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Top 10 Examples of "builder-util in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'builder-util' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

configuration.cscKeyPassword = ""
  else if ((configuration as Configuration).cscLink == null) {
    packagerOptions = deepAssign({}, packagerOptions, {config: {mac: {identity: null}}})

  const projectDirCreated = checkOptions.projectDirCreated
  let projectDir = path.join(__dirname, "..", "..", "fixtures", fixtureName)
  // const isDoNotUseTempDir = platform === "darwin"
  const customTmpDir = process.env.TEST_APP_TMP_DIR
  const tmpDir = checkOptions.tmpDir || new TmpDir(`pack-tester: ${fixtureName}`)
  // non-macOS test uses the same dir as macOS test, but we cannot share node_modules (because tests executed in parallel)
  const dir = customTmpDir == null ? await tmpDir.createTempDir({prefix: "test-project"}) : path.resolve(customTmpDir)
  if (customTmpDir != null) {
    await emptyDir(dir){customTmpDir}, "custom temp dir used")

  await copyDir(projectDir, dir, {
    filter: it => {
      const basename = path.basename(it)
      // if custom project dir specified, copy node_modules (i.e. do not ignore it)
      return (packagerOptions.projectDir != null || basename !== "node_modules") && (!basename.startsWith(".") || basename === ".babelrc")
    isUseHardLink: USE_HARD_LINKS,
  projectDir = dir

  await executeFinally((async () => {
    if (projectDirCreated != null) {
      await projectDirCreated(projectDir, tmpDir)
async prepareWine(wineDir: string) {
    await emptyDir(wineDir)
    //noinspection SpellCheckingInspection
    const env = {
      WINEDLLOVERRIDES: "winemenubuilder.exe=d",
      WINEPREFIX: wineDir,

    await exec("wineboot", ["--init"], {env})

    // regedit often doesn't modify correctly
    let systemReg = await fs.readFile(path.join(wineDir, "system.reg"), "utf8")
    systemReg = systemReg.replace('"CSDVersion"="Service Pack 3"', '"CSDVersion"=" "')
    systemReg = systemReg.replace('"CurrentBuildNumber"="2600"', '"CurrentBuildNumber"="10240"')
    systemReg = systemReg.replace('"CurrentVersion"="5.1"', '"CurrentVersion"="10.0"')
    systemReg = systemReg.replace('"ProductName"="Microsoft Windows XP"', '"ProductName"="Microsoft Windows 10"')
    // noinspection SpellCheckingInspection
    systemReg = systemReg.replace('"CSDVersion"=dword:00000300', '"CSDVersion"=dword:00000000')
    await fs.writeFile(path.join(wineDir, "system.reg"), systemReg)

    // remove links to host OS
    const userDir = this.userDir!!
    const desktopDir = path.join(userDir, "Desktop")
    await Promise.all([
await executeFinally((async () => {
    if (projectDirCreated != null) {
      await projectDirCreated(projectDir, tmpDir)

    if (checkOptions.isInstallDepsBefore) {
      // bin links required (e.g. for node-pre-gyp - if package refers to it in the install script)
      await spawn(process.platform === "win32" ? "yarn.cmd" : "yarn", ["install", "--production", "--no-lockfile"], {
        cwd: projectDir,

    if (packagerOptions.projectDir != null) {
      packagerOptions.projectDir = path.resolve(projectDir, packagerOptions.projectDir)

    const {packager, outDir} = await packAndCheck({
    }, checkOptions)

    if (checkOptions.packed != null) {
      function base(platform: Platform, arch?: Arch): string {
        return path.join(outDir, `${platform.buildConfigurationKey}${getArchSuffix(arch == null ? Arch.x64 : arch)}${platform === Platform.MAC ? "" : "-unpacked"}`)
// regedit often doesn't modify correctly
    let systemReg = await fs.readFile(path.join(wineDir, "system.reg"), "utf8")
    systemReg = systemReg.replace('"CSDVersion"="Service Pack 3"', '"CSDVersion"=" "')
    systemReg = systemReg.replace('"CurrentBuildNumber"="2600"', '"CurrentBuildNumber"="10240"')
    systemReg = systemReg.replace('"CurrentVersion"="5.1"', '"CurrentVersion"="10.0"')
    systemReg = systemReg.replace('"ProductName"="Microsoft Windows XP"', '"ProductName"="Microsoft Windows 10"')
    // noinspection SpellCheckingInspection
    systemReg = systemReg.replace('"CSDVersion"=dword:00000300', '"CSDVersion"=dword:00000000')
    await fs.writeFile(path.join(wineDir, "system.reg"), systemReg)

    // remove links to host OS
    const userDir = this.userDir!!
    const desktopDir = path.join(userDir, "Desktop")
    await Promise.all([
      unlinkIfExists(path.join(userDir, "My Documents")),
      unlinkIfExists(path.join(userDir, "My Music")),
      unlinkIfExists(path.join(userDir, "My Pictures")),
      unlinkIfExists(path.join(userDir, "My Videos")),

    await ensureDir(desktopDir)
    return env
// regedit often doesn't modify correctly
    let systemReg = await fs.readFile(path.join(wineDir, "system.reg"), "utf8")
    systemReg = systemReg.replace('"CSDVersion"="Service Pack 3"', '"CSDVersion"=" "')
    systemReg = systemReg.replace('"CurrentBuildNumber"="2600"', '"CurrentBuildNumber"="10240"')
    systemReg = systemReg.replace('"CurrentVersion"="5.1"', '"CurrentVersion"="10.0"')
    systemReg = systemReg.replace('"ProductName"="Microsoft Windows XP"', '"ProductName"="Microsoft Windows 10"')
    // noinspection SpellCheckingInspection
    systemReg = systemReg.replace('"CSDVersion"=dword:00000300', '"CSDVersion"=dword:00000000')
    await fs.writeFile(path.join(wineDir, "system.reg"), systemReg)

