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Top 10 Examples of "ansi_up in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'ansi_up' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

{ => {
            // Check if there are any ansi colors/styles
            const doubleSpace = line.match(/ {2}/g);

            if (ansiRegex().test(line)) {
              const newLine = ansiUp.ansi_to_html(line);

              return doubleSpace && doubleSpace.length ? (
                ) :
            } else if (doubleSpace &amp;&amp; doubleSpace.length) {
              return <div>{line}</div>;

            return <div>{line}</div>;
function generateErrorScript (err) {
  let errorBox = errorTemplate({
    message: ansiUp.ansi_to_html(escapeHtml(err.message))

  // if it's not a string, and just included as a function that's interpolated by the returned string
  // it'll get mucked up during coverage testing
  let bundleJs = `function bundleError () {
    var template = ${JSON.stringify(errorBox)}
    if (typeof document === 'undefined') return
    document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function print () {
      var container = document.createElement('div')
      container.innerHTML = template

  return `;(${bundleJs})()\n`
Vue.nextTick(() => {
            this.updatePending = false;

            // set the text content, regardless of the format. if the format is ansi,
            // we want to use this method to escape html tags
            this.$el.textContent = this.logs;
            if (this.format === constants.CONTAINERS.LOGS.FORMAT.ANSI) {
              var logsEscaped = this.$el.innerHTML;
              if (logsEscaped) {
                this.$el.innerHTML = ansi.ansi_to_html(logsEscaped);
            if (scrolledToBottom) {
              this.$el.scrollTop = this.$el.scrollHeight;
'use babel'

import AnsiUp from 'ansi_up'
let converter = new AnsiUp()
converter.escape_for_html = false

// this wraps all plain text nodes in a span, which makes sure they can be picked
// up by querySelectorAll later
function wrapTextNodes (view) {
  if (view.hasChildNodes()) {
    let nodes = view.childNodes
    for (let i = 0; i &lt; nodes.length; i++) {
      let node = nodes[i]
      if (node.nodeType == 3) { // text nodes
        let span = document.createElement('span')
        span.innerText = node.textContent
        node.parentElement.insertBefore(span, node)
      } else if (node.nodeType == 1) { // normal HTML nodes
var async = require('neo-async')
var AWS = require('aws-sdk')
var AU = require('ansi_up')
var buildTemplate = require('../html/build.html.js')

// We buffer all logs in-memory, including cmd output
var LOG_BUFFER = []

var SVGS = {
  pending: fs.readFileSync(`${__dirname}/../html/pending.svg`, 'utf8'),
  passing: fs.readFileSync(`${__dirname}/../html/passing.svg`, 'utf8'),
  failing: fs.readFileSync(`${__dirname}/../html/failing.svg`, 'utf8'),

var s3 = new AWS.S3()
var ansiUp = new AU.default()

exports.logIfErr = function(err) {
  if (err) exports.error(err.stack || err)

// We rely on a singleton logger (for the buffer), so this is kinda hacky
// (ie, cannot execute concurrent invocations from the same process)
// We could return a new logger instance, but... meh.
// Lambda doesn't execute concurrently in the same process anyway.
exports.init = function() {
  LOG_BUFFER = [], arguments)
} = function() {
  LOG_BUFFER.push(util.format.apply(util, arguments))
export function renderText(options: renderText.IRenderOptions): Promise {
  // Unpack the options.
  let { host, source } = options;

  const ansiUp = new AnsiUp();
  ansiUp.escape_for_html = true;
  ansiUp.use_classes = true;

  // Create the HTML content.
  let content = ansiUp.ansi_to_html(source);

  // Set the inner HTML for the host node.
  host.innerHTML = `<pre>${content}</pre>`;

  // Return the rendered promise.
  return Promise.resolve(undefined);
import moment from 'moment';

import DatasetFactory from '../../../tabledata/datasetfactory';
import TableVisualization from '../../../visualization/builtins/visualization-table';
import BarchartVisualization from '../../../visualization/builtins/visualization-barchart';
import PiechartVisualization from '../../../visualization/builtins/visualization-piechart';
import AreachartVisualization from '../../../visualization/builtins/visualization-areachart';
import LinechartVisualization from '../../../visualization/builtins/visualization-linechart';
import ScatterchartVisualization from '../../../visualization/builtins/visualization-scatterchart';
import NetworkVisualization from '../../../visualization/builtins/visualization-d3network';
import {DefaultDisplayType, SpellResult} from '../../../spell';
import {ParagraphStatus} from '../paragraph.status';
import Result from './result';

const AnsiUp = require('ansi_up');
const AnsiUpConverter = new AnsiUp.default; // eslint-disable-line new-parens,new-cap
const TableGridFilterTemplate = require('../../../visualization/builtins/visualization-table-grid-filter.html');

angular.module('zeppelinWebApp').controller('ResultCtrl', ResultCtrl);

function ResultCtrl($scope, $rootScope, $route, $window, $routeParams, $location,
                    $timeout, $compile, $http, $q, $templateCache, $templateRequest, $sce, websocketMsgSrv,
                    baseUrlSrv, ngToast, saveAsService, noteVarShareService, heliumService,
                    uiGridConstants) {

   * Built-in visualizations
  $scope.builtInTableDataVisualizationList = [
      id: 'table',   // paragraph.config.graph.mode
// tslint:disable:object-literal-sort-keys
import * as Toolkit from 'chipmunk.client.toolkit';
import { default as AnsiUp } from 'ansi_up';

const ansiup = new AnsiUp();
ansiup.escape_for_html = false;

const REGS = {
    COLORS: /\x1b\[[\d;]{1,}[mG]/,
    COLORS_GLOBAL: /\x1b\[[\d;]{1,}[mG]/g,

const ignoreList: { [key: string]: boolean } = {};

export class ASCIIColorsParser extends Toolkit.ARowCommonParser {

    public parse(str: string, themeTypeRef: Toolkit.EThemeType, row: Toolkit.IRowInfo): string {
        if (typeof row.sourceName === "string") {
            if (ignoreList[row.sourceName] === undefined) {
                ignoreList[row.sourceName] =\.dlt$/gi) !== -1;
/* @flow */
const React = require("react");
const { TriangleRightIcon } = require("react-octicons");
const ansiUp = require("ansi_up").default;
const Job = require("../../job");
const Padding = require("./Padding");
const LabelWithIcon = require("./LabelWithIcon");

const ansiUpInstance = new ansiUp();

type Props = {
  job: Job,
  isSelected: boolean,

module.exports = class JobRunOutput extends React.Component {
  render() {
    const { job, isSelected } = this.props;

    const hasContent = Boolean(
      isSelected || job.runResult.output.trim().length &gt; 0 || job.error
    if (!hasContent) {
      return null;
function renderText(options: renderText.IRenderOptions): Promise {
  // Unpack the options.
  let { host, source } = options;

  // Escape the terminal codes and HTML tags.
  let data = escape_for_html(source);

  // Create the HTML content.
  let content = ansi_to_html(data, { use_classes: true });

  // Set the inner HTML for the host node.
  host.innerHTML = `<pre>${content}</pre>`;

  // Return the rendered promise.
  return Promise.resolve(undefined);

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