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Top 10 Examples of "node-opcua-status-code in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'node-opcua-status-code' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

serverStatus.startTime.setValueFromSource({dataType: DataType.DateTime, value: new Date(Date.UTC(2100, 0, 1))});
        //xx debugLog(serverStatus.readValue().value.toString());

        serverStatus.readValue().value.value.buildInfo.productName = "productName1";

        serverStatus.buildInfo.productName.setValueFromSource({dataType: DataType.String, value: "productName2"});

        var async = require("async");
        var StatusCodes = require("node-opcua-status-code").StatusCodes;
        var write_service = require("node-opcua-service-write");
        var WriteValue = write_service.WriteValue;
        var makeAccessLevel = require("node-opcua-data-model").makeAccessLevel;

        // now use WriteValue instead
        // make sure value is writable
        var rw = makeAccessLevel("CurrentRead | CurrentWrite");
        serverStatus.buildInfo.productName.accessLevel = rw;
        serverStatus.buildInfo.productName.userAccessLevel = rw;

        serverStatus.buildInfo.accessLevel = rw;
        serverStatus.buildInfo.userAccessLevel = rw;

        serverStatus.accessLevel = rw;
        serverStatus.userAccessLevel = rw;
const options = {
        percentDataBad: 100,
        percentDataGood: 100,  // Therefore if all values are Good then the
        // quality will be Good, or if all values are Bad then the quality will be Bad, but if there is
        // some Good and some Bad then the quality will be Uncertain
        stepped: false, // Therefore SlopedInterpolation is used between data points.
        treatUncertainAsBad: false, // Therefore Uncertain values are included in Aggregate calls.
        useSlopedExtrapolation: false, // Therefore SteppedExtrapolation is used at end boundary conditions.

    addressSpace.installHistoricalDataNode(node, options);
    installAggregateConfigurationOptions(node, options);

    // 12:00:00 - BadNoData First archive entry, Point created
    addHistory(node, "12:00:00", null, StatusCodes.BadNoData);
    // 12:00:10 10 Raw, Good
    addHistory(node, "12:00:10", 10, StatusCodes.Good);
    // 12:00:20 20 Raw, Good
    addHistory(node, "12:00:20", 20, StatusCodes.Good);
    // 12:00:30 30 Raw, Good
    addHistory(node, "12:00:30", 30, StatusCodes.Good);
    // 12:00:40 40 Raw, Bad         ANNOTATION: Operator 1
    //                                          Jan-02-2012 8:00:00 Scan failed, Bad data entered
    //                              ANNOTATION:
    //                                          Jan-04-2012 7:10:00 Value cannot be verified
    addHistory(node, "12:00:40", 40, StatusCodes.Bad);
    // 12:00:50 50 Raw, Good        ANNOTATION: Engineer1
    //                                          Jan-04-2012 7:00:00 Scanner fixed
    addHistory(node, "12:00:50", 50, StatusCodes.Good);
    // 12:01:00 60 Raw, Good
    addHistory(node, "12:01:00", 60, StatusCodes.Good);
/* istanbul ignore if */
            const errMessage1 = "EXCEPTION CAUGHT WHILE PROCESSING REQUEST !! " +;



            let additional_messages = [];
            additional_messages.push("EXCEPTION CAUGHT WHILE PROCESSING REQUEST !!! " +;
            if (err.stack) {
                additional_messages = additional_messages.concat(err.stack.split("\n"));

            response = makeServiceFault(StatusCodes.BadInternalError, additional_messages);

            channel.send_response("MSG", response, message, emptyCallback);
        } else {
            if ( === "CloseSecureChannelRequest") {
                console.log("WARNING : RECEIVED a CloseSecureChannelRequest with MSGTYPE=" + msgType);
            } else {
                if (doPerfMonitoring) {
                    // record tick 1 : after message has been received, before message processing
                    this._tick1 = get_clock_tick();

                if (this.securityToken && channelId !== this.securityToken.channelId) {
                    // response = new ServiceFault({responseHeader: {serviceResult: certificate_status}});
                    debugLog("Invalid channelId detected =", channelId, " <> ", this.securityToken.channelId);
                    return this.send_error_and_abort(
                        "Invalid Channel Id specified " + this.securityToken.channelId,
                        message, () => {


                 * notify the observer that a OPCUA message has been received.
                 * It is up to one observer to call send_response or send_error_and_abort to complete
                 * the transaction.
                 * @event message
                 * @param message
                this.emit("message", message);
// istanbul ignore next
            if (!state) {
                throw new Error("Cannot find state with name " + toStateNode);
            assert(!.toString() === toStateNode);
            toStateNode = state;
        const fromStateNode = this.currentStateNode;

        toStateNode = this._coerceNode(toStateNode) as any as State;
        assert(toStateNode.nodeClass === NodeClass.Object);

            dataType: DataType.LocalizedText,
            value: coerceLocalizedText(toStateNode.browseName.toString())
        }, StatusCodes.Good);

        this.currentStateNode = toStateNode;

        const transitionNode = this.findTransitionNode(fromStateNode, toStateNode);

        if (transitionNode) {

            // xx console.log("transitionNode ",transitionNode.toString());
            // The inherited Property SourceNode shall be filled with the NodeId of the StateMachine instance where the
            // Transition occurs. If the Transition occurs in a SubStateMachine, then the NodeId of the SubStateMachine
            // has to be used. If the Transition occurs between a StateMachine and a SubStateMachine, then the NodeId of
            // the StateMachine has to be used, independent of the direction of the Transition.
            // Transition identifies the Transition that triggered the Event.
            // FromState identifies the State before the Transition.
            // ToState identifies the State after the Transition.
            this.raiseEvent("TransitionEventType", {
const dataEncoding = nodeToRead.dataEncoding;
    const continuationPoint = nodeToRead.continuationPoint;
    assert(engine.addressSpace instanceof AddressSpace); // initialize not called

