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Top 10 Examples of "bitcore-lib-cash in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'bitcore-lib-cash' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

(async () => {
    for (let i = 0; i < lastFoundActiveAddressIndex + addressGapScanDepth; i++) {
        // get address
        const orderPublickey = hdPublickey.deriveChild(accountDerivation + i.toFixed());
        // @ts-ignore
        const pubkey = new bitcore.PublicKey(orderPublickey.publicKey);
        // @ts-ignore
        const address = bitcore.Address.fromPublicKey(pubkey, bitcore.Networks.mainnet).toString();
        //const cashAddr = Utils.toCashAddress(address);
        const res = await gprc.getAddressTransactions({address});
        if (res.getConfirmedTransactionsList().length > 0) {
            lastFoundActiveAddressIndex = i;
            console.log("Has transactions!");
pubKey = wallet.neutered().toBase58();//public key in "xpub"
pubKeyHex = wallet.neutered().publicKey.toString("hex"); //public key in hex
privKey = wallet.toBase58(); //private key in "xprv"
privKeyHex = wallet.privateKey.toString("hex"); //private key in hex
wif = wallet.toWIF();
childBIP32_0 = wallet.derivePath("m/0/0");
childBIP32_1 = wallet.derivePath("m/0/1");
if (!testnet) {
   console.log("Wallet root address: "+getAddress(wallet, bitcoreCash.Networks.livenet, true));
   console.log("Wallet \"xpub\": "+pubKey);
   console.log("Wallet \"xprv\": "+privKey);
   console.log("Wallet Import Format (WIF): "+wif);
   console.log("Wallet public key (hex): "+pubKeyHex);
   console.log("Wallet private key (hex): "+privKeyHex);
   console.log("Inital derived address (m/0/0): "+getAddress(childBIP32_0, bitcoreCash.Networks.livenet, true));
   console.log("Inital derived address (m/0/1): "+getAddress(childBIP32_1, bitcoreCash.Networks.livenet, true));
} else {
   console.log("Testnet wallet root address: "+getAddress(wallet, bitcoreCash.Networks.testnet, true));
   console.log("Testnet wallet \"tpub\": "+pubKey);
   console.log("Testnet wallet \"tprv\": "+privKey);
   console.log("Testnet Wallet Import Format (WIF): "+wif);
   console.log("Testnet wallet public key (hex): "+pubKeyHex);
   console.log("Testnet wallet private key (hex): "+privKeyHex);
   console.log("Inital derived address (m/0/0): "+getAddress(childBIP32_0, bitcoreCash.Networks.testnet, true));
   console.log("Inital derived address (m/0/1): "+getAddress(childBIP32_1, bitcoreCash.Networks.testnet, true));
console.log ("");

// Some other examples:

//var wallet = newHDWallet(); //create a mainnet top-level HD node (store these details!)
//var wallet = makeHDWallet("xprv9s21ZrQH143K29WDJvBtkuugkRRWAKe3S6soYUVRPnaCK9KXwc8BEJxrncy5mpHyLCFsx39Q6MPnTGT97UxadieivoWFwj1CiqUPdhHDWnY");
createAddressPrivatekey() {
    // get Cashaddr
    var address = new bitcore.PrivateKey(this.privateKey).toAddress();
    this.address = address.toString().split(':')[1];
  async getBalance(isFormatNumber) {
(async () => {
    for (let i = 0; i < lastFoundActiveAddressIndex + addressGapScanDepth; i++) {
        // get address
        const orderPublickey = hdPublickey.deriveChild(accountDerivation + i.toFixed());
        // @ts-ignore
        const pubkey = new bitcore.PublicKey(orderPublickey.publicKey);
        // @ts-ignore
        const address = bitcore.Address.fromPublicKey(pubkey, bitcore.Networks.mainnet).toString();
        //const cashAddr = Utils.toCashAddress(address);
        const res = await gprc.getAddressTransactions({address});
        if (res.getConfirmedTransactionsList().length > 0) {
            lastFoundActiveAddressIndex = i;
            console.log("Has transactions!");

            // p2pk encode scriptSig

            else if(!(s as ScriptSigP2PKH).pubKeyBuf && (s as ScriptSigP2PKH).signatureBuf) {
                bip62Encoded = this.slp.BITBOX.Script.encode([ (s as ScriptSigP2PKH).signatureBuf ]);

            // throw if input data did not result in encoded scriptSig

                throw Error("Was not able to set input script for index="+s.index);

