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Top 10 Examples of "cesium in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'cesium' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

init() {
      viewer = new Viewer("cesiumContainer", {
        animation: false, //是否创建动画小器件,左下角仪表
        baseLayerPicker: false, //是否显示图层选择器
        fullscreenButton: true, //是否显示全屏按钮
        geocoder: true, //是否显示geocoder小器件,右上角查询按钮
        homeButton: false, //是否显示Home按钮
        infoBox: false, //是否显示信息框
        sceneModePicker: false, //是否显示3D/2D选择器
        selectionIndicator: false, //是否显示选取指示器组件
        timeline: false, //是否显示时间轴
        navigationHelpButton: false, //是否显示右上角的帮助按钮
        scene3DOnly: true, //如果设置为true,则所有几何图形以3D模式绘制以节约GPU资源
        clock: new Clock(), //用于控制当前时间的时钟对象
        selectedImageryProviderViewModel: undefined, //当前图像图层的显示模型,仅baseLayerPicker设为true有意义
        // imageryProviderViewModels: createDefaultImageryProviderViewModels(), //可供BaseLayerPicker选择的图像图层ProviderViewModel数组
        selectedTerrainProviderViewModel: undefined, //当前地形图层的显示模型,仅baseLayerPicker设为true有意义
        // terrainProviderViewModels: createDefaultTerrainProviderViewModels(), //可供BaseLayerPicker选择的地形图层ProviderViewModel数组
this.eventHelper.add(this.terria.afterWidgetChanged, function () {
    if (defined(this._removeSubscription)) {
      this._removeSubscription = undefined
  }, this)
  //        this.terria.beforeWidgetChanged.addEventListener(function () {
// Register custom Knockout.js bindings.  If you're not using the TerriaJS user interface, you can remove this.

  if (!defined(this.terria.options.enableDistanceLegend) || this.terria.options.enableDistanceLegend) {
    this.distanceLegendDiv = document.createElement('div')
    this.distanceLegendDiv.setAttribute('id', 'distanceLegendDiv')
    this.distanceLegendViewModel = DistanceLegendViewModel.create({
      container: this.distanceLegendDiv,
      terria: this.terria,
      mapElement: container,
      enableDistanceLegend: true

  if ((!defined(this.terria.options.enableZoomControls) || this.terria.options.enableZoomControls) && (!defined(this.terria.options.enableCompass) || this.terria.options.enableCompass)) {
    this.navigationDiv = document.createElement('div')
    this.navigationDiv.setAttribute('id', 'navigationDiv')
    // Create the navigation controls.
    this.navigationViewModel = NavigationViewModel.create({
      container: this.navigationDiv,
      terria: this.terria,
      enableZoomControls: true,
      enableCompass: true
  } else if ((defined(this.terria.options.enableZoomControls) && !this.terria.options.enableZoomControls) && (!defined(this.terria.options.enableCompass) || this.terria.options.enableCompass)) {
    this.navigationDiv = document.createElement('div')
    this.navigationDiv.setAttribute('id', 'navigationDiv')
    // Create the navigation controls.
    this.navigationViewModel = NavigationViewModel.create({
var NavigationViewModel = function (options) {
  this.terria = options.terria
  this.eventHelper = new EventHelper()
  this.enableZoomControls = (defined(options.enableZoomControls)) ? options.enableZoomControls : true
  this.enableCompass = (defined(options.enableCompass)) ? options.enableCompass : true
  this.navigationLocked = false

  // if (this.showZoomControls)
  //   {
  this.controls = options.controls
  if (!defined(this.controls)) {
    this.controls = [
      new ZoomNavigationControl(this.terria, true),
      new ResetViewNavigationControl(this.terria),
      new ZoomNavigationControl(this.terria, false)
  // }

  this.svgCompassOuterRing = svgCompassOuterRing
  this.svgCompassGyro = svgCompassGyro
function initialize(viewerCesiumWidget, options) {
  if (!defined(viewerCesiumWidget)) {
    throw new DeveloperError('CesiumWidget or Viewer is required.')

  //        options = defaultValue(options, defaultValue.EMPTY_OBJECT);

  var cesiumWidget = defined(viewerCesiumWidget.cesiumWidget) ? viewerCesiumWidget.cesiumWidget : viewerCesiumWidget

  var container = document.createElement('div')
  container.className = 'cesium-widget-cesiumNavigationContainer'

  this.terria = viewerCesiumWidget
  this.terria.options = (defined(options)) ? options : {}
  this.terria.afterWidgetChanged = new CesiumEvent()
  this.terria.beforeWidgetChanged = new CesiumEvent()
  this.container = container
if (!sscc.enableTilt || !sscc.enableRotate) {
    case SceneMode.SCENE2D:
      if (!sscc.enableTranslate) {

