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Top 10 Examples of "atom-linter in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'atom-linter' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.


        // output raw command for debugging assistance
        if (atom.config.get('linter-jenkins.debug')) {
          stdin = cmd == 'curl' ? '' : ` < ${activeEditor.getPath()}`;
          return [{severity: 'info',
                   excerpt: cmd + ' ' + args.join(' ') + stdin,
                   location: {
                     file: file,
                     position: [[0, 0], [0, 1]]

        // lint
        return helpers.exec(cmd, args, opts).then(output => {
          var toReturn = [];

          output.split(/\r?\n/).forEach(function (line) {
            // matcher for output parsing and capturing
            const matches = regex.exec(line);

            // check for errors
            if (matches != null) {
                severity: 'error',
                excerpt: matches[1],
                location: {
                  file: file,
                  position: [[Number.parseInt(matches[2]) - 1, Number.parseInt(matches[3]) - 1], [Number.parseInt(matches[2]) - 1, Number.parseInt(matches[3])]],

      // --suppress
      for (var suppress of atom.config.get('linter-cppcheck.suppress') || []) {


      const executable = atom.config.get('linter-cppcheck.executable');
      console.debug(`[linter-cppcheck] Executing '${executable}' with args:` +
                    ` ${JSON.stringify(args, undefined, 2)}`);

      return exec(
          stream: 'both',
          throwOnStderr: false,
      ).then((output) => {
        if (output.exitCode != 0) {
            'Cppcheck failed',
              buttons: [
                  className: 'btn icon icon-gear',
                  onDidClick: ()=>{
// Debug the command executed to run the Code Climate CLI to the console
        if (atom.inDevMode()) {
          // eslint-disable-next-line no-console
          console.log('linter-codeclimate:: Command: ' +
            `\`${this.executablePath} ${execArgs.join(' ')}\``);

        // Start measure for how long the analysis took.
        const measureId = `linter-codeclimate: \`${relpath}\` analysis`;

        // Execute the Code Climate CLI, parse the results, and emit them to the
        // Linter package as warnings. The Linter package handles the styling.
        let result;
        try {
          result = await Helpers.exec(this.executablePath, execArgs, execOpts);
        } catch (e) {
          notifyError(e, `${this.executablePath} ${execArgs.join(' ')}`);
          return null;

        // Handle unique spawning: killed execs will return null
        if (result === null) {
          return null;

        let messages;
        try {
          messages = JSON.parse(result);
        } catch (e) {
            e, `${this.executablePath} ${execArgs.join(' ')}`,
hints = [`--hint=${hlintConfig}`];
        } else {
          // It's outside the project, or not found
          hints = [];
        if (this.ignoreReduceDuplication) {
          hints.push('--ignore="Reduce duplication"');
        const execArgs = baseArgs.concat(hints);

        const execOpts = {
          ignoreExitCode: true,
          cwd: fileDir,

        const output = await exec(this.executablePath, execArgs, execOpts);
        let info;
        try {
          info = JSON.parse(output);
        } catch (error) {
          // eslint-disable-next-line no-console
          console.error('Unable to parse output:', output);
          return null;
        return => {
          const message = {
            excerpt: `${error.hint}: ${error.from} ==> ${}`,
            location: {
              file: filePath,
              position: [
                [error.startLine - 1, error.startColumn - 1],
                [error.endLine - 1, error.endColumn - 1],
servers.forEach((server, rootDirectory) => {
      const executable = this.executablePath || findCached(rootDirectory, defaultFlowBinLocation) || 'flow'
      exec(executable, ['stop'], {
        cwd: rootDirectory,
        timeout: 60 * 1000,
        detached: true,
        ignoreExitCode: true,
      }).catch(() => null) // <-- ignore all errors
const lintMix = async (textEditor) => {
  const filePath = textEditor.getPath();
  const fileText = textEditor.getText();
  const execOpts = await getOpts(filePath);