            // actually set the input's scriptSig property

            let script = new Bitcore.Script(bip62Encoded);
         // console.log("scriptSig for index", s.input_index, ":", bip62Encoded.toString('hex'))
import * as bitcore from "bitcore-lib-cash";
import { GrpcClient, Transaction } from "grpc-bchrpc-node";
import { Utils } from "../lib/utils";

const gprc = new GrpcClient();

// user variables
const tokenId = "";
const address = "";

const xpub = "xpub661MyMwAqRbcEmunind5AZXnevFW66TB3vq5MHM5Asq8UNaEdTsgk4njwUXW4RGywGK68au91R1rvjQ6SmJQEUwUinjYZPnJA7o72bG5HFr";
// @ts-ignore
const hdPublickey = new bitcore.HDPublicKey(xpub);
const accountDerivation = "m/0/";  //  this is the account part of the non-hardened HD path so, "//<address>/"
let lastFoundActiveAddressIndex = 0;
const addressGapScanDepth = 10;  // this is the gap that will be maintained past the "lastActiveAddressIndex"
let transactionHistory: Transaction[] = [];

// main scanning loop
(async () =&gt; {
    for (let i = 0; i &lt; lastFoundActiveAddressIndex + addressGapScanDepth; i++) {
        // get address
        const orderPublickey = hdPublickey.deriveChild(accountDerivation + i.toFixed());
        // @ts-ignore
        const pubkey = new bitcore.PublicKey(orderPublickey.publicKey);
        // @ts-ignore
        const address = bitcore.Address.fromPublicKey(pubkey, bitcore.Networks.mainnet).toString();
        //const cashAddr = Utils.toCashAddress(address);</address>
validateAddress(network: string, address: string): boolean {
      // Check if the input is a valid uri or address
      const URICash = BitcoreCash.URI;
      const AddressCash = BitcoreCash.Address;

       // Bip21 uri
      let uri, uriAddress;
      if (/^bitcoincash:|^bchtest:i/.test(address)) {
        if (URICash.isValid(address)) {
          uri = new URICash(address);
          uriAddress = uri.address.toString();
          return AddressCash.isValid(uriAddress, network);

       // Regular Address: try Bitcoin Cash
      return AddressCash.isValid(address, network);
function Messages(options) {
  this.builder = Messages.builder(options);

  // map message constructors by name
  for(var key in this.builder.commandsMap) {
    var name = this.builder.commandsMap[key];
    this[name] = this.builder.commands[key];

  if (!options) {
    options = {};
  } = || bitcore.Networks.defaultNetwork;
'use strict';

var Message = require('../message');
var inherits = require('util').inherits;
var bitcore = require('bitcore-lib-cash');
var BufferUtil = bitcore.util.buffer;
var $ = bitcore.util.preconditions;
var _ = bitcore.deps._;

 * Contains information about a MerkleBlock
 * @see
 * @param {MerkleBlock} arg - An instance of MerkleBlock
 * @param {Object=} options
 * @param {Function} options.MerkleBlock - a MerkleBlock constructor
 * @extends Message
 * @constructor
function MerkleblockMessage(arg, options) {, options);
  this.MerkleBlock = options.MerkleBlock; // constructor
  this.command = 'merkleblock';
    _.isUndefined(arg) || arg instanceof this.MerkleBlock,
// NOTE: Only works for compressed-WIF format

        let ecpair = this.slp.BITBOX.ECPair.fromWIF(wif);

        // we set the previous output for the input
        // again, this is for bitcore-lib input sig generation

        txn.inputs[input_index].output = new Bitcore.Transaction.Output({
            satoshis: input_satoshis, 
            script: redeemScript

        // produce a signature that is specific to this input
        // NOTE: currently only uses ecdsa

        let privateKey = new Bitcore.PrivateKey(wif);
        var sig = Bitcore.Transaction.Sighash.sign(txn, privateKey, sigHashType, input_index, redeemScript, Bitcore.crypto.BN.fromNumber(input_satoshis));
        // add have to add the sighash type manually.. :(
        // NOTE: signature is in DER format and is specific to ecdsa &amp; sigHash 0x41

        let sigBuf = Buffer.concat([ sig.toDER(), Buffer.alloc(1, sigHashType) ]);  

        // we can return a object conforming to InputSigData interface

        return {
            index: input_index,
            pubKeyBuf: ecpair.getPublicKeyBuffer(),
            signatureBuf: sigBuf

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