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Top 10 Examples of "bignum in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'bignum' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

if (soln.length !== 2694) {
            return shareError([20, 'incorrect size of solution']);

        if (!job.registerSubmit(extraNonce1, extraNonce2, nTime, nonce)) {
            return shareError([22, 'duplicate share']);

        var extraNonce1Buffer = new Buffer(extraNonce1, 'hex');
        var extraNonce2Buffer = new Buffer(extraNonce2, 'hex');

        var headerBuffer = job.serializeHeader(nTime, nonce); // 144 bytes (doesn't contain soln)
        var headerSolnBuffer = new Buffer.concat([headerBuffer, new Buffer(soln, 'hex')]);
        var headerHash = util.sha256d(headerSolnBuffer);
        var headerBigNum = bignum.fromBuffer(headerHash, {endian: 'little', size: 32});

        var blockHashInvalid;
        var blockHash;
        var blockHex;

        var shareDiff = diff1 / headerBigNum.toNumber() * shareMultiplier;
        var blockDiffAdjusted = job.difficulty * shareMultiplier;

        //check if block candidate and if the equihash solution is valid
        //if (1 === 1) {
        if (headerBigNum.le( && hashDigest(headerBuffer, new Buffer(soln.slice(6), 'hex'))) {
            blockHex = job.serializeBlock(headerBuffer, new Buffer(soln, 'hex')).toString('hex');
            blockHash = util.reverseBuffer(headerHash).toString('hex');
        else {
            if (options.emitInvalidBlockHashes)
SPEKE.prototype.generateKeys = function (password, algorithm) {
  algorithm = algorithm || 'md5';

  var primebigint = bigint.fromBuffer(this._prime);

  // Create the generator.
  var hash = crypto.createHash(algorithm);
  var h = hash.digest();
  this._generator =
    bigint.fromBuffer(h).powm(bigint('2'), primebigint);

  // Create the private key.
  this._privateKey = crypto.randomBytes(this._prime.length);

  // Create the public key.
  this._publicKey = this._generator
    .powm(bigint.fromBuffer(this._privateKey), primebigint);

  return this.getPublicKey();
exports.shortItemId = function(id) {
    var num = bignum(id, 16);
    // get a signed version if needed
    if (id[0] === 'f') {
        var buf = num.toBuffer();
        for (var j = 0; j < buf.length; j++)
            buf[j] = 0xff - buf[j];
        num = bignum.fromBuffer(buf).add(1).neg();
    return num.toString(10);
if (!job.registerSubmit(extraNonce1, extraNonce2, nTime, nonce)) {
            return shareError([22, 'duplicate share']);

        var extraNonce1Buffer = new Buffer(extraNonce1, 'hex');
        var extraNonce2Buffer = new Buffer(extraNonce2, 'hex');

        var coinbaseBuffer = job.serializeCoinbase(extraNonce1Buffer, extraNonce2Buffer);
        var coinbaseHash   = util.doublesha(coinbaseBuffer);

        var merkleRoot = util.reverseBuffer(job.merkleTree.withFirst(coinbaseHash)).toString('hex');

        var headerBuffer = job.serializeHeader(merkleRoot, nTime, nonce);
        var headerHash   = hashDigest(headerBuffer, nTimeInt);
        var headerBigNum = bignum.fromBuffer(headerHash, {endian: 'little', size: 32});

        var blockHash;
        var blockHex;

        if ({
            blockHex = job.serializeBlock(headerBuffer, coinbaseBuffer).toString('hex');
            blockHash = util.reverseBuffer(util.doublesha(headerBuffer)).toString('hex');
        else {
            var targetUser = bignum(diffDividend / difficulty);
            if ({
                return shareError([23, 'low difficulty share']);
        if (!!blockHex) {
function handshake () {
          var nonce = bignum.fromBuffer(cnonce)
          input.pipe(wallet.peerStream(nonce, sid)).pipe(socket);
          socket.pipe(wallet.peerStream(nonce, sid)).pipe(output);
          socket.on('data', console.log);
          cb && cb(proxy, salty.identity(sid), nonce);
function handshake () {
          var nonce = bignum.fromBuffer(cnonce)
          input.pipe(wallet.peerStream(nonce, sid)).pipe(socket);
          socket.pipe(wallet.peerStream(nonce, sid)).pipe(output);
          socket.on('data', console.log);
          cb && cb(proxy, salty.identity(sid), nonce);
readStream(socket, function (data, unlisten) {
      if (!cid) cid = data;
      else if (!cnonce) cnonce = data;
      if (!--latch) {
        var nonce = bignum.fromBuffer(cnonce)
        writeStream(socket, wallet.identity.toBuffer());
        writeStream(socket, snonce);
        var pe = wallet.peerStream(nonce, cid);
        var pd = wallet.peerStream(nonce, cid);
        socket.on('data', console.log);
        var dup = es.duplex(pe, pd);
function getk(params) {
  var k_buf = crypto
    .update(padToN(params.N, params))
    .update(padToN(params.g, params))
  return bignum.fromBuffer(k_buf);
function getx(params, salt, I, P) {
  assertIsBuffer(salt, "salt (salt)");
  assertIsBuffer(I, "identity (I)");
  assertIsBuffer(P, "password (P)");
  var hashIP = crypto.createHash(params.hash)
    .update(Buffer.concat([I, new Buffer(':'), P]))
  var hashX = crypto.createHash(params.hash)
  return bignum.fromBuffer(hashX);
opts.zkClient.getData(p, function (err, data, stat) {
        if (err) {
            return (cb(err));
        var time = bignum.fromBuffer(stat.ctime).toNumber();
        var ret = {
            'time': new Date(time),
            'state': JSON.parse(data.toString('utf8')),
            'zkSeq': fNode[1]
        return (cb(null, ret));

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