: true,
// Look at camera
this.popupMesh.lookAt(-1, 1, -1);
this.textMesh.position.z = 0.01;
this.appearance = value(
level: this.level,
opacity: this.opacity,
textOpacity: this.textOpacity,
offset: this.offset,
({ level, opacity, textOpacity, offset }) => {
this.popupObject.position.y = LEVEL_HEIGHT * level;
this.popupObject.position.x = offset;
this.textMesh.material.opacity = textOpacity;
this.popupMesh.material.opacity = opacity;
// Animation
// kill the animation
this.identifyBtnRef = null;
return ;
} else if(!this.identifyBtnRef && !kill) {
let btn = styler(this.details.nativeElement.querySelector('#identify-btn'), {});
let startShadow = btn.get('box-shadow');
const elementBorder = value({borderColor: '', borderWidth: 0 }, ({ borderColor, borderWidth }) => btn.set({
boxShadow: `0 0 0 ${borderWidth}px ${borderColor}`
// Convert color to rgb value
let cc = this.hexToRGB(this.theme.cyan);
const animation = keyframes({
values: [
{ borderWidth: 0, borderColor: 'rgb(' + cc.rgb[0] +', ' + cc.rgb[1] +', ' + cc.rgb[2] +')' },
{ borderWidth: 30, borderColor: 'rgb(' + cc.rgb[0] +', ' + cc.rgb[1] + ', ' + cc.rgb[2] + ', 0)' }
loop: Infinity
this.identifyBtnRef = { animation: animation, originalState: startShadow, styler: elementBorder};
if (reset) {
reset.addEventListener('click', () => {
// const bounds = runtime.getBounds(panPadding);
// viewer.update({
// x: bounds.x1,
// y: bounds.x2,
// });
listen(document, 'mouseup touchend').start(constrainBounds);
// A generic zoom to function, with an optional origin parameter.
// All of the points referenced are world points. You can pass your
// own in or it will simply default to the middle of the viewport.
// Note: the factor changes the size of the VIEWPORT on the canvas.
// So smaller values will zoom in, and larger values will zoom out.
let currentZoom: ColdSubscription | undefined;
function zoomTo(factor: number, origin?: Position, stream: boolean = false) {
if (factor < 1 && runtime.scaleFactor / factor > (1 / minZoomFactor) * devicePixelRatio) {
factor = runtime.scaleFactor * (minZoomFactor / devicePixelRatio);
if (factor >= 1 && runtime.scaleFactor / factor < 1 / maxZoomFactor) {
factor = runtime.scaleFactor;
// Save the before for the tween.
const fromPos = runtime.getViewport();