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Top 10 Examples of "can in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'can' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

			processors[processorName] = function (el, nil, selector, methodName, control) {
				var callback = modifier.modify(mod, can.Control._shifter(control, methodName), control.options);
				control[event] = callback;
				if (!selector) {
					selector = can.trim(selector);
				}, selector, event, callback);
				return function () {, selector, event, callback);
// Redefine _isAction to handle new syntax
can.extend(can.Control, {
	modifier: modifier,
	setup: function (el, options) {
		can.each(this.prototype, function (fn, key, prototype) {
			var parts, event, mod;
			if (modifier.hasModifier(key)) {
				// Figure out parts
				parts = key.split(modifier.delim);
				event = parts.shift()
					.split(' ')
				mod = parts.join('');
				if (!(can.trim(key) in processors)) {
					modifier.addProcessor(event, mod);
var can = require('can/util/util');

// ## deparam.js
// `can.deparam`
// _Takes a string of name value pairs and returns a Object literal that represents those params._
var digitTest = /^\d+$/,
	keyBreaker = /([^\[\]]+)|(\[\])/g,
	paramTest = /([^?#]*)(#.*)?$/,
	prep = function (str) {
		return decodeURIComponent(str.replace(/\+/g, ' '));
can.extend(can, {
	deparam: function (params) {
		var data = {}, pairs, lastPart;
		if (params && paramTest.test(params)) {
			pairs = params.split('&');
			can.each(pairs, function (pair) {
				var parts = pair.split('='),
					key = prep(parts.shift()),
					value = prep(parts.join('=')),
					current = data;
				if (key) {
					parts = key.match(keyBreaker);
					for (var j = 0, l = parts.length - 1; j < l; j++) {
						if (!current[parts[j]]) {
							// If what we are pointing to looks like an `array`
							current[parts[j]] = digitTest.test(parts[j + 1]) || parts[j + 1] === '[]' ? [] : {};
setup: function (el, options) {
		can.each(this.prototype, function (fn, key, prototype) {
			var parts, event, mod;
			if (modifier.hasModifier(key)) {
				// Figure out parts
				parts = key.split(modifier.delim);
				event = parts.shift()
					.split(' ')
				mod = parts.join('');
				if (!(can.trim(key) in processors)) {
					modifier.addProcessor(event, mod);
		originalSetup.apply(this, arguments);
// can.batch.start();
// console.log('pushing 0');
// vm.attr('data').push(0);
// can.batch.stop();

// can.batch.start();
// console.log('pushing 150');
// vm.attr('data').push(150);
// can.batch.stop();

// can.batch.start();
// vm.attr('graph').attr('xScale', d3.scale.linear().domain([0, 6]).range([0, 100]));
// vm.attr('graph').attr('yScale', d3.scale.linear().domain([0, 150]).range([100, 0]));
// can.batch.stop();

    tag: "bit-series",
    viewModel: BitSeriesVM,
    events: {
        inserted: function() {
            var parentScope = this.element.parent().scope();
            this.scope.attr('graph', parentScope);
        removed: function() {

export var BitGraphVM = can.Map.extend({
    define: {
// // console.log('pushing 0');
// // bs1.attr('data').push(0);
// // can.batch.stop();

// // // can.batch.start();
// // // console.log('pushing 500');
// // // bs2.attr('data').push(500);
// // // can.batch.stop();

// // can.batch.start();
// // console.log('pushing 7 and 8');
// // bs3.attr('data').push(7);
// // bs3.attr('data').push(8);
// // can.batch.stop();

    tag: "bit-graph",
    template: template,
    viewModel: BitGraphVM,
    events: {
        inserted: function(scope, el) {
            // TODO select this based on a child of el
            var graphBaseElement ='graph'))
        // "{scope} xScale": function() {
        //     this.scope.refreshAxes();
        // },
        // "{scope} yScale": function() {
        //     this.scope.refreshAxes();
        // },
        "{scope} seriesSerialized": function() {
import Map from 'can/map/';
import 'can/map/define/';

