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Top 10 Examples of "skatejs in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'skatejs' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

touched?: boolean
export class MaterialInput extends InputComponent {
  // now our MaterialInput has all <input> default behaviours and props

  type?: string
  foo() {


this.myBoolean = true

    console.log(this.props) // { myArray: [], myBoolean: true }

    this.props = { myArray: ['hello'] }
    // or just directly
    this.myArray = ['hello']

    console.log(this.props) // { myArray: ['hello'], myBoolean: true }

    // this will not trigger re-render
    this.someNonPublicApiProp = 'Im David'

export default define(MyComponent)
      render() {
        return h('div', {}, `Hello, ${}`);
    class extends Component&lt;{ count: number }&gt; {
      static props: ComponentProps = {
        // By declaring the property an attribute, we can now pass an initial value
        // for the count as part of the HTML.
        count: { ...skate.props.number, ...{ attribute: true } }

      count: number;
      intervalID?: NodeJS.Timer;

      connected() {
        // We use a symbol so we don't pollute the element's namespace.
        this.intervalID = setInterval(() =&gt; ++this.count, 1000);
      disconnected() {
        // If we didn't clean up after ourselves, we'd continue to render
        // unnecessarily.
        if (this.intervalID) {
for (let name in previousProps) {
          if (previousProps[name] !== (this as any)[name]) {
            return true;

        return false;

  type ElemProps = { str: string; arr: string[] };
  class Elem extends Component {
    static props: ComponentProps = {
      str: skate.props.string,
      arr: skate.props.array

    str: string;
    arr: string[];

    render() {
      return h('div', {}, 'testing');

  customElements.define('x-element', Elem);

  const elem = new Elem();

  // Re-renders:
  elem.str = 'updated';
// surprises (or uglier code that conditionally checks for both forms of the
    // spec).
    const Component = Vue.extend( vueComponent )

    // map from Vue prop types to SkateJS prop types
    const vuePropTypes = makeVuePropTypes( vueComponent.props )

    // contains scope ID of this element's Vue component as well as sub component
    // IDs
    const scopeIds = getAllScopeIds( vueComponent )

    // this will contain all CSS rules for this element's Vue component and
    // sub-components
    let matchingRules = null

    return class VueWebComponent extends withUpdate( withRenderer( ElementClass ) ) {

        constructor(...args) {

            console.log(' --- VueWebComponent.constructor')

            this.vue_instance = new Component
            this.vue_instancePromise = null
            this.vue_mounted = false

         * Define a renderer that mounts a Vue component in this element's shadow
         * root.
        renderer( root, render ) {
// @jsx React.createElement

import { props, withComponent } from 'skatejs';
import withReact from '@skatejs/renderer-react';
import React from 'react';

class WithReact extends withComponent(withReact()) {
  static get props() {
    return {
      name: props.string
  render({ name }) {
    return <span>Hello, {name}!</span>;

customElements.define('with-react', WithReact);
customElements.define("component-with-properties", ComponentWithProperties);

export class ComponentWithUnregistered extends withComponent(withPreact()) {
  render() {
    const data = {
      bool: true,
      num: 42,
      str: "Skate",
      arr: ["S", "k", "a", "t", "e"],
      obj: { org: "skatejs", repo: "skatejs" }
    return (
        {/* This element doesn't actually exist.
        It's used to test unupgraded behavior. */}
    window.addEventListener('message', this.receiveIframeMessage, false);

  _stateChanged(state) {
    // throw new Error('_stateChanged() not implemented', this);

  rendered() {
    this.inputElement = this.querySelector('.js-c-typeahead__input');

  static props = {
    maxResults: props.string,
    placeholder: props.string,
    hideClearButton: props.boolean,
    clearButtonText: props.string,

  onInput = e => {
    const value =;

      value: value,

    this.onSuggestionsFetchRequested({ value }); // re-render search results immediately based on latest input value

  toggleSearch() {
import { store } from '../../store.js'; // connect to the Redux store.
import { updateDrawerState } from '../../actions/app.js'; // redux actions
import { BaseComponent } from '../base-component.js';

class InfoToggle extends BaseComponent {
  static is = 'pl-toggle-info';

  constructor(self) {
    self = super(self);
    return self;

  static props = {
    _drawerOpened: props.boolean,

  _stateChanged(state) {
    this._drawerOpened =;
    this.isViewallPage =;

  render({ _drawerOpened, isViewallPage }) {
    return (
      <button class="pl-c-tools__action"> store.dispatch(updateDrawerState(!_drawerOpened))}
        <span class="pl-c-tools__action-text">
            ? `Hide ${isViewallPage ? 'all ' : ''}Pattern Info`</span></button>
window.addEventListener('message', this.receiveIframeMessage, false);

  _stateChanged(state) {
    // throw new Error('_stateChanged() not implemented', this);

  rendered() {
    this.inputElement = this.querySelector('.js-c-typeahead__input');

  static props = {
    maxResults: props.string,
    placeholder: props.string,
    hideClearButton: props.boolean,
    clearButtonText: props.string,

  onInput = e => {
    const value =;

      value: value,

    this.onSuggestionsFetchRequested({ value }); // re-render search results immediately based on latest input value

  toggleSearch() {
    if (!this.state.isOpen) {

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