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Top 10 Examples of "check-more-types in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'check-more-types' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

const isUrlOrPort = input => {
  const str = is.string(input) ? input.split('|') : [input]

  return str.every(s => {
    if (is.url(s)) {
      return s
    // wait-on allows specifying HTTP verb to use instead of default HEAD
    // and the format then is like "http-get://" to use GET
    if (isWaitOnUrl(s)) {
      return s

    if (is.number(s)) {
      return is.port(s)
    if (!is.string(s)) {
      return false
var _ = require('lodash')
var semver = require('semver')
var quote = require('quote')
var installModule = require('./module-install')
var reportSuccess = require('./report').reportSuccess
var reportFailure = require('./report').reportFailure
const {getTestCommand} = require('./utils')
const path = require('path')
const debug = require('debug')('next-update')
var stats = require('./stats')

var cleanVersions = require('./registry').cleanVersions
check.verify.fn(cleanVersions, 'cleanVersions should be a function')

var revertModules = require('./revert')
check.verify.fn(revertModules, 'revert is not a function, but ' +

var npmTest = require('./npm-test').test
var execTest = require('./exec-test')
var report = require('./report-available')
var filterAllowed = require('./filter-allowed-updates')

// expect array of objects, each {name, versions (Array) }
// returns promise
function testModulesVersions (options, available) {
  verify.object(options, 'missing options')
  verify.array(available, 'expected array of available modules')

  var cleaned = cleanVersions(options.modules)
    // console.log('cleaned', cleaned);
    // var listed = _.zipObject(cleaned);
return => {
    if (is.url(s)) {
      return s

    if (is.number(s) && is.port(s)) {
      return `http://localhost:${s}`

    if (!is.string(s)) {
      return s

    if (is.port(parseInt(s))) {
      return `http://localhost:${s}`

    if (s[0] === ':') {
      return `http://localhost${s}`
    // for anything else, return original argument
    return s
return str.every(s => {
    if (is.url(s)) {
      return s
    // wait-on allows specifying HTTP verb to use instead of default HEAD
    // and the format then is like "http-get://" to use GET
    if (isWaitOnUrl(s)) {
      return s

    if (is.number(s)) {
      return is.port(s)
    if (!is.string(s)) {
      return false
    if (s[0] === ':') {
      const withoutColon = s.substr(1)
const getArguments = cliArgs => {
  la(is.strings(cliArgs), 'expected list of strings', cliArgs)

  let start = 'start'
  let test = 'test'
  let url

  if (cliArgs.length === 1 && isUrlOrPort(cliArgs[0])) {
    // passed just single url or port number, for example
    // "start": "http://localhost:8080"
    url = normalizeUrl(cliArgs[0])
  } else if (cliArgs.length === 2) {
    if (isUrlOrPort(cliArgs[0])) {
      // passed port and custom test command
      // like ":8080 test-ci"
      url = normalizeUrl(cliArgs[0])
      test = cliArgs[1]
} = require('./utils')
const { addCommitComment } = require('@cypress/github-commit-status-check')
const { stripIndent } = require('common-tags')

/* eslint-disable no-console */

const { npm, binary } = getNameAndBinary(process.argv)

la(is.unemptyString(npm), 'missing npm url')
la(is.unemptyString(binary), 'missing binary url')

const commitInfo = getShortCommit()

la(is.object(commitInfo), 'could not determine current commit information')
const { sha } = commitInfo

la(is.commitId(sha), 'could not find commit SHA')

const platform = os.platform()
const arch = os.arch()

console.log('posting pre-release instructions')
console.log(' commit:', sha)
console.log(' npm:', npm)
console.log(' binary:', binary)
console.log(' platform:', platform)
console.log(' arch:', arch)

const ciName = getCIName() || 'Unknown CI'
const buildUrl = getCIBuildUrl()
if (f.f === R.append) {
    const allValues = grab.everything(examples)
    la(is.array(allValues), 'could not grab values from', examples)
    return => {
      const s = is.string(value) ? `'${value}'` : value
      return {
        f: f.f(value),
        name: `${}(${s})`

  if (f.f === R.split) {
    const strings = grab.strings(examples)

    la(is.array(strings), 'expected list of strings from', examples, strings)
    const characters = R.uniq(strings.join('').split(''))
    // console.log('characters', characters)
    return => {
      return {
        f: f.f(sep),
        name: `${}('${sep}')`

  return []
const statementCovered = (options) => {
  // console.log('%s s %s covered %d',, options.s, options.counter)
  if (server && cover) {
    la(is.unemptyString(options.s), 'no covered statement', options)
    la(is.unemptyString(options.filename), 'no filename', options)
    const fileCoverage = cover[options.filename]
    if (fileCoverage) {
      const statementInfo = fileCoverage.statementMap[options.s]
      la(statementInfo, 'missing start for statement', options.s)
      const firstLine = statementInfo.start.line
      la(is.number(firstLine), 'not a number of line', statementInfo)
      console.log('line', firstLine, 'counter', options.counter)
      server.statementCovered(options.filename, firstLine, options.counter)
var testWithPreviousVersion
  var currentModuleInstallMethod
  if (check.string(dependent)) {
    dependent = {name: dependent.trim()}

  dependent = Object.assign({pretest: true, currentModuleInstall: 'npm install $CURRENT_MODULE_DIR'}, config, dependent)
  moduleTestCommand = dependent.test
  modulePostinstallCommand = dependent.postinstall || 'npm install'
  testWithPreviousVersion = dependent.pretest
  currentModuleInstallMethod = dependent.currentModuleInstall
  var dependentInstall = dependent.install

  dependent =

  la(check.unemptyString(dependent), 'invalid dependent', dependent)
  banner('  testing', quote(dependent))

  const moduleName = getDependencyName(dependent)

  function formFullFolderName () {
    if (isRepoUrl(dependent)) {
      // simple repo installation
      return toFolder
    } else {
      let scoped = moduleName.startsWith('@')
      let idx = scoped ? 1 : 0
      let moduleDir = moduleName.split('@')[idx]
      moduleDir = scoped ? `@${moduleDir}` : moduleDir
      return join(toFolder, 'node_modules', moduleDir)
debug(, 'bare name', bareName, 'main', json.main)
    const destinationFolder = path.join(pathToPackages, bareName)
    const destPackageFilename = path.join(destinationFolder, 'package.json')
    const registerPath = path.join(destinationFolder, 'register.js')
    const fullMain = path.resolve(dirname, json.main)

    debug('full name', fullMain)
    const relativePathToMain = path.relative(destinationFolder, fullMain)

    debug('relative path to main', relativePathToMain)

    // for browserify, some packages use "browser" field
    // need to pass it as well
    let relativePathToBrowser

    if (is.unemptyString(json.browser)) {
      debug('package has browser field %s', json.browser)
      relativePathToBrowser = path.relative(destinationFolder,
        path.resolve(dirname, json.browser)
      debug('relative path to browser', relativePathToBrowser)

    const proxy = proxyModule(, relativePathToMain, relativePathToBrowser)

    console.log(path.dirname(destPackageFilename), '->', relativePathToMain)

    return fs.outputJsonAsync(destPackageFilename, proxy)
    .then(() => {
      if (needsRegister( {
        console.log('adding register file', registerPath)

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