// recognition.continuous = true;
// recognition.interimResults = true;

export default Map.extend({
  define: {
    transcript: {
      value: ''

    restart: {
      value: true

  init() {
    this.recognition = new webkitSpeechRecognition();
    this.recognition.onresult = this.result.bind(this);

  result(event) {
// ```
// object.bind("", function() {});
// object.bind("", function() {});
// // This unbinds all events using the "orange" namespace.
// object.unbind(".orange");
// ```
var can = require('can/util/can');

// ## can.event.addEvent
// Adds an event listener (with namespacing support included).
var addEvent = can.addEvent;
can.addEvent = can.event.addEvent = can.event.on = can.event.bind = function(event, fn) {
	// Bypass namespaces for Maps
	// Otherwise it conflicts with map attribute binding.
	if (can.Map && this instanceof can.Map) {
		return, event, fn);

	// Split the namespaces out
	if (event && event.indexOf('.') > -1) {
		var namespaces = event.split('.');
		// The event name is the first item in the string
		event = namespaces[0];

	// Add the listener using the original addEvent, event, fn);
 * @function can.event.delegate.delegate
 * @parent can.event.delegate
 * @plugin can/event/delegate
 * @signature `obj.delegate( selector, event, handler )`
 * Adds a delegate event listener.
 * @param {String} selector A selector to match against the stack of propagated objects.
 *                          The names used are based on the names of the constructors of
 *													the original objects.
 * @param {Object|String} event The event name or object to listen to.
 * @param {Function} handler The handler to call when the event occurs.
 * @return {Object} this
can.event.delegate = function(selector, event, handler) {
	// Split the selector into parts that can be verified
	var parts = selector && selector.split(/\s+/),
		// Implement the custom delegation handler
		// This is used to verify the selector prior to executing the original handler
		delegate = function(ev) {
			// Verify descendants against the selector
			// These descendants are tracked in the `can/event/propagate` plugin
			for (var i = 0, j = 0, descendant; j < parts.length && (descendant = ev.descendants[i]); i++) {
				// A descendant name is considered valid if it matches the `shortName` or `_shortName`
				// properties on the constructor. Generally, this assumes that `can.Construct` or a
				// similar can-based class is used (which defines those properties by default).
				if (descendant.constructor && (parts[j] === descendant.constructor._shortName || parts[j] === descendant.constructor.shortName)) {
// Inject namespaces if applicable
	if (namespaces && namespaces.length > 1) {
		var events = this.__bindEvents[event];
		// Assign the namespaces property, including the array of all namespaces
		events[events.length-1].namespaces = namespaces.slice(1);

	return this;

// ## can.event.removeEvent
// Removes an event listener (with namespacing support included).
var removeEvent = can.removeEvent;
can.removeEvent = can.event.removeEvent = = can.event.unbind = function(event, fn, __validate) {
	// Bypass namespaces for Maps
	// Otherwise it conflicts with map attribute binding.
	if (can.Map && this instanceof can.Map) {
		return, event, fn);

	// Split the namespaces out
	if (event && event.indexOf('.') > -1) {
		var namespaces = event.split('.');
		// The event name is the first item in the string.
		// Also, remove this item from the namespace array for future processing.
		event = namespaces.splice(0,1)[0];

	// Handle namespace-only (no event name).
	if (!event && namespaces && namespaces.length > 0) {
var hasObjectLookup, readyCompute;

			paramReplacer.lastIndex = 0;

			hasObjectLookup = paramReplacer.test(methodName);

			// If we don't have options (a `control` instance), we'll run this
			// later.
			if (!controlInstance && hasObjectLookup) {
			} else if (!hasObjectLookup) {
				return can.Control._action.apply(this, arguments);
			} else {
				// We have `hasObjectLookup` and `controlInstance`.

				readyCompute = can.compute(function() {
					var delegate;

					// Set the delegate target and get the name of the event we're listening to.
					var name = methodName.replace(paramReplacer, function(matched, key) {
						var value;

						// If we are listening directly on the `viewModel` set it as a delegate target.
						if (key === "scope" || key === "viewModel") {
							delegate = options.viewModel;
							return "";

						// Remove `viewModel.` from the start of the key and read the value from the `viewModel`.
						key = key.replace(/^(scope|^viewModel)\./, "");
						value =,, {
							// if we find a compute, we should bind on that and not read it

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