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Top 10 Examples of "camelcase in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'camelcase' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

ImportDeclaration({ node }, { file }) {
        const sourceValue = node.source.value;
        const extname = path.extname(sourceValue);
        const cssIndex = cssSuffixs.indexOf(extname);
        // Do not convert `import styles from './foo.css'` kind
        if (node.specifiers.length === 0 && cssIndex > -1) {
          let cssFileCount = file.get('cssFileCount') || 0;
          let cssParamIdentifiers = file.get('cssParamIdentifiers') || [];
          const cssFileBaseName = camelcase(path.basename(sourceValue, extname));
          const styleSheetIdentifier = t.identifier(`${cssFileBaseName + NAME_SUFFIX}`);

          node.specifiers = [t.importDefaultSpecifier(styleSheetIdentifier)];

          file.set('cssParamIdentifiers', cssParamIdentifiers);
          file.set('cssFileCount', cssFileCount);
describe('range queries', () => {
      const aboveMethod = camelcase('above', name);
      const belowMethod = camelcase('below', name);
      const betweenMethod = camelcase('between', pluralise(name));
      const atMethod = camelcase('at', name);
      const atBreakpointMethod = camelcase('at', name, 'Breakpoint');

      describe(`${aboveMethod}()`, () => {
        runTests(tests.above, name, aboveMethod);

      describe(`${belowMethod}()`, () => {
        runTests(tests.below, name, belowMethod);

      describe(`${betweenMethod}()`, () => {
        runTests(tests.between, name, betweenMethod);

      describe(`${atMethod}()`, () => {
        runTests(, name, atMethod);
        const split = key.split(splitter).filter(Boolean).map(k => camelcase(k));
        const splitLen = split.length;
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        const camelizedName = camelCase(moduleName);
        const API_URL = `${moduleName}/latest?standalone=${camelizedName}`;
        var script = document.createElement("script");
        script.src = API_URL;
        script.onload = () => {
            if (window[camelizedName]) {
                window[moduleName] = window[camelizedName];
                dispatch(addRule(moduleName, window[camelizedName]));
            } else {
                const error = new Error(`Not use ${moduleName}`);
                dispatch(failureResponse(API_URL, error));
files.forEach(function (file) {
        var name = path.basename(file).split('.')[0];
        var filePath = getFilePath(opts.sourcePath, file, subDir);
        var dir = filePath.split('/')[0];
        if (dir) {
            if (!dirMap[dir]) {
                dirMap[dir] = [];
                if (shouldExport) {
                    var dirName = camelcase_1.default(dir, {
                        pascalCase: true
                    content += isES6
                        ? "export * as  " + dirName + " from './" + dir + "'\n"
                        : "module.exports." + dirName + " = require('./" + dir + "')\n";
                else {
                    content += isES6
                        ? "import './" + dir + "'\n"
                        : "require('./" + dir + "')\n";
        else {
            if (shouldExport) {
  const camel = (value) => camelcase(value);
  const extractFlagName = flow(flags, extractLongTag, camel);
-d, --out-dir <output dir="">    Set output directory.
    --flow        Set babel plugin to use, like 'runtime' or
                                  'strip-types' (default).
    --help                        Print this help.
    -w, --watch                   Watch files, recompile on change.

  Visit for more information.
`, {
  alias: {
    d: 'out-dir',
    w: 'watch'

const [ commandName, ...args ] = cli.input
const command = commandName ? commands[ camelcase(commandName.toLowerCase()) ] : null

if (!commandName || {
} else if (command) {
  command(args, cli.flags, createLogger())
} else {
  throw new Error(`Unknown command: ${commandName}`)
return string => {
    if (!cache[string]) {
      cache[string] = camelCase(string)

    return cache[string]
Object.entries( state ).map( ( [ key ] ) => {
		if ( ! reducers[ key ] ) {
			const type = `SET_${ key.toUpperCase() }`
			const action = camelCase( `set_${ key }` )
			actions[ action ] = value => ( { type, value } )
	} )
.on('data', function(data){
                        if(counter === 1){
                            for(let prop in data){
                                if (validUrl.isUri(data[prop].toString()) && contextOptions['skippedColumns'].indexOf(camelCase(prop)) == -1){
                                    if(contextOptions['customMappings'] && contextOptions['customMappings'][camelCase(prop)]){
                                        contextObj[contextOptions['customMappings'][camelCase(prop)]] = {
                                            '@type': '@id'
                                        contextObj['v:' + camelCase(prop)] = {
                                            '@type': '@id'
                        let tmpObj = {};
                        tmpObj['@type'] = contextOptions['entityType'];
                        for(let prop in data){

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