  const result = await exec(mixPath, ['compile'], execOpts);
  if (textEditor.getText() !== fileText) {
    // File contents have changed since the run was triggered, don't update messages
    return null;
  return handleResult(result, filePath);
projectDir = atom.project.getDirectories().find(
      (dir) => {
        return dir.contains(textEditor.getPath() )
    projectDir = projectDir && projectDir.path ? projectDir.path : null;

    options = {
      env: {
          "RAKUDO_ERROR_COLOR": 0
      cwd: projectDir,
      stream : "both",
      stdin  : textEditor.getText()
    return helpers.exec(command, args, options).then( (output) => {

      // return nothing if no errors are found
      if (output.stdout.match(/Syntax OK\n?/i) && output.stderr == "") {
        return []

      // Try to find the error message and line number
      regex = /.+?[\r\n]((?:.|[\r\n])+\s+at\s+.+?(\d+)(?:\.|[\r\n]|$)[\s\S]*)/
      stderr = output.stderr
      match = regex.exec(stderr)
      if (match) {
        // Success; Remove the ansi escape sequence noise from the message
        message = match[1]
        line    = match[2] - 1
      } else {
        // We failed, at least show the message without line number information
for (i = 0; i < atom.config.get('linter-terraform-syntax.globalVarFiles').length; i++)
              args.push(...['-var-file', atom.config.get('linter-terraform-syntax.globalVarFiles')[i]]);

          // add local var files
          if (atom.config.get('linter-terraform-syntax.localVarFiles')[0] != '')
            for (i = 0; i < atom.config.get('linter-terraform-syntax.localVarFiles').length; i++)
              args.push(...['-var-file', atom.config.get('linter-terraform-syntax.localVarFiles')[i]]);

          // do not check if required variables are specified if desired
          if (!(atom.config.get('linter-terraform-syntax.checkRequiredVar')) && !(atom.config.get('linter-terraform-syntax.useTerraformPlan')))

        // execute terraform fmt if selected
        if (atom.config.get('linter-terraform-syntax.useTerraformFormat'))
          helpers.exec(atom.config.get('linter-terraform-syntax.terraformExecutablePath'), ['fmt', '-list=false', dir])

        return helpers.exec(atom.config.get('linter-terraform-syntax.terraformExecutablePath'), args, options).then(output => {
          var toReturn = [];

          // new terraform validate will be doing JSON parsing
          if (!(atom.config.get('linter-terraform-syntax.useTerraformPlan')) && atom.config.get('linter-terraform-syntax.newVersion')) {
            // parse json output
            const info = JSON.parse(output)

            // command is reporting an issue
            if (info.valid == false) {
              info.diagnostics.forEach((issue) => {
                // if no range information given we have to improvise
                var file = dir;
                var line_start = 0;
                var line_end = 0;
activate() {
    const helpers = require('atom-linter');

    // check for ansible-lint >= minimum version
    helpers.exec(atom.config.get('linter-ansible-linting.ansibleLintExecutablePath'), ['-T']).then(output => {
      if (!(/repeatability/.exec(output))) {
          'ansible-lint < 3.5 is unsupported. Backwards compatibility should exist, but is not guaranteed.',
            detail: "Please upgrade your version of ansible-lint to >= 3.5.\n",
            dismissable: true
// Setup args
        const args = ['--relative', '--json', '--error-level', errorLevel];

        const optionsMap = require('./flags.js');

        // Add the flags to the command options
        Object.keys(allSettings).forEach((flag) => {
          if (, flag) && allSettings[flag] === true) {

        // Add the file to be checked to the arguments

        return helpers.exec(executablePath, args, { cwd: projectPath, ignoreExitCode: true })
          .then((output) => {
            const toReturn = [];

            // If puppet-lint errors to stdout then redirect the message to atom error notifications
            if (/puppet-lint:/.exec(output)) {
                'Puppet-Lint errored due to the following reason(s):',
                  detail: output,

              // return early
              return toReturn;

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