  // Remove existing event handlers, if any.
  document.removeEventListener('mousemove', viewModel.orbitMouseMoveFunction, false)
  document.removeEventListener('mouseup', viewModel.orbitMouseUpFunction, false)

  if (defined(viewModel.orbitTickFunction)) {

  viewModel.orbitMouseMoveFunction = undefined
  viewModel.orbitMouseUpFunction = undefined
  viewModel.orbitTickFunction = undefined

  viewModel.isOrbiting = true
  viewModel.orbitLastTimestamp = getTimestamp()

  var camera =

  if (defined(viewModel.terria.trackedEntity)) {
    // when tracking an entity simply use that reference frame
    viewModel.orbitFrame = undefined
    viewModel.orbitIsLook = false
'use strict';
const Cesium = require('cesium');
const mime = require('mime');
const addBuffer = require('./addBuffer');
const ForEach = require('./ForEach');
const getImageExtension = require('./getImageExtension');
const mergeBuffers = require('./mergeBuffers');
const removeUnusedElements = require('./removeUnusedElements');

const defaultValue = Cesium.defaultValue;
const defined = Cesium.defined;
const WebGLConstants = Cesium.WebGLConstants;

// .crn (Crunch) is not a supported mime type, so add it
mime.define({'image/crn': ['crn']}, true);

// .glsl shaders are text/plain type
mime.define({'text/plain': ['glsl']}, true);

module.exports = writeResources;

 * Write glTF resources as data uris, buffer views, or files.
 * @param {Object} gltf A javascript object containing a glTF asset.
 * @param {Object} [options] Object with the following properties:
 * @param {String} [] The name of the glTF asset, for writing separate resources.
 * @param {Boolean} [options.separateBuffers=false] Whether to save buffers as separate files.
const ForEach = require('./ForEach');
const numberOfComponentsForType = require('./numberOfComponentsForType');
const readAccessorPacked = require('./readAccessorPacked');
const removeUnusedElements = require('./removeUnusedElements');
const replaceWithDecompressedPrimitive = require('./replaceWithDecompressedPrimitive');
const splitPrimitives = require('./splitPrimitives');

const arrayFill = Cesium.arrayFill;
const Cartesian3 = Cesium.Cartesian3;
const Check = Cesium.Check;
const clone = Cesium.clone;
const ComponentDatatype = Cesium.ComponentDatatype;
const defaultValue = Cesium.defaultValue;
const defined = Cesium.defined;
const RuntimeError = Cesium.RuntimeError;
const WebGLConstants = Cesium.WebGLConstants;

// Prepare encoder for compressing meshes.
const encoderModule = draco3d.createEncoderModule({});

module.exports = compressDracoMeshes;

 * Compresses meshes using Draco compression in the glTF model.
 * @param {Object} gltf A javascript object containing a glTF asset.
 * @param {Object} options The same options object as {@link processGltf}
 * @param {Object} options.dracoOptions Options defining Draco compression settings.
 * @param {Number} [options.dracoOptions.compressionLevel=7] A value between 0 and 10 specifying the quality of the Draco compression. Higher values produce better quality compression but may take longer to decompress. A value of 0 will apply sequential encoding and preserve face order.
 * @param {Number} [options.dracoOptions.quantizePositionBits=14] A value between 0 and 30 specifying the number of bits used for positions. Lower values produce better compression, but will lose precision. A value of 0 does not set quantization.
 * @param {Number} [options.dracoOptions.quantizeNormalBits=10] A value between 0 and 30 specifying the number of bits used for normals. Lower values produce better compression, but will lose precision. A value of 0 does not set quantization.
 * @param {Number} [options.dracoOptions.quantizeTexcoordBits=12] A value between 0 and 30 specifying the number of bits used for texture coordinates. Lower values produce better compression, but will lose precision. A value of 0 does not set quantization.
var oldTransform

    if (viewModel.navigationLocked) {
      return true

    if (defined(viewModel.orbitFrame)) {
      oldTransform = Matrix4.clone(camera.transform, oldTransformScratch)


    // do not look up/down or rotate in 2D mode
    if (scene.mode === SceneMode.SCENE2D) {
      camera.move(new Cartesian3(x, y, 0), Math.max(scene.canvas.clientWidth, scene.canvas.clientHeight) / 100 * camera.positionCartographic.height * distance)
    } else {
      if (viewModel.orbitIsLook) {
        camera.look(Cartesian3.UNIT_Z, -x)
        camera.look(camera.right, -y)
      } else {

    if (defined(viewModel.orbitFrame)) {

    // viewModel.terria.cesium.notifyRepaintRequired();
private calcNextLocation(from: ICartesian3Location,
                           destinationNode: PathNode,
                           updateDistanceMeters: number) {
    const currentPosition = new Cesium.Cartesian3(from.x, from.y, from.z);
    const destPosition = destinationNode.location;
    const finalPosition = new Cesium.Cartesian3(

    const distance = Cesium.Cartesian3.distance(currentPosition, finalPosition);

    // Check if reached destination node
    if (distance < updateDistanceMeters) {
      const newDestinationPath = this.getRandomLocation(destinationNode.points);
      this.bgCharacterToNextLocation.set(characterId, newDestinationPath);

      return this.calcNextLocation(from, newDestinationPath, characterId, updateDistanceMeters);

    let interpolate = updateDistanceMeters / distance;

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