    // remove links to host OS
    const userDir = this.userDir!!
    const desktopDir = path.join(userDir, "Desktop")
    await Promise.all([
      unlinkIfExists(path.join(userDir, "My Documents")),
      unlinkIfExists(path.join(userDir, "My Music")),
      unlinkIfExists(path.join(userDir, "My Pictures")),
      unlinkIfExists(path.join(userDir, "My Videos")),

    await ensureDir(desktopDir)
    return env
systemReg = systemReg.replace('"CurrentBuildNumber"="2600"', '"CurrentBuildNumber"="10240"')
    systemReg = systemReg.replace('"CurrentVersion"="5.1"', '"CurrentVersion"="10.0"')
    systemReg = systemReg.replace('"ProductName"="Microsoft Windows XP"', '"ProductName"="Microsoft Windows 10"')
    // noinspection SpellCheckingInspection
    systemReg = systemReg.replace('"CSDVersion"=dword:00000300', '"CSDVersion"=dword:00000000')
    await fs.writeFile(path.join(wineDir, "system.reg"), systemReg)

    // remove links to host OS
    const userDir = this.userDir!!
    const desktopDir = path.join(userDir, "Desktop")
    await Promise.all([
      unlinkIfExists(path.join(userDir, "My Documents")),
      unlinkIfExists(path.join(userDir, "My Music")),
      unlinkIfExists(path.join(userDir, "My Pictures")),
      unlinkIfExists(path.join(userDir, "My Videos")),

    await ensureDir(desktopDir)
    return env
private getOrCreatePublisher(publishConfig: PublishConfiguration, appInfo: AppInfo): Publisher | null {
    // to not include token into cache key
    const providerCacheKey = safeStringifyJson(publishConfig)
    let publisher = this.nameToPublisher.get(providerCacheKey)
    if (publisher == null) {
      publisher = createPublisher(this, appInfo.version, publishConfig, this.publishOptions, this.packager)
      this.nameToPublisher.set(providerCacheKey, publisher){publisher: publisher!!.toString()}, "publishing")
    return publisher
const performDependenciesInstallOrRebuild = await beforeBuild({
        appDir: this.appDir,
        electronVersion: this.config.electronVersion!,
        arch: Arch[arch]

      // If beforeBuild resolves to false, it means that handling node_modules is done outside of electron-builder.
      this._nodeModulesHandledExternally = !performDependenciesInstallOrRebuild
      if (!performDependenciesInstallOrRebuild) {

    if (config.buildDependenciesFromSource === true && platform.nodeName !== process.platform) {{reason: "platform is different and buildDependenciesFromSource is set to true"}, "skipped dependencies rebuild")
    else {
      await installOrRebuild(config, this.appDir, {
        platform: platform.nodeName,
        arch: Arch[arch],
        productionDeps: this.getNodeDependencyInfo(null),
identity: identity!,
      platform: isMas ? "mas" : "darwin",
      version: this.config.electronVersion,
      app: appPath,
      keychain: keychainFile || undefined,
      binaries: options.binaries || undefined,
      requirements: isMas || this.platformSpecificBuildOptions.requirements == null ? undefined : await this.getResource(this.platformSpecificBuildOptions.requirements),
      // will fail on 10.14.5+ because a signed but unnotarized app is also rejected.
      "gatekeeper-assess": options.gatekeeperAssess === true,
      hardenedRuntime: options.hardenedRuntime !== false,

    await this.adjustSignOptions(signOptions, masOptions){
      file: log.filePath(appPath),
      identityHash: identity.hash,
      provisioningProfile: signOptions["provisioning-profile"] || "none",
    }, "signing")
    await this.doSign(signOptions)

    if (masOptions != null && !isDevelopment) {
      const certType = isDevelopment ? "Mac Developer" : "3rd Party Mac Developer Installer"
      const masInstallerIdentity = await findIdentity(certType, masOptions.identity, keychainFile)
      if (masInstallerIdentity == null) {
        throw new InvalidConfigurationError(`Cannot find valid "${certType}" identity to sign MAS installer, please see`)

      // mas uploaded to AppStore, so, use "-" instead of space for name
async function compileUsingElectronCompile(mainFileSet: ResolvedFileSet, packager: Packager): Promise {"compiling using electron-compile")

  const electronCompileCache = await packager.tempDirManager.getTempDir({prefix: "electron-compile-cache"})
  const cacheDir = path.join(electronCompileCache, ".cache")
  // clear and create cache dir
  await ensureDir(cacheDir)
  const compilerHost = await createElectronCompilerHost(mainFileSet.src, cacheDir)
  const nextSlashIndex = mainFileSet.src.length + 1
  // pre-compute electron-compile to cache dir - we need to process only subdirectories, not direct files of app dir
  await, file => {
    if (file.includes(NODE_MODULES_PATTERN) || file.includes(BOWER_COMPONENTS_PATTERN)
      || !file.includes(path.sep, nextSlashIndex) // ignore not root files
      || !mainFileSet.metadata.get(file)!.isFile()) {
      return null
    return compilerHost.compile(file)
      .then(() => null)

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