    if (timestampsToReturn === TimestampsToReturn.Invalid) {
        return new DataValue({statusCode: StatusCodes.BadTimestampsToReturnInvalid});

    timestampsToReturn = (_.isObject(timestampsToReturn)) ? timestampsToReturn : TimestampsToReturn.Neither;

    const obj = engine.__findObject(nodeId);

    if (!obj) {
        // may be return BadNodeIdUnknown in dataValue instead ?
        // Object Not Found
        callback(null, new HistoryReadResult({statusCode: StatusCodes.BadNodeIdUnknown}));
    } else {

        if (!obj.historyRead) {
            // note : Object and View may also support historyRead to provide Event historical data
            //        todo implement historyRead for Object and View
            const msg = " this node doesn't provide historyRead! probably not a UAVariable\n "
                + obj.nodeId.toString() + " " + obj.browseName.toString() + "\n"
                + "with " + nodeToRead.toString() + "\n"
                + "HistoryReadDetails " + historyReadDetails.toString();
            if (doDebug) {
                console.log("ServerEngine#_historyReadSingleNode ".cyan, msg.white.bold);
            const err = new Error(msg);
            // object has no historyRead method
            return setImmediate(callback.bind(null, err));
function getMethodDeclaration_ArgumentList(addressSpace, objectId, methodId) {

    assert(objectId instanceof NodeId);
    assert(methodId instanceof NodeId);
    // find object in address space
    const obj = addressSpace.findNode(objectId);
    if (!obj) {

        // istanbul ignore next
        if(doDebug) {
            console.warn("cannot find node ",objectId.toString());
        return {statusCode: StatusCodes.BadNodeIdUnknown};
    if (!obj.hasMethods) {
        return {statusCode: StatusCodes.BadNodeIdInvalid};
    let objectMethod = obj.getMethodById(methodId);
    if (!objectMethod) {

        // the method doesn't belong to the object, nevertheless
        // the method can be called
        objectMethod = addressSpace.findNode(methodId);
        if (!objectMethod || !(objectMethod instanceof UAMethod)) {
            return {statusCode: StatusCodes.BadMethodInvalid};

    const methodDeclarationId = objectMethod.methodDeclarationId;
assert(context instanceof SessionContext);
    assert(callback instanceof Function);

    const nodeId = nodeToRead.nodeId;
    const indexRange = nodeToRead.indexRange;
    const dataEncoding = nodeToRead.dataEncoding;
    const continuationPoint = nodeToRead.continuationPoint;

    timestampsToReturn = (_.isObject(timestampsToReturn)) ? timestampsToReturn : TimestampsToReturn.Neither;

    const obj = this.__findObject(nodeId) as UAVariable;

    if (!obj) {
      // may be return BadNodeIdUnknown in dataValue instead ?
      // Object Not Found
      callback(null, new HistoryReadResult({ statusCode: StatusCodes.BadNodeIdUnknown }));

    } else {

      if (!obj.historyRead) {
        // note : Object and View may also support historyRead to provide Event historical data
        //        todo implement historyRead for Object and View
        const msg = " this node doesn't provide historyRead! probably not a UAVariable\n "
          + obj.nodeId.toString() + " " + obj.browseName.toString() + "\n"
          + "with " + nodeToRead.toString() + "\n"
          + "HistoryReadDetails " + historyReadDetails.toString();
        if (doDebug) {
          console.log(chalk.cyan("ServerEngine#_historyReadSingleNode "),
        const err = new Error(msg);
//    invalid attributes : BadNodeAttributesInvalid
        //    invalid range      : BadIndexRangeInvalid
        try {
            dataValue = obj.readAttribute(context, attributeId, indexRange, dataEncoding);
            assert(dataValue.statusCode instanceof StatusCode);
            if(!dataValue.isValid()) {
                console.log("Invalid value for node ",obj.nodeId.toString(),obj.browseName.toString());

        catch (err) {
            console.log(" Internal error reading  NodeId       ", obj.nodeId.toString());
            console.log("                         AttributeId  ", attributeId.toString());
            console.log("                        ", err.message);
            console.log("                        ", err.stack);
            return new DataValue({statusCode: StatusCodes.BadInternalError});

        //Xx console.log(dataValue.toString());

        dataValue = apply_timestamps(dataValue, timestampsToReturn, attributeId);

        return dataValue;
sendInitialValues: boolean): TransferResult {

    assert(session instanceof ServerSession);

    if (subscriptionId <= 0) {
      return new TransferResult({ statusCode: StatusCodes.BadSubscriptionIdInvalid });

    const subscription = this.findSubscription(subscriptionId);
    if (!subscription) {
      return new TransferResult({ statusCode: StatusCodes.BadSubscriptionIdInvalid });
    if (!subscription.$session) {
      return new TransferResult({ statusCode: StatusCodes.BadInternalError });

    // update diagnostics 

    // now check that new session has sufficient right
    // if (session.authenticationToken.toString() !== subscription.authenticationToken.toString()) {
    //     console.log("ServerEngine#transferSubscription => BadUserAccessDenied");
    //     return new TransferResult({ statusCode: StatusCodes.BadUserAccessDenied });
    // }
    if (session.publishEngine === subscription.publishEngine) {
      // subscription is already in this session !!
      return new TransferResult({ statusCode: StatusCodes.BadNothingToDo });
    if (session === subscription.$session) {
      // subscription is already in this session !!

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